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Underdeep Rises!


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Appalled citizens all over the Empire mourn the loss of one of the oldest of the Galactic Explorer fleets that was pushing the outwards known boundaries of the Empire. An hitherto unknown alien race struck first without any warning or early border marker fleets and the Emperor has decided to quickly send an Armed Recovery Strike Force to search for survivors of this heinous deed. Though the Empire has been at peace of late, at least the Imperial Industrial Corporate Sector seems happy for this event...

(Wheee an enemy!!! Whopee!! I was growing soooo bored)




Alien Fleet Sighting : Albright Warp Point # 12608 [warp move by empire # 2060]

[stellar cartography reports that Warp Point # 12608 has not yet been surveyed by your scouts]

UND The Underdeep # 705 '5 Planets Arranged In A Pentagon'

[X-Ray] Go Away

1 BASE Sentry2 (Base Station - 1,844,740 tons)






----- ALBRIGHT [ N (Deep Red) 2 VI ] [single Star] - Warp Point 12608 -----


The Genesian Gremloid Technocracy # 2060 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 88,600.....Base Fire Control: 1 [0 bridge]


The Underdeep # 705 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 1,844,740.....Base Fire Control: 104 [192,200,000 bridge]


Thus I Love, With Fear And Loathing The Genesian Gremloid Technocracy #2060 Ranger


------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

The Underdeep # 705 [5 Planets Arranged In A Pentagon]

Go Away [ROE: X] *Englobe* (Fleet Tonnage: 1,844,740)

[Deploy Location 7] 1 BASE Sentry2 (Base Station - 1,844,740 tons [each])


------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

The Genesian Gremloid Technocracy # 2060 [black Phoenix Rising From Golden Egg On Red Trimmed With Purple]

Thus I Love, With Fear And Loathing [ROE: R] *Void Striker* (Fleet Tonnage: 88,600)

[Deploy Location 10] 1 EX ISS Shredded View (Explorer - 88,600 tons [each])

<1,000 Caldaran Crystals>--<892 Fuel>


** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 10 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [1st] EX ISS Shredded View (Explorer - 88,600 tons) [integrity: 0 / 55,580] [shields: 0 / 6,250,000] (Green,

Timid) 1,000 Cargo Bay, 10 Fuel Shuttle, 11,300 Fuel Tankage, 18 Mk IV Antimatter Engine, 8 Mk IV Jump Survey Sensor

The Genesian Saturday, May 30, 2009 Gremloid Technocracy 2060 Page 9 of 2564

25 Mk IX Force Shield, 1 Mk VII Long Lance Torpedo, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive

Missile: 128,000

Maneuverability: 13.00, Missile Defense: 50.00 %

** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 7 ------------------------------------------------------------

BASE Sentry2 (Base Station - 1,844,740 tons) [integrity: 2,103,434,220 / 2,103,434,220] [shields: 924,989,088 /

925,000,000] (Seasoned)

32 3cm Chain Gun, 21 Burst Mine Rack, 700 FCS-1 Archer Fire Control, 2,200 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid

6 Mk I Medium Range Sensor, 58 Mk II Short Range Sensor, 1 Mk III Long Lance Torpedo, 12 Mk III Standard Missile

3,700 Mk IV Repulsor CIDS, 3,700 Mk IX Force Shield, 31 Proton Lock, 4,400 Reflective Armor Coating

2 Siege Tachyon Blaster, 700,000 Tckon 68, 5 Type D Disintegrator

Energy Disruptor: 8,800,000, Matter Disruptor: 8,800,000, Mines: 11,088, Missile: 25,600, Particle Beam: 8,448,000

Projectile: 2,816

Molecular Pattern Stabilization: 1.70 %, Missile Defense: 89.00 %, Reflective Coating: 1.20 %

Sensors: 1.80 %

----- Post-Battle Damage Assessment Report-----

Side 1

[10] 1 ISS Shredded View class EX..................................................1 Destroyed

Side 2

[7] 1 Sentry2 class BASE




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The "Go Away" base station appears to be what we call a kitchen-sink design. Mostly built of leftover parts from EXPL orders.


So exactly when have your explorers found 5 leftover Type D Disentigrators laying around? Oh sure, they tossed some random junk into the mix like 1 MK III Long Lance Torpedo. But 99.9% of the station was built to hit anyone coming near with a 26 Million point love tap.


Plus the Seasoned nature of the station makes you wonder what they've been doing to build up the crew. Probably target practice with drones and dummies that look suspiciously like Locklyn's ships.

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Yes, this is an unprovoked act of War. Any sensible Empire knows to mark the inner 15 systems of their Empire with sensor marker fleets at every warp point and gas giant as to ensure that alien races know that they are encroaching on another Empires territory and are aware that they may be blasted into smithereens shortly.


Oh well, our ARSF Fleet will take care of the Underdeep survivors as well...





