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Game 84

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Rumors of Lowlands demise have been greatly exaggerated!


With the aid of Germany it seems France is now entirely on the defensive.


Further proof that you can’t believe everything (anything?) you read on the boards.


Happy New Year!!!


-President Diggster



Great news!!!


Hadn't heard from you in a while, and I was afraid you had packed it in.



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Rumors of Lowlands demise have been greatly exaggerated!


With the aid of Germany it seems France is now entirely on the defensive.


Further proof that you can’t believe everything (anything?) you read on the boards.


Happy New Year!!!


-President Diggster



Great news!!!


Hadn't heard from you in a while, and I was afraid you had packed it in.








Gee, it looks like my little sortie inside Germany is going to be short and painful.

I was all set to capture xCologne, xFrankfurt and xOffenbach and cause Germany

some serious grief when, whoosh, out of nowhere come 11 Mech 39 Divisions of

Denmark and blow my poor little Motor 39 at Cologne to oblivion.


I'm like, where did they come from?


A little detective work provided the answer.


They came from Bremen, which had been ceded to Denmark by germany.


This was puzzling.

German is ALL with Lowlands and TA with Denmark.

Why would Germany cede Bremen (which is right on the border of Lowlands)

to Denmark?

And why would Denmark park 11 Mech 39 on the border of Lowlands?


I just can't work out the logic here.


Maybe a nice cup of tea and a lie down will do the trick?

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Gee, it looks like my little sortie inside Germany is going to be short and painful.

I was all set to capture xCologne, xFrankfurt and xOffenbach and cause Germany

some serious grief when, whoosh, out of nowhere come 11 Mech 39 Divisions of

Denmark and blow my poor little Motor 39 at Cologne to oblivion.


I'm like, where did they come from?


A little detective work provided the answer.


They came from Bremen, which had been ceded to Denmark by germany.


This was puzzling.

German is ALL with Lowlands and TA with Denmark.

Why would Germany cede Bremen (which is right on the border of Lowlands)

to Denmark?

And why would Denmark park 11 Mech 39 on the border of Lowlands?


I just can't work out the logic here.


Maybe a nice cup of tea and a lie down will do the trick?

Des, old boy, I asked the very same question about a similar situation around Trans-Jordan. :drunk:


I direct your attention to posts # 113-114 of this thread and see the answer I received. Although, I must say,

that while their response was logical; it took something stronger than tea & a nap to make it believable!! :woohoo::cheers:

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My plan was to give you an unpleasant surprise Mr. France. Clearly I was expecting what you did, and so I am gratified that you acted exactly as I was told you would.


For statistical purposes, please rate how unpleasant the surprise was on a 1 to 10 scale with 1 being not at all unpleasant and 10 being extreme unpleasantness.


Tom The Red

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My plan was to give you an unpleasant surprise Mr. France. Clearly I was expecting what you did, and so I am gratified that you acted exactly as I was told you would.


For statistical purposes, please rate how unpleasant the surprise was on a 1 to 10 scale with 1 being not at all unpleasant and 10 being extreme unpleasantness.


Tom The Red



Interesting claim there Tom. . . that you and Germany had everything planned out for when the French invaded Germany. . . but a little hard to believe.


Personally, I was astounded when Lowlands announced that he had taken back several of his home territories with no resistance. I was sure he was a goner. I was even more surprised to hear France had not pulled back to defend himself from Germany's advance, but had pushed through to attack Germany at home. This defied conventional wisdom, which would have been to consolidate his gains in Lowlands.


Lowlands will have to make his own judgements, but the whole thing looks fishy to me. Lowlands had been complaining that he had a NAP offer out to you for some time, but you had not accepted. Then you show up on his border with 11 MECH's. Hmmmm. . . . I guess we will know the truth by your actions in the next several turns. It would be a shame to see that Lowlands got himself out of the frying pan and right into the fire. . .




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My plan was to give you an unpleasant surprise Mr. France. Clearly I was expecting what you did, and so I am gratified that you acted exactly as I was told you would.


