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Game 92


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Why the false humility guys? It was very clever to have your proxy state Denmark capture all those provinces in Norway and then CL them to the USA while Germany was obliterating Denmark. We didn't understand that move until Great Britain did his DW of the USA which then triggered our team to start doing SIM TC to find out if there were territories that had somehow been transferred to the USA. Very clever. The oddest one of course was when the USA transferred Bermuda to Ireland and then left his entire battle fleet guarding Bermuda as Canada was destroying his home country and as Great Britain was obliterating Ireland.


I have my facts securely checked sir. It has been clear for twenty turns what was going on in game 92. Yes I had troops in Goteberg to try and help Sweden against the proxy invasion but it was in vain. Too early in the game to effectively intervene. I knew the chances of a successful intervention were slim and I would likely loose the forces, but I was being asked for help by my ally and it was the best i could do.


My hat is off to Sweden. He beat back three nations that were invading him simultaneously with no help from anyone and one of those was a proxy state that literally emptied his nation of forces leaving it wide open for invasion (which was the whole point of Denmark's existence in game 92) and dumped all of his forces into Norway. Mike's health is seriously poor, he is losing his fight to cancer, but he won this fight because he fought courageously and with honor. He didn't have to stoop to be a successful warrior.




Race, you need to look up the definition of facts in the dictionary. What you have here is 100% conjecture, and it is 100% wrong.


I can tell you that Ireland and USA were new players, and early in the game, I was committed to attacking Ireland. The Irish player sent me an email asking for advice, as he was new to the game. I have a soft spot for newbies, often to my detriment, so I agreed to postpone my attack until at least turn 20. I gave them help on any questions they asked of me, and though they pleaded hard with me not to break with them, in order for GB to continue moving forward, I felt that I needed to do that.


I had no idea until 2 or 3 turns ago that USA held provinces in Norway, and until reading the explanation above, was at a loss as to how he aquired them.


I found it odd that Ireland appeared to have been converted into a fuel depot for the USA. Virtually all the armament factories were scrapped and replaced with oil refineries.


As far as Spongie is concerned, for the second time, I had no contact of any kind with him in this game. He is obviously incompetent, and I can only speculate as to why he does what he does, but what you are doing is also speculation, not fact.


You have accused me twice now in this game of unethical play, and frankly I am pissed. I have never made a deal with somebody to turn over their country. Ireland was dug in in all of his cities on DD with superior or better fortifications, and the fight was a tough one.


I am trying to keep this civil, but claiming you have "facts" when all you have is guesses is a pure fabrication.

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As far as i know, the provinces in US hands are Hermansverk and Fagernes. I don't know about Fagernes, but i do know that Hermansverk was NEVER owned by Denmark. I can only speculate that it was given to USA because Norway couldn't defend it himself and hoped that Sweden wouldn't or couldn't DW on the USA, thereby blocking his advance there.

No matter what their motive, those two inland provinces are useless for GB to facilitate a landing as they are not coastal provinces. What would GB do to build a secret base there, fly single AIR40's over at range 9 from Shetland?!? Fly CP's over at 1 CP per Dakota group to slowly build an undefended air base?


It just doesn't make sense. Maybe Norway giving those provinces to USA also didn't make sense, but that is no reason to link the US control of Hermansverk to any insidous plan of GB to take control of Scandinavia.

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No matter, let us close this unproductive discussion. GB and Germany are coming up, that's 5 countries worth of production coming the Scandinavian way. On the other side we have the group of Canada, Iceland, Sweden and Finland (4,5 country worth of production) and a lonely Northern Russia (2 countries worth of production). It is up to the Nordics and Northern Russia to determine if it will be 5 against (4,5-2) or 5 against (4,5+2). The outcome of the first will be easy to predict, the outcome of the second one not so much.


Your call! :D

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No matter, let us close this unproductive discussion. GB and Germany are coming up, that's 5 countries worth of production coming the Scandinavian way. On the other side we have the group of Canada, Iceland, Sweden and Finland (4,5 country worth of production) and a lonely Northern Russia (2 countries worth of production). It is up to the Nordics and Northern Russia to determine if it will be 5 against (4,5-2) or 5 against (4,5+2). The outcome of the first will be easy to predict, the outcome of the second one not so much.


