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game 97


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New map:





- A discussion on the durability of air bases is an indication that both teams in te midde east have a lot of fight left in them.

- Iceland opens a new front in the war in the north

- Some movenment in the central front in Europe. Both sides concentrating their air assaults, causing whole aries to melt away in the summer sun.

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Disappointed in the no votes to continue this game. Don't really understand the "no" vote as Russ commented all stats would be tallied as if the game ended turn 72. Players could then continue or not as is their choice.players not electing to keep playing could have their positions filled as needed within the Vic community.

I guess the Russian alliance wants no part of Iraq...⚔☠

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Our group voted no...


But to be honest (at least for me, but cannot yet talk for the others), my vote was only meant that i dont want to continue after turn 73.

I somehow missed the point that i could still bail out and transfer the position to a replacement, without any disadvantage to my "score".

So, it's definitely no problem for me to hand my country over to allow you guys an exciting going on.


Sorry for my misunderstanding.

I will ask my mates if their "No" was also just limited on their personal "stay-on"-decision... and then come back to Russ with that...


Best regards


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I don't think that will help. If you play for an end in 73, you will also do that for supplies etc needed. At the end of the game, you do less MCR, less APD/RPD, less building of industry and everything else economic. So continuing the game when one block is focussed on ending the game at turn 73 and then hands their position over isn't the same. Plus new players need to get a feel for the countries, which were run with specific ideas from other people.


For me it is a NO, if the entire Russian block quits after 73.

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We're fighting a big, undecided war against an able opponent without too much distraction.

There are five of them and there are five of us. One of them is distracted by the middle eastern team (central Russia),

so is one of us (Morocco)


We have higher production numbers, but they have better logistics as a lot of our strength is located in the island nations.


I have no idea who will win this, as the Olive (north/eastern) team is still pushing forward. (Offenbach and Frankfurt)

Possibly this war is not decided at the time the game ends. Not in points, but in what would happen if we continued.

I have been part of glorious victories, hopeless defeats and games that went out with a sputter, but this is a first.


That's the appeal of a continuation after turn 73. I don not care about the new toys on the shelf, It's the opponent that I am interested in.

So I have to agree with Falco.

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Looks like our group continues to allow all interested to game on.

One or two are maybe leaving, but we can look for solutions on that ourselves..


Nevertheless, just one last comment:

Our group is mainly living from Russian technology... which is not too good (no fighter with speed 8 or 9) in the last turns of the game, not speaking of an extension further than 73.

We won't be able to really cope on similar terms later on...

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Your team seems to have a DSM advantage. My team has a CSC advantage.

I can only promise things on behalf of the Italians, but if Baltic states promises not to build Me 262's Italy won't build them either.

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Like Lukas said, you have DSM advantage, we have CSC advantage. Russians Tech also has the better bombers, only American Tech is better in that regard. Lots of advantages and disadvantages. I don't think tech choice makes the game unequal after turn 73, except for US Tech being to strong.

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New map:




- No clear picture of the situation in Norway emerges.

- The Olive alliance finally gets hold of the Ruhr but loses some territories on the flanks.

- Italy is overrun by tourists with camera's.

- Northern Russia is becoming troublesome. Lots of Planes, Lots of T-34's

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Looking for a challenge for real... Turkey thought he was doing something attacking Syria in my absence, turkeys military in turkey annihilated in turkey in only two turns.

Will Central present the challenge I'm looking for!? Doubtful from what I've seen so far...time to find out?

Maybe this game shouldn't continue...

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