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Unconditional Surrender

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There on your holo screen you can see the image of a spiral arm galaxy, slowing spinning. Circling about the galaxy are the symbols for the GNA, the Galactic News Agency. An unseen announcer intones “Welcome to this cycles edition of the GNA broadcast. Your host for this broadcast will be Dnan Rat-zarn”


The GNA network symbol slowly fades into an image of the respected and ancient looking Dnan Rat-zarn. Tapping a couple of times at the pad in front of him, Dnan looks out towards the audience. “Welcome. Our top story today is the continuing crisis in the star systems of The Colony. A group of empires calling themselves the Triskallian Coalition..” Dnan taps a button and a strange looking symbol appears in the upper left hand of your screen, slowly rotating .. obviously the symbol of this Coalition. Continuing with his report “ … have reportedly surrounded the home system of The Colony and placed ships into several colonial systems. The Coalition has threatened to exterminate The Colony beings if they do not unconditionally surrender to this Coalition. With more on this story, we turn to Kern Der’Salzte who is stationed on The Colony homeworld”


The screen switches over to a view of a large throng of beings. All of them seem to be face away from the camera, looking towards a large throne like podium near the front of a Great Hall. Standing facing the camera is one being with a small device strapped to his fore limb. “This is Kern Der’Salzte, coming to you live from the ruling council chambers on The Colony homeworld. We expect that at any moment, the Hive Mother of the race will be entering the room and issuing a response to the ultimatum by … wait a minute, her she comes now.” Kern starts tapping on the device on his fore limb, and the camera angle switches and zooms in on the Hive Mother, slithering up to the podium. A hush falls over the crowd as she moves into place.



“To the Triskallian Coalition, there can be only one response to your ultimatum. The Colony is united saying ‘You hypocritical bunch of <string of expletives deleted by automatic sensors on the camera>!’” Raising herself to her full height, the Hive mother continues “Where do you get off threatening to exterminate an entire race which has not once, I repeat, not once, spilt a drop of any of your races blood. To raise trumped up charges of aiding and comforting your enemies .. and I repeat they were your enemies, not ours .. as well as trumped up espionage and treason charges … to raise such charges to provide an excuse for your bloodlust. Well that goes against every principle of Galactic Civilization you so proudly stand for. Even the Bashkar were never so mad with ambition to claim they would exterminate an entire race”. The Hive Mother now begins to yell out over the crowd. “The Colony will never surrender! We will never give in to your tyranny! We will fight to the last egg to defend our freedom and way of life! We swear that we will make you pay for every inch of our territory! And while you slaughter yourselves on our defenses, we know that the true and righteous empires of the universe will rise up and smash you back into the hellpits which spawned such foul beings!”



Suddenly the doors of the Great Hall swing in, and large procession of The Colony begins moving into the hall. The ones in front are calling out what seems to be “A Challenge has been Made”, over and over, as the group approaches the podium.


“WHO DARES INTERUPT!” screams the Hive Mother.


One of the larger The Colony beings near the front of the group, a member of the Soldier caste, yells our “We come representing the newly born Hive Mother, to issue her challenge for dominance over The Colony as per our laws!”.


“How can this be?! No new Hive Mother was scheduled to be born for another 20 cycles”


“The great Scientists managed to accelerate her growth. Sickened by you malevolence, frightened by your headlong plunge into the destruction of our race, they took matters to secure our future by finding a replacement for you!”. At this point the crowd begins to roar in approval.


“I have no time for this” screams the Hive Mother as she backs away from the podium. “Guards, kill them all!”.


“Take the Hive Mother!” screams the soldier at the front of the procession. And just as he begins to move forward, a disruptor bolt pierces his center. Pandemonium breaks out. The camera catches a view of what appears to be unarmed civilians charging the guards who are now firing with abandon into the crowd. The screams and noise become deafening as the camera is jostled and spun about, providing no clear view of anything. A dark streak appears across the camera lens, moving about as the camera tumbles. Through the noise you can make out what sounds like Kern trying to call out something to Dnan, just before an explosion of light causes everything to go dark.


“Kern?” Dnan is saying as the camera cuts back to the studio. “Can you hear me Kern?”.


“We seem to be having difficulty with communications to The Colony homeworld.”. Dnan’s pad starts flashing and he taps the screen. “We are receiving some sporadic contact from our news agency on the planet, and they are reporting fighting has broken out in several areas of the Capital city. There are no additional details at this time. Please stayed tuned and we will update you as possible.


The scene now cuts to a new graphic. It displays The Colony homeworld, rotating, and aflame. The banner underneath reads “The Colony in Crisis” with a small blurb underneath “Stay tuned to GNA for up to date coverage”.

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:cheers: Well told! Its posts like these that make the boards feel like the SN Newsletters of old.


