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[Heathens of Mecca? So now the Greeks want a holy war? It seems that you have been left alone to do pretty much as you pleased in Europe, but obviously, Europe is not enough for you. Come venture across our Sea, and find out if you like what you find my friend.


Your sea?



Yes, my Rumanian friend, our sea. If you have studied history, you will find the Romans always referred to it as our sea. We also consider it so, though that does not mean we would not share. Clearly, you have no intention of being so magnanamous. I have no doubts we will soon discover just whos sea it is, and I trust you will not be happy with the name.

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Yes, my Rumanian friend, our sea. If you have studied history, you will find the Romans always referred to it as our sea. We also consider it so, though that does not mean we would not share. Clearly, you have no intention of being so magnanamous. I have no doubts we will soon discover just whos sea it is, and I trust you will not be happy with the name.


No, I have not studied history but I know enough to say that the Algerians are not the decendants of Rome. You claiming the MED as Mare Nostrum is out of place for that very reason. It sounds very much like Carthaginian trickery to me. As you hold the remnants of Carthage, I am sure that some of their ways rubbed off on your people. (Yes, I know that it is all just Roman propaganda to discredit Carthage)


Now back to the issue at hand, it was not your control or use of the Med that sparked the incidents that have taken place but the ground forces near my backyard were. I started with bombing those forces and your response was to ship in even more of them, the ships were a legitimate target after that.


Honestly, I couldn't care less about how many ships you have parading up and down the Med, but those ground forces are not welcome and will be evacuated the hard way.


In the mean time, I have recalled the Rumanian Presidential Clipper from the Med, we wouldn't want an unfortunate incident, do we. And besides, there is nothing like a little competition, don't you think?






EDIT: "Carthage must be destroyed!"

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Remember, my Rumanian ally, that you should always end all your speeches, regardless of the subject, as Roman Senator Cato:


"Carthage must be destroyed"


It brings great clarity to repeat and repeat the final objective so that there is no confusion.



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Remember, my Rumanian ally, that you should always end all your speeches, regardless of the subject, as Roman Senator Cato:


"Carthage must be destroyed"


It brings great clarity to repeat and repeat the final objective so that there is no confusion.



I am not sure what you are referring to Calamaran, as you and I are not even at war, perhaps in your fevered dreams of world domination, you have killed Algerian troops, but I think perhaps you just ate too much spicy food late at night.


I love the sig line. It also gives us great clarity. We now know you intend us great harm, and there is no reason to play nice. I have a clear vision of history being changed, and see Carthiginians dancing in the streets of Athens and Bucharest while the dirty little ragamuffins that inhabit those infidel hovels gape on in horror.

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Dateline Abudhabi:


Marines break out of the beachhead perimeter, encounter no resistance.



reports of locals cheering arrival



Marshal Ghazi and his Persian 8th army were easily replused in their attempt to breakout of their entrapment in xBubiyan by our brave brothers in arms the Saudis.


Three countries invaded Saudi Arabia now they are all part of a Greater Arabia.


Now it appears the Balkans are beginning to swawk and parade around like little banty roosters.

Beware! it is not advisable to leave the safety of your chicken coop to seek the fox den.

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Wow!! Suddenly there are some awfully brave words from some little backyards in Europe. Claiming control of the Mediterranean and threatening the entire muslim world...


It is kind of easy to throw threats around when you are surrounded by the Confederacy of Fools or whatever northern Europe calls themselves.


It may be a mistake, however to start picking fights across the seas.

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the Confederacy of Fools


I'm no fool :cheers:


I should say come on over to Europe it's nice and crowded! Lot's of battle hardened armies waiting for fresh meat :alien2:



I don't much like crowds. And the weather in northern Europe is just terrible. I have no interest in snow and cold. Anytime my troops can't fight in shorts, it is too cold for me.


Now, the Balkans, that is a different story. Nice Mediterranean climate. A couple of misguided rulers bent on the elimination of my people. Besides, maybe we can make it a little less crowded for you.

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Meanwhile, back at the Central Chicken Coop... :cheers:


You don't like crowds? I suggest you stay out of Turkey then.

It is getting crowded with all those Rumanian chickens trying to get a glimpse of the sea you guys boast is yours. Besides, there are a lot of other people there as well; it is exactly where you don't want to go, it seems. I am sure you'll change your mind about this.


So far, you guys may control the seas, but not what flies above them it appears. This despite the fact that there are 50 groups of your spitfires trying to protect the landing zones. (<= Note the word "trying" here).


Also, just a thought: Maybe referring to my benevolent people as chickens was not so... thoughtfull. Just think how Egypt must feel in a couple of turns when his invasion forces have been pecked to death by a bunch of chickens? How is he ever going to explain that to the widows of his brave troops? :alien2:


Finally, if you ever do ever make it through Turkey (which I doubt), remember that you will be the ones having to do the swimming and that I have no intention of making it an easy task for you guys. You will bleed like you have not been bled before (as will I, if it should come to that)


The marching orders for the Rumanian armed forces are... well... a secret for you, really. I better get that desert operations TPL, I'll be needing it shortly.