Your call! :D


So much math---my head is hurting-- :o

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Why the false humility guys? It was very clever to have your proxy state Denmark capture all those provinces in Norway and then CL them to the USA while Germany was obliterating Denmark. We didn't understand that move until Great Britain did his DW of the USA which then triggered our team to start doing SIM TC to find out if there were territories that had somehow been transferred to the USA. Very clever. The oddest one of course was when the USA transferred Bermuda to Ireland and then left his entire battle fleet guarding Bermuda as Canada was destroying his home country and as Great Britain was obliterating Ireland.


I have my facts securely checked sir. It has been clear for twenty turns what was going on in game 92. Yes I had troops in Goteberg to try and help Sweden against the proxy invasion but it was in vain. Too early in the game to effectively intervene. I knew the chances of a successful intervention were slim and I would likely loose the forces, but I was being asked for help by my ally and it was the best i could do.


My hat is off to Sweden. He beat back three nations that were invading him simultaneously with no help from anyone and one of those was a proxy state that literally emptied his nation of forces leaving it wide open for invasion (which was the whole point of Denmark's existence in game 92) and dumped all of his forces into Norway. Mike's health is seriously poor, he is losing his fight to cancer, but he won this fight because he fought courageously and with honor. He didn't have to stoop to be a successful warrior.




Race, you need to look up the definition of facts in the dictionary. What you have here is 100% conjecture, and it is 100% wrong.


I can tell you that Ireland and USA were new players, and early in the game, I was committed to attacking Ireland. The Irish player sent me an email asking for advice, as he was new to the game. I have a soft spot for newbies, often to my detriment, so I agreed to postpone my attack until at least turn 20. I gave them help on any questions they asked of me, and though they pleaded hard with me not to break with them, in order for GB to continue moving forward, I felt that I needed to do that.


I had no idea until 2 or 3 turns ago that USA held provinces in Norway, and until reading the explanation above, was at a loss as to how he aquired them.


I found it odd that Ireland appeared to have been converted into a fuel depot for the USA. Virtually all the armament factories were scrapped and replaced with oil refineries.


As far as Spongie is concerned, for the second time, I had no contact of any kind with him in this game. He is obviously incompetent, and I can only speculate as to why he does what he does, but what you are doing is also speculation, not fact.


You have accused me twice now in this game of unethical play, and frankly I am pissed. I have never made a deal with somebody to turn over their country. Ireland was dug in in all of his cities on DD with superior or better fortifications, and the fight was a tough one.


I am trying to keep this civil, but claiming you have "facts" when all you have is guesses is a pure fabrication.


I never said or even suggested you had contact with the Sponge. I have accused you of nothing but you do certainly seem overly sensitive about this. LOL I did suggest you were a used car salesman once but that was because I thought you once told me in a previous game you were very busy because of Obama's Cash for Clunkers campaign. My mistake.


Race Pilsner

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Oh and Race, your TA's are all arctic weather zone nations, WTH are you doing in Bermuda of all places far-off from there?!? :joker:


I could make flip remarks about all those Arctic TA's needing a nice warm beach province for holiday but to be precise I was just guarding the front door.


Race Pilsner

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No matter, let us close this unproductive discussion. GB and Germany are coming up, that's 5 countries worth of production coming the Scandinavian way. On the other side we have the group of Canada, Iceland, Sweden and Finland (4,5 country worth of production) and a lonely Northern Russia (2 countries worth of production). It is up to the Nordics and Northern Russia to determine if it will be 5 against (4,5-2) or 5 against (4,5+2). The outcome of the first will be easy to predict, the outcome of the second one not so much.


Your call! :D


LOL now that is some odd math. Finland has like three provinces left. Unless I am mistaken Great Britain represents three countries of production and Germany about four countries of production so that's like seven isn't it? Either way as I said previously we will try to keep it interesting as long as we can.


