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The Fremen

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    The New Jersey Shore

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  1. More like escaped a furious onslaught of bombers and divebombers. We were fully expecting to lose more then we did but through the superb leadership of the fleet Admiral and some rather poor marksmanship on your end 10 of 16 made it back to safety. Mission Accomplished! The rail yards of xSuez were left a twisted mangled heap of scrap metal. Bahahahaha πŸ˜ˆπŸ‘
  2. I’ll say you do. Torpedo practice too!! πŸ˜‚. Bahahahahaha. Those πŸ‘ battleships are built super tough. 😁
  3. Yup you may get a few of our ships but the damage has been done. And we have plenty more. long live the πŸ‘ fighters!! bahhahahahaha
  4. Oh of that we have no doubt. More comin up. Better hold on to something !!! bahahahahaha. πŸ‘
  5. It sure is although word on the street is the UAE just suffered catastrophic losses. Baaaaahahahahaha. πŸ‘
  6. It’s not why play. I play to kick some 🐫 ass all across the desert. πŸ€ͺ
  7. Greece checking in. To my neighboring players …if your interested is working with me send me a note otherwise I will assume hostile intent and act accordingly. 😁 Joe S.
  8. Haven’t seen it yet in 108 but then we don’t use many MCR orders. I can see where this can be a very serious issue for nations that rely more heavily on MCR orders ( large nations)
  9. It’s the quiet πŸ‘ that you have to worry about most 😈
  10. πŸ‘ don’t get lost we just baahahaha in another direction. Those Saudi forces milling about in the Suez are just begging to be trampled by πŸ‘ hooves😈
  11. Some sneaky Saudi saboteurs messed with some road signs a while back but they found their way to the front anyway. Now that we have that fixed more are coming. 😈
  12. An Irish spy was recently captured by Moroccan πŸ‘ berserkers and after adding some rub from a secret Saharan oasis he was pit roasted and served with a side of choice English grass. Mmmm Mmmmm
  13. That’s one hell of a nation to begin a victory game solo. Aye caramba.
  14. Baaaaahahhahahaha. Nice one!!!
  15. Pirates?? Not true. The correct term is sea faring genetically modified savage warlike bloodthirsty πŸ‘ warriors. 😁πŸ’ͺ🏼
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