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I was using ORB to tell me if there were any possible EXPL finds on a planet, but so far only my homeworld has shown any, so I'm guessing that they only appear on worlds with population.


ORB does tell you the finds you have already found, not the one you can explore!


You can find something with EXPL on every planet/moon. The chances may differ, though. I never did an analysis about this, but I wanted to point out, that you are interpreting the ORB results regarding

EXPLs wrong.


If you get the message on an ORB result, that this planet has been heavily explored, then you might want to move your EXPL-fleet to a new location, as your chances to find anything are going down fast.

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On my old position, I had quite a few tugs runing around my home system, so I built specialized exploration satellites and towed them to every world and moon in my home system. They only had two APs, but that was enough for an XEXPL and XOC to their popgroup every turn. then I had a separate ship running a convoy around to pick up stuff from all those popgroups and bring them back to the homeworld.

Of course, having that much activity in the home system means anyone taking a peek in there is going to know they've hit paydirt, so it sort of depends on how paranoid you are about being found.

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Ahh, OK, thanks. It was the way I was reading it, my initial ORB on my homeworld said:



Special exploration discoveries spotted at this world include:

historical notes and evidence in various Imperial libraries and archaeological dig sites


Your teams estimate that this world is virgin territory, ripe for exploration.



And every other world I have ORB'd said:


Special exploration discoveries spotted at this world include: <none found here>


I mistakenly took this to mean there was nothing to investigate. I have built a couple of ships just for EXPL missions (cargo holds, fighter and drone bays), so it looks like I should build some more of those, to explore more planets :-)


Thanks for the clarification!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Don't forget your survey landers, universal translators, science labs, etc. EXPL is where those items shine.




Is it best to build 5 mediocre XEXPL ships with 2 AP each or build one ship with the 5 times as many sci labs, survey landers , etc as a mediocre ship would have had but still only 2 ap ?


What gives the best results more AP's or more sci labs?

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In my experience, the best bet is to design a simple 2AP ship (or satellite) and put one on each world. Over time you'll pull a ton of stuff and a few sci hits out of those worlds, with the frequency depleting over time. Multi-AP ships will get more hits, but will just deplete those worlds faster. I guess it depends on whether you're stripmining an area or if you're in it for the long haul.

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Results are based on how well your ship is designed, among other things. Your AP indicates how fast your ships will have opportunities to find something. There has always been the question of whether it is better to have one big exploration ship or the same tonnage split up among numerous ships. Apparently there is no difference so you can do what ever you want.


I have seen and used both strategies and have not seen significant differences.



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  • 5 weeks later...

can anyone help me with the antimatter bomb

plz and thank you


What do you need Antimatter bomb for?


It is just another MDD with nothing special after it. But iirc you need to get Antimatter Jump Drive and other MDDs before it. I look it up on weekend, so be patient.

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Ok here it is:

-----ANZ (Analyze Item)-----

ANZ: Anti-Matter Bomb

Anti-Matter Bomb: Anti-Matter Bombs store tiny amounts of antimatter within very powerful magnetic fields.

When the seals holding the magnetic fields are broken, the antimatter comes into contact

with the surrounded normal matter, setting off an incredibly powerful explosion.

Radiation is minimized in favor of raw explosive power. Anti-Matter Bombs are extremely

delicate but pack a mighty punch. (10 tons) 10 Advanced Steel - 10 Advanced Electronics

- 30 Caldaran Crystals

Classification: Weapon Structural Integrity: 10

Prerequisite Technologies: Solar Fusion Generator, Mk I Antimatter Jump Drive

Nuclear Weapons Offense: Phenomenal [450000]

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  • 3 weeks later...

has anyone used the scut order lately? does not seem to work for me...


I can never get it to work, when I have raised this before on the forum I never got a straight answer, I think players get the SCUT and SCRP order mixed up.


I think the SCRP order works when you go to a base and recover the components, I dont think the SCUT order works where you are looking to just get rid of a ship by blowing it up. I wish it would work as it would be handy to get rid of some ships stuck down 1 ways in other players territory.

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