Enjoy... <_<



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Well Calamaran, I still am not sure what of my ships you have sunk, but if you wish to have your airforce be history, send it west of Sicily. I will happily pluck your feathers, and put them in my hat. I would be curious what desert you expect to fight in. You will have a hard time walking across the Med, and there sure wont be any ships making the trip.


I will send you a nice not when I burn Bucharest to the ground though, I promise.

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Calamaran - I have a way of dealing with crowds. Early in the game, Saudi was getting crowded. Now there is lots of room for the children to play.


Turkey didn't used to be crowded. Some bad seeds moved into the neighborhood, and now look at it. It is really not a pleasant place for anybody. It is bringing down property values. We'll get it cleaned up soon. Then we can serve chicken soup to all.


It is kind of interesting how you look forward to the matchup of 25 IL-4s vs. 50 Spitfires. I must admit, I enjoy the matchup as well. You should keep flying into them so we can all enjoy the battle reports together.

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News from the Middle East:


xBaghdad has finally been freed from the grips of the old regime. Sources say this was the last stronghold of the former Iraqi government. The citizens who suffered for years with the opression of the old regime have now joyfully joined the growing Saudi Arabian empire.




In other fighting, the Persian invaders who had pilaged Saudi Arabia's oil fields last year have finally been brought to justice. Trapped in the city of xBubiyan the remnants of the Persian army raised the white flag and succumbed to he vastly superior Saudi army. In an ironic turn of events, the survivors of the Persian army have been enslaved and put to work in the same oil fields which they attacked just months earlier.

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Bon, bon, bon...

( Well, well, well...)


I'm sees that things in the Mer Mediterranean, are getting hots. <_<


It would be nices, if some of the heat would blown up in towards the Northern (Mother) Rissia Lands. I'm have desires, for a vineyard to be established up here.

Even in the summers, it still cold and somewhat frigid. At least, the champagne, always stay at a nice chill. It complimentary to the Vodka.



I'ms a misses, and have parfois, the yearnings for somes delicate vintages, of my ancestral home...






Maybe, it be good idea, if someone tells history accurately, so that everybody not have any false history...


Some of the most ancient civilizations (see Aegean civilization) flourished around the Mediterranean. It was opened as a highway for commerce by merchants trading from Phoenicia. Carthage, Greece, Sicily, and Rome were rivals for dominance of its shores and trade; under the Roman Empire it became virtually a Roman lake and was called Mare Nostrum [our sea]. Later, the Byzantine Empire and the Arabs dominated the Mediterranean. Between the 11th and 14th cent., Italian city trading states such as Genoa, Venice, and Barcelona dominated the region; they struggled with the Ottomans for naval supremacy, particularly in the E Mediterranean. Products of Asia passed to Europe over Mediterranean trade routes until the establishment of a route around the Cape of Good Hope (late 15th cent.).

With the opening of the Suez Canal (1869) the Mediterranean resumed its importance as a link on the route to the East. The development of the northern regions of Africa and of oil fields in the Middle East has increased its trade. Its importance as a trade link and as a route for attacks on Europe resulted in European rivalry for control of its coasts and islands and led to campaigns in the region during both world wars. Since World War II the Mediterranean region has been of strategic importance to both the United States and, until its dissolution, the Soviet Union. In 1995 countries bordering the Mediterranean signed a pact agreeing to protect it by eliminating toxic waste disposal there over a 10-year period.


See E. D. Bradford, Mediterranean, Portrait of a Sea (1971); J. E. Swain, The Struggle for the Control of the Mediterranean Prior to 1848 (1973); L. S. Kaplan and R. W. Clawson, ed., NATO and the Mediterranean (1984); M. Miloradov, ed., Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea (1987); M. Grant, The Ancient Mediterranean (1988)



Sooos... As we cam all see; the Mer Mediterranean is a popular place!



It starting to get boring, where I ams. The Swedens are all a die, soon, and I thinks that my navies are now have nothing to do...



Anybody want a Rissian boucanier?



(I bring vodka.)




Au Plaisir,



Northern (Mother) Rissia Lands.

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Did someone not say - It is the Victors who write the History? in the context of this game the Victors are not yet decided  :rolleyes:

Fleur, you are welcome to bring that navy down to the Med, we will host it with pleasure. I am afraid, though, that such a voyage would wreak havoc on the ships, as they are not really built for ocean cruising.


Yes, Mare Nostrum it is. It will soon be painfully obvious to the Rumanians and the Greeks that nobody sails Our Sea without our permission.

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