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Some Newbie questions


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To stop tooled orders you do a eb,0,some item,pop group,priority number you want removed. Or u can change the tooled order to something else altogether with a different quantity. That way you save orders

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, something that has just come up, how do I transfer cargo between fleets if I don't have a pop group on the planet my fleets are at? Basically I have a fleet doing XEXPL at some of the other planets in my system, and want to use a cargo ship to rendezvous with each in turn and collect anything they have picked up. OC and LC orders are between a fleet and a pop group, and I haven't found an equivalent between fleets, is there one?


Any help will be gratefully received,





(The Divine Host)

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Hi, something that has just come up, how do I transfer cargo between fleets if I don't have a pop group on the planet my fleets are at? Basically I have a fleet doing XEXPL at some of the other planets in my system, and want to use a cargo ship to rendezvous with each in turn and collect anything they have picked up. OC and LC orders are between a fleet and a pop group, and I haven't found an equivalent between fleets, is there one?


Any help will be gratefully received,





(The Divine Host)

Short and painful answer: you don't.


Longer answer: There is no command for it (onl< FUEL for a fuel transfer). But you can merge the fleets, and RN the fleet out, that wants to move the cargo. They should take all the available stuff with them.

You just have no say into which they take.


Easier is to set up a pop group and XOC your stuff down from the exlporer fleet.

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what i would do is drop a colony beacon and do standing orders to OC and then set up a convoy route for your cargo ship/fleet to move it to your home world....

since you already did your XEXPL you can now edit standing orders and move them around with XESTA. so you do some more XOC'S and then just move em up to where they need to be...



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I have a question about research and the best way to do it.

one friend says to put all 25 teams on one tech and it will be compleated in one turn, he says this is the most efficent way to research tech. 4th Gen and above

another says that one team per item is the most efficent.

can anyone settle the debate for me please.

if it makes any diffreance my life form has all RB's that are possiable. Max intel,sensory and long life cycle.

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I have a question about research and the best way to do it.

one friend says to put all 25 teams on one tech and it will be compleated in one turn, he says this is the most efficent way to research tech. 4th Gen and above

another says that one team per item is the most efficent.

can anyone settle the debate for me please.

if it makes any diffreance my life form has all RB's that are possiable. Max intel,sensory and long life cycle.


Actually both are right in part.


Doing one per item is the most efficient use if you do not have much Scientist Breakthroughs.


If you only have a few Scientist Breakthroughs (about 6) 25 on one Subject gets you there faster.


If you go to quite a few more (>10), you are starting to waste Breakthroughs (you only need about 6 on a subject to get it

researched), it starts to be more useful to split the 25 RCs over some more subjects.


As you get further into the game, it is more about Scientist breakthroughs than how good your research parameters are.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I think I've just messed up! I set up a colony beacon at a planet I have XEXPL orders going on (so I could XOC all finds for later pickup), and set up a convoy route to go to the planet , collect any cargo there, and bring it home. Unfortunately, the first thing it picked up was the Imperial Flag. Does this mean the pop group ID is gone? It is hard to tell, because with nothing in the pop groups inventory, it doesn't get listed in my orders. I now have an Imperial Flag in storage at my homeworld, lol. The real worry is that if the pop group is gone, I have an XOC order that will fail, and an LC on my cargo route that will fail also. Someone please tell me it is OK, my pop group still exists!




Ricky Walker

The Divine Host

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