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  1. When my turns were over 1000 pages the second or third thing I did was to search on "Naval Bat" so I rarely missed any battles. I would assume everybody does something similar. What I will miss is a MESS order buried in the turn some place. I wish they were all located in a dedicated part of the report and not buried between my own orders. Of course I understand that empires are so massive in Andro that losing a few M or B tons could slip through the cracks.
  2. If they are being played I think that blowing up their stuff will get their attention like no other option.
  3. Now that does bring back some memories....
  4. The reforms are quite valuable in the short term but I am not sure we are in the long stretch to see the downsides of the ship limit.
  5. Lots of spreadsheets out there for ship design...
  6. It would be nice to have an updated turn entry program...
  7. There needs to be another installation that makes lumber substitues from other stuff like fibers,grains, coal etc. Lumber is way too scarce in my view and there are no real wsy to incresse the very few yields that exist.
  8. Sitting here and waiting for turns and thinking about stuff. - I would find it helpful to have the excess power printed in the header of the pop group, either the installation part or the stockpile part. - I am still hoping for the MESS order to be increased in size so meaningful messages can be sent. - I would like the complete order for a CR to be reported. I want to see that I loaded all but excluded something or I didn't. - I would like new tech that has opened up to be reported on the bottom of the Research center page. - Standing orders could be compiled in a table to take up much less space. - The recent WP surveyed, say the last 5 turns could be reported automatically, but the rest of them could just be an order like the RTD order that you can get when you want it and not take up lots of space all the time. I rarely look at that section except to count how many pages it is. - Might be nice to have an option for shorter battle reports that just say who started and who ended without the individual ship details. - The results for some pretty routine orders could be abbreviated like this Current report WARP: XX 56160 Fuel is expended during the transition through this Class E Warp Point Fleet #XX jumps to the XX star system, appearing at a new Warp Point: # 123456. All non-Transwarp ships in Fleet #39 (if any) are reduced to zero Action Points following their Warp move. Potential report WARP: XX, Type E, 56160 Fuel used, appeared System XXX Warp Point: # 32125, It is a given that a Non-TWD ships AP is reduced to 0 so who needs to be reminded of it. Also, unless the AP left is going to be reported the info is of little to no value. If the fleet is short on fuel then it could look like this WARP: XX, Aborted, Type E, 56160 required, only 23999 on board Next is the SURV order SURV: XX Fleet #XX begins a detailed Warp Survey of Warp Point 1234 in the Albatross system Sensor crews report that Warp Point 1234 is a Class A Warp Point with the ability to handle 27 ships jumping at the same instant under combat conditions The destination of this Warp Point lies in the Fish star system That could be shortened to this SURV: XX , Warp Point 1234, Albatross system, Class A, WP size 27, destination; Fish I don't mind the language now but after having surveyed 1000's of WP's I never look at it anymore. Make these changes and the bulk of my orders section would be reduced significantly since I like top explore and survey WP's.
  9. Draco started out with regular news reports of the attackers and the vanquished. However, it has been many moons since we have had an update. Are we ever going to get another update? Also, the intelligence reports are quite nice, but it would also be nice to get a few more clues on how the numbers are calculated. Anything here would be much appreciated.
  10. Happy New Year to all of my allies and especially any enemies that are sticking with it. It is hard to believe that another year has gone by but it has. I hope to interact with more of you next year. I know I look forward to it even if you don't!
  11. SIGH...... Is this DECF home thing going to be a regular event? I can see one time maybe to clean up the data base but we went 15 years in Andromeda without ever having our fleets screwed up this way. This will require a number of orders just to put a lot of them back. If this is going to coincide with some other event then please let us know, in advance, so we can prepare. There are lots of other orders I would prefer to use with my turn $$dollars and recreating fleets that were already there and went poof is not top of the list. grumble, grumble......
  12. I am just hoping not to get this one "Intelligence operatives, interstellar merchants, spies, rumormongers and other sources report that your empire boasts one of the most pitiful excuses of a colonization efforts they have seen anywhere and your single pop group with 10 pop appears to be the best that you can do. Furthermore, your sources indicate that your explorers have discovered an insignificant number of star systems and you should be shamed into at least leaving your home system. Additionally, your sources report that your standing army is among the smallest and your advisors are correct that 5 measly divisions will not do the job."
  13. In my battles, years ago by now, I had 100's and 1000's of BDN's in the 10-20M ton range and I recall them being called Junk screens as they were screening my big ships that were 20B - 40B tons each. Total fleet strength was 700B plus. Even old useless ships are useful for spotting somebody so there is zero reason to gather them up and destroy them in Andromeda. So, you should help your neighbors remove these old ships by running around with your fleets on Zulu so they will be engaged and destroyed.
  14. Think Military Police (MP's) or Security Forces (SF for Air Force). Not used in the population but used in military operations. So, they count as troops and are added to the army. In the real world they guard the gates and provide security to sleeping troops, protect aircraft and materials on a base, among other things.
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