The moral of the (well-roleplayed!) story ultimately will be:


Don't waffle in your loyalties lest you want to be liquidated into syrup!





[MMB was a living line of demarcation...one was on one side or the other....never both. In my view, some people bet on the wrong horse (MMB in this case) or refused to beat it to death, and now have to face the consequences.]


High drama and politicking....this is why we play PBM! :P:alien::):pirate2::nuke:


IMHO the parties at war are playing with excellent gamesmanship.


I only wonder if [iNSERT 'GSL' MEMBERS] past negotiations with a PA member will ever receive similar treatment. I suspect that particular situation is more of a shank-dance....buying time until one's posse can overwhelm the other. :nuke::nuke:


OK, so there aren't any 'good guys', but lots of nuclear buzsaw toting, multi-appendaged, agreived and concerned aliens in some (or all) parts of the galaxy.


Well that's nice to know.  :alien:



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Easy. The side I'm on.


Funny, I also define it as the side I'm on. Guess we're on the same side. cheers.gif


<<Grabs popcorn and waits for the next news report>> beer.gif


Does this mean we are all on the same side? :)


There's the bad side (which you're all on) :alien:

and then there's my side. :nuke:

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Easy. The side I'm on.


Funny, I also define it as the side I'm on. Guess we're on the same side. cheers.gif


<<Grabs popcorn and waits for the next news report>> beer.gif


Does this mean we are all on the same side? :)


There's the bad side (which you're all on) :alien:

and then there's my side. :alien:


All of this: "Your side and my side..." Is beginning to sound alot like Stark from Farscape. :nuke:


Is fence sitting permitted in this discussion? :nuke:

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[MMB was a living line of demarcation...one was on one side or the other....never both.  In my view, some people bet on the wrong horse (MMB in this case) or refused to beat it to death, and now have to face the consequences.]

Interesting. We have to wonder which side we're on, then.

In character we're appalled at the concept of wanton violence against other sentients.

Out of character, Martin's a cool guy I've met a few times and was very helpful when I rejoined the game.

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IMHO the parties at war are playing with excellent gamesmanship.

Agreed. I can only hope that when my time comes I will have the courage and strength of character to play so well. It's extremely difficult to maintain perspective and graciousness while your hard won empire is brought down around your ears. I'm not sure I'll be up to it, but I will try. These players set a really great example for the rest of us.

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There on your holo screen you can see the image The Colony homeworld, rotating, and aflame. . The banner underneath reads “The Colony in Crisis”. An unseen announcer intones “Welcome to continuing coverage of the crisis in The Colony star systems. Your host for this broadcast will be Dnan Rat-zarn”


The ghastly image of a burning world slowly fades into an image of the respected and ancient looking Dnan Rat-zarn. Tapping a couple of times at the pad in front of him, Dnan looks out towards the audience. “Welcome. The crisis in the homeworld of The Colony continues. Information from the star system has been sporadic at best with many conflicting pieces of information. But, thanks to the perseverance of our reporting crews, we have managed to reestablish contact with ace reporter Kern Der’Salzte.”. Turning towards a side screen, Dnan addresses the image of Kern which has appeared. The image is a little fuzzy, and occasional line of interference randomly wash across the screen. “Kern, this is Dnan. Can you hear me?”


Kern Der’Salzte is standing in plain view of the camera. One limb is wrapped in what appears to be some type of inflatable cast. Several bandages cover his face which does not look to healthy at the moment. “Yes Dnan, I can hear you” Kern says with a bit of a lisp from either swollen lips or perhaps missing teeth.


A couple of wild busts of static and interference cross the screen. “Kern, this is Dnan. Can you do anything about your signal as it keeps breaking up”.


Kern shakes his head. “Sorry Dnan, but we’ve had to scavenge for parts and have barely gotten the camera working. We’ve jury rigged in ..” a burst of static wipes out this part, “ … and are hoping the thing holds together. Our time may be limited”


Dnan turns to more directly face the screen. “Well then, please give everyone an update on what is occurring on The Colony homeworld”.


“It all started several “ …bzzzt … “ when a group of civilians and soldiers boldly approached The Colony’s Hive Mother, seeking to have her replaced.”. Cut scenes from the earlier broadcast begin to play in the lower quadrant of your screen, obviously added by the network as those pictures are clear and free from troubles. “This was an unprecedented event in the recorded history of The Colony. Never before had the lower castes risen up demanding change. This history in the making “… srzzzt krssst… “ more frightening historical event where the Hive Mother ordered her guards to fire on the crowd.” The Cut scene shows the Hive Mother as she backs away from the podium, yelling out “Guards, kill them all!”.


