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Team Game Proposal


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As much as I love this idea and would hate to miss it, I'm really pretty occupied with the Victory games I'm already in. Cost, time and other commitments (in that order) really make getting into a fourth game or even maintaining a third game much longer really difficult for me. Sorry, but I'll have to bow out of this proposed game. Good luck! I look forward to following the action once it begins.


Same for me. Both of the games I'm in I am part of a team that's doing very well, claiming all the budget, attention and time I can spare on this hobby. This is what I meant in my reply october 14th in the "Dutch vs USA" Discussion.

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I went throught the USA vs Dutch and this thread and totaled up those who have expressed an interest. There were several who declared interest but it isnt obvious which side (to me). USA-9; World-7 UNK-5 We are up to about 20 players. :thumbsup:






Marklen X (maybe)


The Saint (withdrew)





Viking Pilot (added)



Spongebob (maybe)



dageraad (withdrew)


Super Mario



Dont Know Side


Sgt Balicki



Inspector Gadget (maybe)


I'd be on the dutch Pete, If I'd play. But with the uncertainty of the rules of this game, as it is now, I'll not be joining.

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Some questions:

1) With only 20 people, what happens to the other 20 countries?

2) Are all players on each side starting with TA in place and full intel sharing to each other?



How about this:

1) eliminate North America, Africa and the Middle East

2) Randomly assign Europe to the 20 players (kind of like Risk)

3) Let the teams assign the random placements to players within the teams.




Place the US in the center of Europe and the World in US, Africa and the Middle East to go get them.


I concur, I would need to know what the rules are before I would commit the time/funds to a game of this sort. I am concerned about how ripe a format like this would be for ease of player abuse.

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I concur, I would need to know what the rules are before I would commit the time/funds to a game of this sort. I am concerned about how ripe a format like this would be for ease of player abuse.


I think that Russ explained the Russ quite clearly in the first post.

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I'd like to put in my 2 cents worth in here.


In response to the interest that was shown recently for a Dutch vs US game we've given it some thought and decided to see if we can put together a team game. I think we probably should expand it to a US vs World/International concept to include our Australia, German, Swiss, Mongolian, etc. players in the fun :( Depending on how many folks are interested we may have to organize it a little differently (i.e. US/Australia vs everybody else or whatever) but we'll see how it goes.


Original proposal was Dutch vrs USA assign rest of countries as needed to fill out the teams.


We'll need two teams with a minimum of 15 players a side for a special game to set up. If we can get it up to 16-20 player teams so much the better. My idea is to start it pretty much as a normal game - TP 1 start, normal duration and starting stockpiles - and see how it plays out. If the team game is a popular addition - other games could set up down the road with different ground rules.


Works for me


One area that I think we'd do differently in this game is diplomacy. Our ability to tinker with the code in Victory! is currently pretty limited so there won't be a lot of rule changes but with two teams we could limit PAP proposals to members of your own team and then cut off all PAP orders after say Turn 4 (give the teams a chance to figure out what TA groupings they want for intelligence sharing and cede purposes then time to get things set up). Limiting war declarations to nations on the opposing team (or neutrals) and increasing the starting morale of all nations would probably be good ideas as well.


Yes, keep it limited to 2 teams, and total score decides victory


The winning team would be decided at the end of the game by taking all the individual scores and averaging them for the entire starting team (not the surviving members - if you start with 15 players a team, all 15 nations count in the end). Another idea for the team game I'd like to try is allowing a team to remove a player from their side and replace him with another (for a variety of reasons - unable to continue for real world reasons, ineffective team player, suspected mole, whatever) with a minimum two thirds vote of the current team. Replacing an inactive TA in a normal game isn't uncommon but removing a player from a game, possibility against his will, is a little harsh...winning and losing is going to be a team effort though and as long as everybody understands the ground rules (i.e. the need to be a team player) going in I think it would be ok.


As far as how to assign nations there are a couple ways (off the top of my head) we could go.


1) Flip a coin - one team picks a nation, then the other, etc.

2) One team picks first, next team picks 2nd and 3rd, next team picks 4th and 5th, etc.


I like option 2, allows for more balanced country selection.


I like the idea of each team picking their own nations so that there is a strategy to consider right from the start - what nation do we take first, what region should be try to dominate, what nations (if any) do the teams leave open, etc. We could arrange a day (maybe a Saturday) where we all get together on the forums for a nation pick session (sort of like a fantasy football draft party) or we could do the picking via email. The teams could designate their own orders for picking nations (or have me prepare one ahead of time) or pick a captain to do the picking (that would have to be a unanimous team vote) or we can come up with something else.


With the various time zones involved, non Victory! commitments - some of us actually have lives outside of Victory! (work, family, etc) it would be best if the team Captains picked the countries. These guys (sorry I've only encoutered 1 female playing this game) will have an experienced understanding of the game and will do an excellent job. Give them a week or two to confer with their team members if they wish.


If you like the concept or have thoughts on it let me know and hopefully we'll get enough interest to give this team game a try :blink:


Take care & good gaming!



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I went throught the USA vs Dutch and this thread and totaled up those who have expressed an interest. There were several who declared interest but it isnt obvious which side (to me). USA-9; World-7 UNK-5 We are up to about 20 players. :python:






Marklen X (maybe)


The Saint (withdrew)





Viking Pilot (added)



Spongebob (maybe)



dageraad (withdrew)


Super Mario



Dont Know Side


Sgt Balicki



Inspector Gadget (maybe)


I'd be on the dutch Pete, If I'd play. But with the uncertainty of the rules of this game, as it is now, I'll not be joining.


I would be wanting to play on the US team as I reside in the US. And I am still very interested in a game of this format.

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Smedley, you are alive, i thought something had happened to you when you betrayed our TA after an attack by Saudi and didn't have the courtesy to let me and your other TA know you had quit. I hadn't considered joining this game, but am now since you are in; simply for some personal satisfaction. You are the new Sponge.


Zarkon (silly truster of Smedley)

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Guest Spongebob
Smedley, you are alive, i thought something had happened to you when you betrayed our TA after an attack by Saudi and didn't have the courtesy to let me and your other TA know you had quit. I hadn't considered joining this game, but am now since you are in; simply for some personal satisfaction. You are the new Sponge.


Zarkon (silly truster of Smedley)


There can be only one... Sponge :python:

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There are only two things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures... and the Dutch.

And you have put me on their side

As long as I dont have to wear clogs :python:


Smutleytheunclean did rose from underneath a rock in the pond of distrustfull players.


As I am Dutch this almost could mean I will join this superfluous game...but I won't. I will not risk the possibility to play together with The Smut and The Spongebuster. Just the thought of waisting my money...and the fun you can also forget.

No I stick to VIC 88 and concentrating on kicking The Sponge out of the game...at least if he is playing France...I am still not sure.


Greetings Rednas.

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There can be only one... Sponge :python:


Actually, try this, take a sponge, any will do as they all look the same, cut it in half. Then put one half in a bucket of fresh water and another in a bucket of salt water. What do you have then? hmmmm?

There can be only one, ha!



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