For statistical purposes, please rate how unpleasant the surprise was on a 1 to 10 scale with 1 being not at all unpleasant and 10 being extreme unpleasantness.


Tom The Red



Interesting claim there Tom. . . that you and Germany had everything planned out for when the French invaded Germany. . . but a little hard to believe.


Personally, I was astounded when Lowlands announced that he had taken back several of his home territories with no resistance. I was sure he was a goner. I was even more surprised to hear France had not pulled back to defend himself from Germany's advance, but had pushed through to attack Germany at home. This defied conventional wisdom, which would have been to consolidate his gains in Lowlands.


Lowlands will have to make his own judgements, but the whole thing looks fishy to me. Lowlands had been complaining that he had a NAP offer out to you for some time, but you had not accepted. Then you show up on his border with 11 MECH's. Hmmmm. . . . I guess we will know the truth by your actions in the next several turns. It would be a shame to see that Lowlands got himself out of the frying pan and right into the fire. . .





Let's recap, shall we? Portugal, Lowlands, and Ireland were immediately under the boots of Britian, France, and Spain as soon as hostilities were possible. After three turns of fighting we were receiving emails from your team that said all of you would drop because the damage to your nations was so great you couldn't recover. All of you. Ireland hadn't lost a single city. We took the precaution of checking all of Ireland by SIM TC every turn starting on turn 3 you see, so we know exactly what happened there turn by turn. We needed to know what Great Britian was up to.


My fellow Vikings and I sprang to your teams aid and did great harm to the plans of Britian and France. Now you are accusing us of backstabbing you because I didn't accept an NAP from Lowlands?


First off Lowlands never offered me an NAP so he can't have one hanging that hasn't been accepted. We discussed a possible alliance around turn 1 or 2. I told Diggster it would tip France that we were talking and wasn't a good idea. He agreed and that was the end of the discussion.


Lowlands said he was beyond hope. This would mean he couldn't fight off France and therefore would be no threat to France. So you are making all this noise because I set part of my Army to defend Germany's flank in case France did just exactly what he tried to do?


Of course your team knew exactly what Germany was planning, because he told Lowlands about it. You knew Germany was planning to place his Army into France to try and draw France away from Lowlands. Obviously I also wanted to be sure France couldn't roll right through Lowlands (which he was) and then right into Northern Germany and Denmark. Why all this venom about me protecting my flank and then doing more hurt to the enemy of your TA? Shouldn't you be celebrating?


Obviously France felt that Lowlands could be no possible threat to him at all. France attacked out of Lowlands into Germany instead of retreating back to try and defend France.


He did this before the job was done in Lowlands. When he did it, Lowlands then immediately (and I mean like a day or two later) took all the provinces back from France that were on the border with Germany, but oddly didn't try to recapture any of his valuable provinces back that were on the border with France. I would have played that differently since those provinces bordering Germany weren't very valuable while the ones bordering France were very valuable, but to each his own.


France gave up his retreat path voluntarily, but of course France didn't expect the attack from his Northern flank, right? Still, it's really odd that anyone would make such a bold attack without trying to keep a retreat path.


I can't figure out what this means. I am even more confused by the apparent venom from you after I helped another of your TA's. Does anyone have any idea why a nation would get so upset about people attacking his opponents? This is all too complicated for my little brain, but maybe someone can explain what it means to me.


Tom The Red

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My plan was to give you an unpleasant surprise Mr. France. Clearly I was expecting what you did, and so I am gratified that you acted exactly as I was told you would.


For statistical purposes, please rate how unpleasant the surprise was on a 1 to 10 scale with 1 being not at all unpleasant and 10 being extreme unpleasantness.


Tom The Red




G'day Denmark


I am in awe of the acumen, astuteness and foresight of the person who told you how I would act.

Clearly, this person is a tactical genius!!!


I would rate the unpleasantness of the surprise at 10 out of 10.


Now, I have a challenge for your advisor.