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Well, based on the design of the ship, the system the battle took place in couldn't have been a nexus. There are no engines or fuel tankage or jump drives on the base. There must be at least one orbit that they could put down a slip, shipyards, and power. Once the base was built it would have to be towed into place at the warp point.


The warp point must have some importance attached to it to merit that kind of effort to guard it. It is more then adequate to take out small defenseless explore ships. Not sure if Lars came there through a one-way or not.


Lars could take the high road here and open diplomatic channels instead of opening fire. Not every empire out there has empire border markers. Yes, losing an explore ship sucks. I've had it happen to me for various reasons. It's not the end of the world, especially with the production juggernaut the Gremloids have at their disposal. They have around 6 or more captured HWs?


If Lars chooses to open fire instead of opening talks then I will be forced to put him on the W.H.A.P.O roster as a member in good standing.


Sakarissa :beer:

The Circle

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  • 1 month later...

The Emperor today announced the loss of the Imperial Fuelling Ship Sweet Saviour as it was viciously attacked by an Underdeep Battleship in the Erine system, a known GGT system a far from the Albright system where the earlier incident happened. Fortunately its sister ship was of the newer models and quite capable of handling the Underdeep attacker but a stray shot from the enemy crippled the Sweet Saviour and she was lost with all hands. Despite the recent bouts of diplomatic attempts to quell a growing conflict this atrocious attack on fuelling ships made the Emperor appear at the Octagon and to the assembled general staff declare that a state of war now exists between the Underdeep and the Genesian Gremloid Technocracy.







----- ERINE [ M (Red) 5 V ] [single Star] - Warp Point 33432 -----


The Genesian Gremloid Technocracy # 2060 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 2,964,800.....Base Fire Control: 1 [0 bridge]

The Underdeep # 705 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 3,482,980.....Base Fire Control: 12 [44,320,000 bridge]


test The Underdeep #705 Master Scientist Bifrons


------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

The Underdeep # 705 [5 Planets Arranged In A Pentagon]


test [ROE: X] *Total Defense* (Fleet Tonnage: 3,482,980)

[Deploy Location 1] 1 BB Azazel (Battleship - 3,482,980 tons [each])

<436,072 Fuel>--<400 Light Drone>


------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

The Genesian Gremloid Technocracy # 2060 [black Phoenix Rising From Golden Egg On Red Trimmed With Purple]


Empty Sacs [ROE: Q] *Void Striker* (Fleet Tonnage: 2,964,800)

[Deploy Location 10] 1 FTA IFS Companions Delight (Fleet Tanker - 1,290,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 10] 1 FTA IFS Sweet Saviour (Fleet Tanker - 1,674,800 tons [each])

<5 Colony Beacon>--<2,500,000 Fuel>


** Battle Damage Assessment Report **


----- Deployed Ordnance (Fighter/Drone Survivors) -----

The Underdeep # 705 [ 400 / 400 Light Drone] Standard Attack Mk I Nuclear Pulse Engine


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 10 ------------------------------------------------------------

FTA IFS Companions Delight (Fleet Tanker - 1,290,000 tons) [integrity: 210,000 / 210,000] [shields: 49,507,626 /

62,500,000] (Green, Timid)

100 Fuel Shuttle, 1,000,000 Fuel Tankage, 250 Mk IX Force Shield, 1,000 Mk V Gravitic Thruster

100 Mk VII Standoff Missile, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive

Missile: 20,480,000

Maneuverability: 272.87, Missile Defense: 50.00 %


**DESTROYED** [1st] FTA IFS Sweet Saviour (Fleet Tanker - 1,674,800 tons) [integrity: 0 / 134,920] (Green, Timid)

5,000 Cargo Bay, 200 Fuel Shuttle, 1,500,000 Fuel Tankage, 248 Mk II Gravitic Thruster, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive

Maneuverability: 37.91, Missile Defense: 50.00 %


** Battle Damage Assessment Report **


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 1 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [2nd] BB Azazel (Battleship - 3,482,980 tons) [integrity: 0 / 13,008,980] [shields: 0 / 450,000] (Green,


41 20cm Autocannon, 129 Blaster CIDS, 4,000 Cargo Bay, 4 Drone Rack, 2,216 FCS-1 Archer Fire Control

50 Fuel Shuttle, 450,000 Fuel Tankage, 1,500 Mk I Force Shield, 200 Mk I Long Range Sensor

41 Mk II Flux Capacitor, 73 Mk II Tachyon Screen, 78 Mk III Nuclear Jump Drive, 2 Mk IV Jump Survey Sensor

7,030 Mk V Nuclear Engine, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 500,000 Selenite Battle Weave, 54 Survey Lander

4 Type A Defense Screen, 2 Type A Science Lab, 50 Type B Plasma Torpedo, 11 Type C ECM Package

Plasma Torpedo: 26,400,001, Projectile: 18,040

ECM: 6.00 %, Flux Capacitance: 1.20 %, Maneuverability: 8.07, Missile Defense: 50.20 %, Screens: 0.60 %

