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I think Draco the minimum is 25K


This comes from General SuperNova Advice Draco Galaxy.


"Ship Design

Ships are composed of the following types of system. You do not need to include all of these on a ship. A ship must be a minimum of 10000 tons. A starship needs at least one engine and orbital installations and defence bases cannot have engines (which limits them both to only 1 AP)"

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Hello. Having an issue getting graphviz running on my new laptop. Hopefully somebody smarter can point out where my mistake is.

Downloaded the MSI https://graphviz.gitlab.io/_pages/Download/windows/graphviz-2.38.msi

Ran the installer.

In my list of programs, gvedit.exe is the only thing listed as installed, so I click on it.

I click on OPEN file and select dot, dotty, or neato application. After I open neato, I get this output console statements:

working on C:/Program Files (x86)/Graphviz2.38/bin/neato.exe

Error: <gvedit>: syntax error in line 1 near 'MZÂ'



I then click on settings, change Layout Engine to neato. Change Output File Type to jpeg, or pdf, even left to png.

Set the location for the output(desktop), then at the bottom, I select Load and load up my MAP file(created from SNfindpath).

Then I click on OK, then nothing. No files created. I do get this message in the output console:

Error: <gvedit>: syntax error in line 1 near 'MZÂ'



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I use graphviz on .map files created from snfindpath and it works fine.  I do however delete everything after the first few lines that isn't the actual node connections.  There's an example below.

Make sure that you do not open that map file and then save it using anything other than a plain ascii text editor--any hidden characters (like the usual paragraph or line break marks added by MS Word, for instance) will mess up graphviz's ability to read the file.  I use Notepad--simple and effective.

You could add fleet info in as well, but you'd need to either edit the map file manually (use Notepad--never a regular word processor, to avoid adding hidden characters) or come up with code to do it for you.

It's really important to make sure the basic formatting is exactly right, with just as many { as } and semicolons ; at the end of the appropriate lines.  Graphviz is very picky about that. If your file is massive (huge #'s of warp connections to map out) then graphviz might take a minute to think things over.

for example, a map file like this would create a simple pdf with a couple of color-coded fleets marking their locations with dashed lines.Sample.pdf

Digraph G {overlap=scale;
{node [width=.3,height=.3,shape=box,style=filled,color=aquamarine] "<101> 1 XB Pathfinder"}
{node [width=.3,height=.3,shape=box,style=filled,color=orchid1] "<501> 3 PBX Bastion"}
Able -> Baker;Baker -> Able;Baker -> E1234;
"<101> 1 XB Pathfinder" -> Baker[style=dashed];
"<501> 3 PBX Bastion" -> Able[style=dashed];}
  1. Save that as a straight text file (again, Notepad is your friend here, never use MS Word for this)
  2. Fire up graphviz.exe
  3. Click Open (the little folder icon) and select the file
  4. Graphviz should say "working on...filename" - if you have errors then the file has bad formatting, missing semicolons or non matching { } symbols or some invisible characters of some sort
  5. Then click Settings (the running man, but not the running man that says Layout)
  6. Personally I select Layout Engine: Neato and Output File Type: pdf
  7. Then click OK
  8. The resulting pdf should be in the same folder that you put the map file

The resulting pdf is attached.  Of course, a real map with many more connections and fleets would be much more interesting B)

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Thank you Pete. After getting a message, it was clear what I did wrong. When I click OPEN in gvedit, I was selecting neato, dot, etc etc, that was my mistake. Once I clicked to OPEN the exported file from snfindpath in gvedit, then the map generates as intended. Also, in the snfindpath, be sure to select a start system and an end system before you export.

1. Export your data from snfindpath(select start system and end system first)

2. Start gvedit.exe and select OPEN file

3. In the dialog box that pops up, navigate to where you saved your exported .map file and select it to open.

4. After you have "opened" the .map file, click on settings and choose the format type(neato, dot)

5. Select output type to get  jpeg or pdf map

6. Change the destination of the soon to created map

7. Click ok and you should get a map.

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