Race Pilsner

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I interpret Spongy's moves as going for Sweden or bust, gambling on an extention of the non-attack pact that we made for the first 20 turns. He didn't get that extention, so all that resisted me was the last two turns of building. I believe the invasion of Denmark netted me 1300/1400 ARM and 4000/5000 AIR kills (and no, when you have 50+ divisions, 4 full air divisions of Ju-88's and ditto fighters and a huge surface fleet with three LCI-fleets available for the invasion, that doesn't even make you blink twice...).


Whatever his/Norway's intentions were with given territory to the USA, i don't know, but given that Sweden hasn't taken that territory yet i guess it was very effective at whatever it was intended to accomplish?



Lastly, if you guys want to keep it interesting, then why the hell are you still fighting amonst each other? I'm about to unleash hell on Northern Russia and start the proper invasion of Sweden, and i find Northern Russia and Sweden bashing each other's head in in the north?!? Please don't blame ME for an easy overrun of the south then...

I long counted on Canada, Iceland, Sweden, Finland and Northern Russia joining forces to fight me and the UK. I'm ready for that fight and you guys better realise that every ARM-point lost in the north is not helping either involved party, it's only helping me...


The fictional character Sponge is used the same way in every game. I thought it a nice touch that a Facebook account was even created for him. I have followed his "career" in this game for some time and my words and actions are meant to spotlight how that account is used. I think the whole Sponge is just lame thing has been overplayed and should be given a rest. If not, at least I will have raised the level of awareness of how that account is used so other players understand what they are facing when they find a sponge in their neighborhood.


Race Pilsner

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Well, my math was:


GB: GB+Ireland+ 1/2 Lowlands = 2.5 (GB owns The Netherlands, Belgium&Luxembourg are French)

Germany = 4 countries big but with another front taking up resources (i still need to invade the Middle East, you know!) -> 2.5 going north


Canada: Canada+ US = 2, minus 0.5 for far overseas = 1,5

Iceland+ Sweden+ Finland: Iceland+Sweden+0.75Norway+0.5Finland = 3.25, -0.25 for overseas = 3


Northern Russia: NR + 0.5Finland + 0.5BalticStates = 2



If Finland only has three provinces left, it only means NR has a bit more and your team has a bit less, doesn't change the sum (though it does change the difference...).

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The fictional character Sponge is used the same way in every game. I thought it a nice touch that a Facebook account was even created for him. I have followed his "career" in this game for some time and my words and actions are meant to spotlight how that account is used. I think the whole Sponge is just lame thing has been overplayed and should be given a rest. If not, at least I will have raised the level of awareness of how that account is used so other players understand what they are facing when they find a sponge in their neighborhood.


Race Pilsner


*ah, scratch it, lets just play.* :)

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Oh and Race, your TA's are all arctic weather zone nations, WTH are you doing in Bermuda of all places far-off from there?!? :joker:


I could make flip remarks about all those Arctic TA's needing a nice warm beach province for holiday but to be precise I was just guarding the front door.


Race Pilsner


Ok, that sounds like a safe tactic. Given the life-and-death struggle of Morocco and Spain against Egypt and Tunisia, i'm quite sure no country is even contemplating invading a unified America, but better safe than sorry can't hurt i guess. :D

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Well, my math was:


GB: GB+Ireland+ 1/2 Lowlands = 2.5 (GB owns The Netherlands, Belgium&Luxembourg are French)

Germany = 4 countries big but with another front taking up resources (i still need to invade the Middle East, you know!) -> 2.5 going north


Canada: Canada+ US = 2, minus 0.5 for far overseas = 1,5

Iceland+ Sweden+ Finland: Iceland+Sweden+0.75Norway+0.5Finland = 3.25, -0.25 for overseas = 3


Northern Russia: NR + 0.5Finland + 0.5BalticStates = 2



If Finland only has three provinces left, it only means NR has a bit more and your team has a bit less, doesn't change the sum (though it does change the difference...).


OK now I understand your math......


Race Pilsner

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