Sensors: 5.50 %, Tachyon Grid: 2.10 %


----- Post-Battle Damage Assessment Report-----


Side 1

[10] 1 IFS Companions Delig class FTA

[10] 1 IFS Sweet Saviour class FTA..................................................1 Destroyed


Side 2

[1] 1 Azazel class BB..................................................1 Destroyed




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Fleet Tanker my rear appendage. 1 Million tankage and almost 1/2 that amount in weapons and a large amount of shields?!. That was a guided missle ship disguised as a fleet tanker. Oh that was clever. How many times did he have to sail it back and forth in front of the battleship real slow, giving the old "I'm just an innocent tanker carrying fuel" routine, until the old girl finally moved? Imagine the battleships commander when the the covers blew off all the missles silos and SURPRISE his ship was blasted from a distance. Oh the horror of it all....

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I thought you had border ships stationed at all locations 15 out from your HW? You said Underdeep was at fault for NOT having done this and letting you get all the way to the Underdeep HW. SO obviously this is a dirty sneak attack by you on the poor innocent Underdeep ship that had been sitting in the system since 2008.


Look who had ROE set to X ...

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Hmmm....the program said it was a tanker . Besides , a tanker is a valuable piece of equipment , so it is only logical that it be armed in some manner.....protect against pirates . No self respecting tanker captain wants to be taken prisoner and held hostage for some kind of ransom .

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Appalled citizens all over the Empire mourn the loss of one of the oldest of the Galactic Explorer fleets that was pushing the outwards known boundaries of the Empire. An hitherto unknown alien race struck first without any warning or early border marker fleets and the Emperor has decided to quickly send an Armed Recovery Strike Force to search for survivors of this heinous deed. Though the Empire has been at peace of late, at least the Imperial Industrial Corporate Sector seems happy for this event...

(Wheee an enemy!!! Whopee!! I was growing soooo bored)


Yes, this is an unprovoked act of War. Any sensible Empire knows to mark the inner 15 systems of their Empire with sensor marker fleets at every warp point and gas giant as to ensure that alien races know that they are encroaching on another Empires territory and are aware that they may be blasted into smithereens shortly.


Oh well, our ARSF Fleet will take care of the Underdeep survivors as well...




The POINT is this is the reason he SAID the war was started, and NOW, a ship is on his side of a boarder? HOW? Is he not guilty of his own complaint? No warning marker fleets!


Typical, White Hat, ANY made up reason for a fight, when they want to act like a pirate.


Attacking out of boredom, nice guy. Hope the rest of the non allies in his area, or maybe allies he does not agree with are taking notice.


All the PA kept the Bob border with Lars agreement even though we knew where a HW was of his and the Bob border was only between Lars and Bob, this was back before Hellenic league, before Lars had his massive production, and even as his ships were busy with Hellenic league we stayed away. So we see this as what it is an attack without justification, PIRACY.

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About the only thing you didn't accuse Lock of was secretly transporting weapons hidden within the fuel tanks and supplying them to religious terrorists on your colony worlds. If you're going to have righteous indignation on your side, you might as well pull out all the stops. <_<

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Appalled citizens all over the Empire mourn the loss of one of the oldest of the Galactic Explorer fleets that was pushing the outwards known boundaries of the Empire. An hitherto unknown alien race struck first without any warning or early border marker fleets and the Emperor has decided to quickly send an Armed Recovery Strike Force to search for survivors of this heinous deed. Though the Empire has been at peace of late, at least the Imperial Industrial Corporate Sector seems happy for this event...

(Wheee an enemy!!! Whopee!! I was growing soooo bored)


Yes, this is an unprovoked act of War. Any sensible Empire knows to mark the inner 15 systems of their Empire with sensor marker fleets at every warp point and gas giant as to ensure that alien races know that they are encroaching on another Empires territory and are aware that they may be blasted into smithereens shortly.


Oh well, our ARSF Fleet will take care of the Underdeep survivors as well...




The POINT is this is the reason he SAID the war was started, and NOW, a ship is on his side of a boarder? HOW? Is he not guilty of his own complaint? No warning marker fleets!


Typical, White Hat, ANY made up reason for a fight, when they want to act like a pirate.


Attacking out of boredom, nice guy. Hope the rest of the non allies in his area, or maybe allies he does not agree with are taking notice.


All the PA kept the Bob border with Lars agreement even though we knew where a HW was of his and the Bob border was only between Lars and Bob, this was back before Hellenic league, before Lars had his massive production, and even as his ships were busy with Hellenic league we stayed away. So we see this as what it is an attack without justification, PIRACY.


Gary, I thought you had left the boards because we did not take you seriously. Welcome back.


So what you are saying is Bob (ROE of X) is a Pirate because he attacked Lars (ROE of Q) without justification after crossing a border well known to all parties involved. I guess it is typical of the PA to attack without justification but I don't understand why you are calling a Bob a White Hat.


And what does it mean to say the ASRF fleet will take care of the Underdeep survivors? That sounds kind of chilling. I am glad I am not an Underdeep survivor.

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