Sitting here and waiting for turns and thinking about stuff.
- I would find it helpful to have the excess power printed in the header of the pop group, either the installation part or the stockpile part.
- I am still hoping for the MESS order to be increased in size so meaningful messages can be sent.
- I would like the complete order for a CR to be reported. I want to see that I loaded all but excluded something or I didn't.
- I would like new tech that has opened up to be reported on the bottom of the Research center page.
- Standing orders could be compiled in a table to take up much less space.
- The recent WP surveyed, say the last 5 turns could be reported automatically, but the rest of them could just be an order like the RTD order that you can get when you want it and not take up lots of space all the time. I rarely look at that section except to count how many pages it is.
- Might be nice to have an option for shorter battle reports that just say who started and who ended without the individual ship details.
- The results for some pretty routine orders could be abbreviated like this
Current report
56160 Fuel is expended during the transition through this Class E Warp Point
Fleet #XX jumps to the XX star system, appearing at a new Warp Point: # 123456.
All non-Transwarp ships in Fleet #39 (if any) are reduced to zero Action Points following their Warp move.
Potential report
WARP: XX, Type E, 56160 Fuel used, appeared System XXX Warp Point: # 32125,
It is a given that a Non-TWD ships AP is reduced to 0 so who needs to be reminded of it. Also, unless the AP left is going to be reported the info is of little to no value.
If the fleet is short on fuel then it could look like this
WARP: XX, Aborted, Type E, 56160 required, only 23999 on board
Next is the SURV order
Fleet #XX begins a detailed Warp Survey of Warp Point 1234 in the Albatross system
Sensor crews report that Warp Point 1234 is a Class A Warp Point with the ability to handle 27 ships jumping at the same
instant under combat conditions
The destination of this Warp Point lies in the Fish star system
That could be shortened to this
SURV: XX , Warp Point 1234, Albatross system, Class A, WP size 27, destination; Fish
I don't mind the language now but after having surveyed 1000's of WP's I never look at it anymore.
Make these changes and the bulk of my orders section would be reduced significantly since I like top explore and survey WP's.