“It was during this initial pandemonium in the Great Hall that security forces encouraged the press corps members to leave by “… by…by…by … zzzzt… As the screen flashes then returns to focus, you notice Kern is for some reason rubbing one of the bumps on his head as he continues speaking uninterrupted ..“ forcing the press out into buses and other waiting vehicles. All reporting devices and equipment were confiscated, and we were all brought over to this hotel. The hotel was being patrolled by security forces. But sometime around dawn, the security forces in the hotel melted away. Once this was uncovered, we were free to locate our equipment and “… zzzt…


Kern continues his narrative. “Never before in history has a change of leadership in The Colony involved bloodshed. Previously the ascending new Hive Mother would demonstrate her superiority over the old by “ .. bzzt srzzt srzzzPop … “ thus securing her place as the new ruler. The firing by the guards on the crowd was a tragic yet historical event, broadcast planet wide by The Colonies own news services. We have learned since gaining our own freedom that many citizens and soldiers were shocked over this act of bloodshed by the Hive Mother. And this led to an uprising in many other areas around the Capital, and initial conflicts with forces loyal to the Hive Mother.”


“Dnan, I hope you are still receiving this, as there are two items I want to point out to you”. Moving towards the large window pay, the Camera pans and zooms onto some distant objects outside the city. As the camera comes into focus, you can see what appears to be columns of tanks and other military vehicles, all lined up. “First, various sources have told us and confirmed that the Home Guard divisions have twice left their barracks and moved towards the Capital. In both prior cases, they eventually stopped and turned back to their bases. What you are seeing now in the Camera zoom is a third movement of the Guard, this one ending with their camping outside the city at key exit and entry points. At this time we have no word on what the military is doing, and why. But their back and forth movements is indicative of some serious confusion in the military hierarchy. Next”


The camera pans right, the view blurring in the movement along with another burst of ear splitting static. As the view returns, you can see the camera has focused in on what appears to be The Colonies primary space port. Kern continues speaking unaware of the slight disruption in his presentation “.. since early this morning. We can make out what appears to be many heavily armed individuals who appear to be facing out from the airport in a protective ring. Huge amounts of materials and goods are being loaded into two of the largest cargo ships located at the port at a very rapid pace. We are unsure what this means but” … lots more static and suddenly the picture goes black.


The screen returns to Dnan. “It appears we are still having difficulty maintaining communications to The Colony homeworld. We are continuing to work on the problem and once we have more information, we will be reporting it as soon as available”.


The scene now cuts to a horrendous The Colony homeworld, rotating, and aflame graphic. The banner underneath reads “The Colony in Crisis” with a small blurb underneath “Stay tuned to GNA for up to date coverage”.

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After warping into the Colony's HW system, Asshur-bel-kala looked at his holographic display and grinned. He thought it was a good thing he had the new cloaking device installed on his Lishanu Seema blockade runner last month. Working for the Holy Brotherhood of Brewmasters was never boring and he always got the latest tech advances.

Asshur had given up counting the number of warships he'd passed in the last few systems, and they just 'felt' angry. His feelings were confirmed after viewing the ultimatum the Boo and friends had sent to the Colony.

Asshur maneuvered his ship around several burning space hulks on the way to the planet. "Feel sorry for this Der’Salzte guy, don't you?" Asshur asked his second in command.

"Don't really care, just concerned about getting this shipment of whiskey to the Colony's army commander on time." stated his Second matter of factly.

"Lighten up Francis" Asshur-bel-kala said and thought he better look into replacing his second when he gets back to the Sabeli Ecok homeworld. This guy is just too cold to be my second, he's just no fun when we hit the StarBar.

"Now let's get this whiskey planetside, looks like they're going to need it" as Asshur-bel-kala manuevered the ship to approach the Colony's army spaceport and decloaked. The ship was instantly hail by the planet, and Asshur noticed several weapons systems locking onto his ship. Asshur responded to the hail and noted the weapons systems relax their lock.

"I'll never understand why empires have to resort to bloodshed when most disputes could be settled over a pint...., which reminds me, did you see the blond at the last..."

"Nice landing" the Second interupted the captain, "guess we should start unloading now, huh?"

Asshur-bel-kala sighed, "I guess so" he said and thought, 'can't wait to get a new second'.

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Easy. The side I'm on.


Funny, I also define it as the side I'm on. Guess we're on the same side. cheers.gif


<<Grabs popcorn and waits for the next news report>> beer.gif


Does this mean we are all on the same side? :(


There's the bad side (which you're all on) :cheers:

and then there's my side. :drunk:


All of this: "Your side and my side..." Is beginning to sound alot like Stark from Farscape. :pirate:


Is fence sitting permitted in this discussion? :unsure:



Yes, fence sitting is allowed. Just be aware that both side may claim the fence and the fact that sitting on a fence tends to make you a big stationary target.

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