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So whats happening?


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After all the months of long discussions on the boards on the need for revised rules, better naval combat documents and FOB & combat results there has been little to nothing in the way of GM response to this on the boards or the turns and the FOB seem still not to give the wanted data. Could we get an ETA on this or has it been decided that it was an unnecessary piece of work? Now it feels like the issue is just being ignored?



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After all the months of long discussions on the boards on the need for revised rules, better naval combat documents and FOB & combat results there has been little to nothing in the way of GM response to this on the boards or the turns and the FOB seem still not to give the wanted data. Could we get an ETA on this or has it been decided that it was an unnecessary piece of work? Now it feels like the issue is just being ignored?



It's not going to happen this week, as Pete is on vacation, but perhaps a new, refreshed and rejuvenated Pete will give us a grand end-of-the-year "Game Status" Report. :alien2:

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Would Pete or Russ care to comment on this thread whether or not there is any work on a new rulebook or if this is not considered a priority for the forseeable future? A lot of the veteran players have been doing RTGs job for them by leading the new players through the current defunct "rules" that are quite misleading for someone new to the game. I for one am tired of doing it with so little feedback from the GMs on this matter and others and will do it no further.



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If one doesn't have the same pipeline into the RTG office as you've always had and has to rely on the rules then one gets frustrated.


If one cannot call local calls like you to get a clear and concise answer to contradictory items, then one gets frustrated.


If one gets the same "I'm looking into adding that to the turns" reply on an item for more than a year without and progress then one gets frustrated.


When one tries to sell the game to various gaming groups one is involved in and people aren't interested because they've heard of so many people having trouble with the rules and such then one gets frustrated.


When one reports errors in turns or bugs on the same day one gets the turn and don't get any reply to whether it's fixed or not untill the next turn is running and with no explanation of the error, then one gets frustrated. When fixed errors keep happening without any explanation or feedback then one gets frustrated beyond belief.


All these things are surely beyond your comprehension as your response of "drop" would then be applied to a lot more players than just me that aren't satisfied with how the rules issues are being handled. And since I am paying A LOT of money every month to this professional company, I as a paying customer also have a right to voice complaints or issues especially when there is NO feedback on them from the GMs.



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Pipeline.....I have spoken to Pete once in 4 or 5 months and that was to ask if he was comning to out Denver event. It would seem that the GMs are ignoring you (based on your posts) and one has to wonder if it's because the "house is on fire" all the time in your posts.


We have all had the same problems as you have had but we (those I work with) tend to send emails in instead of running around on the boards with our arms in the air. It is possible that your constant threads reeking of negativity are driving players away. Of course it could just be poor old me getting the upper hand on your alliance members.... :cheers:

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Pipeline.....I have spoken to Pete once in 4 or 5 months and that was to ask if he was comning to out Denver event. It would seem that the GMs are ignoring you (based on your posts) and one has to wonder if it's because the "house is on fire" all the time in your posts.


We have all had the same problems as you have had but we (those I work with) tend to send emails in instead of running around on the boards with our arms in the air. It is possible that your constant threads reeking of negativity are driving players away. Of course it could just be poor old me getting the upper hand on your alliance members....  :beer:


Indeed then things have changed from the early times when you indeed seemed to have that pipeline and tried out things before everyone else. The GMs seem to be ignoring anything that requires them to say "In two months time the rules will be redone" or " A new and complete naval combat document will be published before x-mas" As for "House on Fire", the thing I've consequently requested is clear and concise rules that reflect the actual game, that everyone has the same and complete combat information, that other game systems be explained so as not to run into the same quagmire of confusion that people have experienced with the combat issues, items such as stability, religion, leaders, diplomacy and other such things that would seem to be integral to the game as well as combat no?


Oh I've sent emails, as has those I work with, and gotten conflicting and contradicting replies or the standard "I'm looking into adding that to the turn report" which has been Petes response to my wanting Stability explained for the last year or so. Lately I have gotten little or no reply to what has gone kablooey when reporting errors or bugs


Actually I've tried quite hard recruiting players in other venues and speaking well of RTG is not a problem, but more players than me seem to have issues with the design and the response on these issues and others.


As for your end statement, just keep believing that along with all those other ideas :cheers:



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Clearly we are aware of the need for a rules update to incorporate changes, additions, etc. that have occurred since the last version.


Our first priority is day-to-day operations - getting turns out the door on schedule, dealing with any immediate issues that come up, etc. Everything else is a 'time available' project so we do the best we can with the time we have available. I cannot promise that the updated rules will be available by a specific date as the time we have available to work on projects varies all the time as does the project list itself.


The rules project is pretty much at the top of the list of special projects (non day-to-day items) but it is not a small project so tackling it takes a fair amount of effort. There are no extra 'staff' that can be assigned to this specific project and the current 'staff' (both of us) have plenty of responsibilites and finite time to work with. This leads to a lot of frustration on both sides and I'm sure that 'we are doing the best we can' is something that will simply be unacceptable to some regardless of circumstances. This is understandable and, believe me, it has already cost RTG dearly in the pocketbook. If I could wave a magic wand and make everything better I would - aside from the fact that I love games and hate seeing gamers unhappy, I would probably be making a great deal more money as well. Unfortunately I have no real metaphysical talents and neither does Pete so all we can really promise is to do the best we can each day.



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Unfortunately I have no real metaphysical talents and neither does Pete so all we can really promise is to do the best we can each day.

We disagree. And as a theocratic governement we think we'd know.

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