Please ask him what I will do in Turn 10 and post his prediction on this Forum asap.


My orders for Turn 10 are already written and ready to send to Russ.

My next posting on this Forum will contain my intentions.

This posting is already prepared and will not be affected or amended by your response.


Over to you.




Des Feeney

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What an amusing piece of revisionist history this is. Since I have had no correspondence with you at all until this turn, not sure when I said I would be dropping. My allies indicated the surprise maneuver from Britain to your allies, and that I was in decent position to fend him off....all of which was true. He simply delayed any offensive from me for a long time. Your "coming to my aid" by landing a division (and withdrawing it immediately) on British soil was not communicated, and had little impact until I had already turned the tide, at which point you simply further encouraged Britain's retreat rather than await his army's destruction...not sure if this was good or bad for me. Portugal has never been "under the boots" of Spain...as you said....no cities have been taken. Sounds like a stalemate to me. If anything, our destruction of his port cities have given Portugal an edge in this battle. You really need to look a little harder at the facts before posting this one-sided drivel. Your allies have been accusatory in virtually every email that Lowlands has forwarded to me. As Portugal has said...I'm confident the next few turns will demonstrate the truth.


Harbinger of Death

Ireland 85





Let's recap, shall we? Portugal, Lowlands, and Ireland were immediately under the boots of Britian, France, and Spain as soon as hostilities were possible. After three turns of fighting we were receiving emails from your team that said all of you would drop because the damage to your nations was so great you couldn't recover. All of you. Ireland hadn't lost a single city. We took the precaution of checking all of Ireland by SIM TC every turn starting on turn 3 you see, so we know exactly what happened there turn by turn. We needed to know what Great Britian was up to.


My fellow Vikings and I sprang to your teams aid and did great harm to the plans of Britian and France. Now you are accusing us of backstabbing you because I didn't accept an NAP from Lowlands?


First off Lowlands never offered me an NAP so he can't have one hanging that hasn't been accepted. We discussed a possible alliance around turn 1 or 2. I told Diggster it would tip France that we were talking and wasn't a good idea. He agreed and that was the end of the discussion.


Lowlands said he was beyond hope. This would mean he couldn't fight off France and therefore would be no threat to France. So you are making all this noise because I set part of my Army to defend Germany's flank in case France did just exactly what he tried to do?


Of course your team knew exactly what Germany was planning, because he told Lowlands about it. You knew Germany was planning to place his Army into France to try and draw France away from Lowlands. Obviously I also wanted to be sure France couldn't roll right through Lowlands (which he was) and then right into Northern Germany and Denmark. Why all this venom about me protecting my flank and then doing more hurt to the enemy of your TA? Shouldn't you be celebrating?


Obviously France felt that Lowlands could be no possible threat to him at all. France attacked out of Lowlands into Germany instead of retreating back to try and defend France.


He did this before the job was done in Lowlands. When he did it, Lowlands then immediately (and I mean like a day or two later) took all the provinces back from France that were on the border with Germany, but oddly didn't try to recapture any of his valuable provinces back that were on the border with France. I would have played that differently since those provinces bordering Germany weren't very valuable while the ones bordering France were very valuable, but to each his own.


France gave up his retreat path voluntarily, but of course France didn't expect the attack from his Northern flank, right? Still, it's really odd that anyone would make such a bold attack without trying to keep a retreat path.


I can't figure out what this means. I am even more confused by the apparent venom from you after I helped another of your TA's. Does anyone have any idea why a nation would get so upset about people attacking his opponents? This is all too complicated for my little brain, but maybe someone can explain what it means to me.


Tom The Red

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OK this is getting really really odd.


I never said Ireland told me anything at all. I have said on this forum previously that Ireland never wrote to me. This changed a couple days ago when Ireland did write me an email complaining about Germany. I believe you claimed your lack of success as a group was due to our reluctance to tell you the details of our plans. :P I replied that "Harbinger of Death" should take up his complaints against Germany with Germany not with me.


