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You can load 2B fuel at a time.. Or even try and load 2B fuel in each of the 24 LC slots, but the fleet can only hold 2B at once. If you combine large fleets that have more than 2B total tanks your fleet will ditch fuel to get down to the 2B limit.


Also, the 2B limit is a coding limit an applies to any single item, so only 2B armor of each type, cargo bays, fuel tanks etc.



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Robotic Shipyards: Advances in cybernetics and related fields have resulted in the development of advanced robotic workers capable of reasonably sophisticated manufacturing tasks. Aside from substantial social unrest caused by living workers being replaced by machines, limiting their current use to the shipyard sector, they are extremely efficient and require minimal time off for maintenance, but are somewhat inflexible in their job roles. Once designed to install a section of hull plating, thread wires through hull structures or perform a myriad of other tasks, the machines are left alone to do their jobs. As a result, and to maximize their efficiency in working with a wide variety of starship components, starships of less than 25,000 tons in total mass are ignored by the robotics in favor of larger vessels. This means that once this technology is developed, any design placed in a shipyard anywhere in the empire must be at least 25,000 tons in size or it will not ever be completed. Ships placed in a shipyard to be scrapped are excluded from this restriction, as the robots simply tear apart anything they can get their disassembling appendages on, regardless of tonnage. The benefit of using robotic workers in empire shipyards, however, is substantial: ship construction output is doubled to 20,000 tons of assembly per shipyard over the normal 10,000 tons. As another benefit, existing shipyards are refitted with robots and do not need to be reconstructed. WARNING: Once this technology is developed, ships of less than 25,000 tons can no longer be constructed. Smaller units can be scrapped, but all new construction must be for 25,000+ ton units. Classification: Repair Yard This Item cannot be manufactured, and is either a ground combat upgrade or a prerequisite for other technologies Prerequisite Technologies: 4th Generation Android Technology, 4th Generation Cybernetics, 4th Generation Social Engineering

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You can load 2B fuel at a time.. Or even try and load 2B fuel in each of the 24 LC slots, but the fleet can only hold 2B at once. If you combine large fleets that have more than 2B total tanks your fleet will ditch fuel to get down to the 2B limit.


Also, the 2B limit is a coding limit an applies to any single item, so only 2B armor of each type, cargo bays, fuel tanks etc.



Nope you can only load 1B fuel per slot, you'll have to use two of the LC slots to get the max a fleet can hold - I have had a few occasions that I had forgotten that oddity that has caused delays in plans.

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I was using ORB to tell me if there were any possible EXPL finds on a planet, but so far only my homeworld has shown any, so I'm guessing that they only appear on worlds with population.

ORB does tell you the finds you have already found, not the one you can explore!


You can find something with EXPL on every planet/moon. The chances may differ, though. I never did an analysis about this, but I wanted to point out, that you are interpreting the ORB results regarding

EXPLs wrong.


If you get the message on an ORB result, that this planet has been heavily explored, then you might want to move your EXPL-fleet to a new location, as your chances to find anything are going down fasSo

So No virgin teritory MSGs. or was that just on our Home World

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