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Colonizing 101


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OK, I just got my first CSVs back, and I am wanting to make sure I am interpreting them correctly.


I figure the real important part is the top line, which describes the overall attrition. I got one heavy and one low. I assume the heavy I should stay away from, and the low is a good candidate.


Then comes the bar graph. I assume this is the relative magnitude of harm for the given factor (i.e a long line says this has a big effect, a short line says relatively little effect). The last line says lifeform. I thought at first that was the reference line for my lifeform, but on reflection I think its the microbe contribution.


Also, I have heard discussion that really low populations don't get attrition ? How low is this really low ? Would it be a good technique to plant the small pop colony, and then see how different add-ons affect the attrition values ?



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If you're oriented towards colonizing things, I suspect that you'll still grow on the Low attrition planet. Not sure on the Heavy one.


The graph lines indicate which elements of the planet are affecting you the most harshly. The ----'s that is. If you have any lines of just ....'s, those are working in your favor.


If you have installations that help a specific area (like say Domed Cities helping offset your Atmosphere penalties), then you'll be able to greatly improve your attrition rating.


Best way to know for sure though, do a COLB, drop down a few colonists and some appropriate construction materials, and do CSV, CON, CSV, CON, etc to see exactly how each installation affects your attrition ratings.

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That all depends Balagor. look closely at why the world may be a heavy attrition world. Is it atmosphere? temp? terrain?. The heavy loss world may be turned into a much lower loss even ideal world with the proper installations. The deciding factor should be what possible gain might you get from the world? Right now its the resource potential of the world. If the heavy has a higher resource potential and you can mitigate the losses then by all means go for that one.


I have heard the same thing about low pop colonies but I cant be very helpful there. My growth rate isnt the highest and hence i cant afford to 'sacrifice' colonists in the pursuit od this answer. ;)

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Example: I located a High attrition world that appeared to be mostly due to Atmosphere. I dropped down a Domed City and Colonial Training Center, and the new CSV was Low .. a pretty big shift.


Still, Low means there is attrition. This experimental colony (to see how various items impacted CSV) has 34 total population. And every turn it grows one POP, and attritions one POP. When there was 33 total POP, the colony grew 1 and there was no attrition. So, I suspect that I coud add more POP and that with a Low attrition there are certain balancing points/ranges when POP is stable. Just haven't had time to experiment some more.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I took a look at the colony. Seems I built all three already .. One Domed City, One Colonial Training Center, and One Fuild Conversion Plant (plus a set of varied Science Installations to help scan the "E" warp point in the system).


I've heard that having completed various techs like aquatic installation or subterranian installation also give a slight lifeform bonus to colonization. I have sub and hardened and am getting close on aquatic. Well see if anything suddenly changes.

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  • 2 weeks later...


1) Is it possible and worth the effort to GEO and CSV and colonize gas giants?


2) Is the colony beacon used up that is a ship with 3 beacons can only make 3 new pop-groups


3) What are Cargo Barges and Troop shuttles used for?


1.) I assume that it is possible, but once you have CSV'ed and GEO'ed one gas giant you will have a good estimate of them all (at least that is my experiance) As far as it bing possible to Colonize sureit is you just have to get the right tech


2.) Yup, Colony Beacons are used up when used. so if you have a fleet that is carrying 3 of them that fleet wil be able to create 3 Pop centers and no more


3.) They are used for special conditions. No-One (at least publicly) has seen what they are used for


Hope that this helps


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I have found that the CSV for gas giants are all the same, assuming that you don't have radiation or microbes on one. I wouldn't just drop down a colony beacon with the intent of establishing a colony without doing the GEO, especially if you have sever Gas Gaints to choose from. While the resources available stay pretty much the same the yields can vary widely. You might as well be going to the best yields if you are going to all the effort in the first place.



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I think the reason low-pop colonies don't seem to attrit is that the attrition is percentage-based; i.e., a planet with a higher population will lose more total people, even though it's a small percentage of the pop. Even a low attrition world will find itself losing a large number of people if it has a high enough population.


One thing I wonder - can a world be eventually rated better than ideal, given enough terraforming and attrition cancelling bonuses? Could I eventually have a "Garden of Eden"-type world where my pop grows like crazy? Hmmm..... :P:D

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