If your team had started out telling us what your plans really were we would have done the same later. We did tell you our plans at the beginning. As I recall, the DW of war by Lowlands and Portugal against Great Britian came as a surprise to my team (and no doubt to everyone else in game 84) because Germany was told that Lowlands would concentrate on France. Then there was the DW against me by Iceland. That one came out of the blue. The explanation we were given was that Iceland is a rogue nation that you weren't really talking to. You and he (we were told) had a deal to just leave each other alone. I see you guys have Iceland as a TA now. That's kind of interesting.


Next thing, your claim that I did nothing until you had "turned the tide". I attacked Great Britian on turn 5. I started moving my LCI ships the very turn it became clear you were in trouble so turn 5 was the very soonest I could land. I think I did a good job of getting boots on the beach quickly despite your attempt to make it look otherwise in your posts here.


To be honest I couldn't have pulled it off without advice on how to do it quickly. I did sacrifice my original plan to do this and we are now having trouble on other fronts because of my landings. My attacks (there were four of them over three turns not just the one you mention) were a shock to Britian, especially when he discovered the next turn that I no longer owned the seaports and my TA's were dropping divisions there while I made more landings along his coast. I think we had a great plan to hit Britian and we pulled it off against a much more experienced player and I think surprised him. The suggestion that you "chased him out" and then I landed my 1 division is just inaccurate. I'm not the one taking liberties with history here.


You almost seem to be suggesting that since I didn't allow you to destroy Britian's army in Ireland that you now won't be able to fight Britian effectively. In that case, I guess I wonder why you didn't keep him from withdrawing? His only way out was through xBelfast wasn't it? Then you could have destroyed him all you wanted. Heck, you could have destroyed him long time if that was your preference. :(


So now you suddenly have a lot of Marine divisions. Good, when you start using them to invade Britian I will start feeling like I can understand what you are up to. That will be a welcome change.


Tom The Red

Go Giants!! :D

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My plan was to give you an unpleasant surprise Mr. France. Clearly I was expecting what you did, and so I am gratified that you acted exactly as I was told you would.


For statistical purposes, please rate how unpleasant the surprise was on a 1 to 10 scale with 1 being not at all unpleasant and 10 being extreme unpleasantness.


Tom The Red




G'day Denmark


I am in awe of the acumen, astuteness and foresight of the person who told you how I would act.

Clearly, this person is a tactical genius!!!


I would rate the unpleasantness of the surprise at 10 out of 10.


Now, I have a challenge for your advisor.


Please ask him what I will do in Turn 10 and post his prediction on this Forum asap.


My orders for Turn 10 are already written and ready to send to Russ.

My next posting on this Forum will contain my intentions.

This posting is already prepared and will not be affected or amended by your response.


Over to you.




Des Feeney




G'day Denmark


Since you didn't respond on the Forum, here are my intentions:


Every player in this Game knows why Denmark parked 11 Mech 39 on the border of Lowlands.

Even Blind Freddy could see that.

However, if Lowlands is dumb enough to accept your load of bollocks, then he is clearly too stupid to live.

If this is the case, then I will have no choice but to return to Lowlands and finish the job.

If this is not the case, then I will lead you on a merry chase through Germany.




Des Feeney

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If this is not the case, then I will lead you on a merry chase through Germany.




Des Feeney

Pass the popcorn (and the beer), time to watch! :cheers::(


Ack! Egads, this may be the first time ever I'm taking the French over the German...... :cheers:

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Well, it took awhile, but it looks like we finally got a good war going here!

Well, it certainly has more bickering than ours does . :wub:


But it is nice to see some action finally. :(


Kurassier, you're into "Fantasy Football" ; how do you handicap the game ? Use the Commanders like players? :unsure::laugh::cheers:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Dr. Strangemind,


My people will call your people about those people in between us. The bell has sounded on my first contest and the second race is now afoot. I doubt Huckleberry Finn will enjoy it much. My only regret is that Ivan is already disemboweling him. Apparently he was too heavily committed towards fighting you and Monty.


Race Pilsner

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