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The Spongistanian Stormtroopers (with light sabres) have lined up very nicely on the German border and have been taking lessons in how to fill in the correct paperwork. We feel there should be no trouble entering Germany within the week on our annual pilgrimage to the pools of Berlin.


We have also heard rumours that the British do not want us to set up a holiday home in Norway, we would like to point out to the British that Norway is a lot closer to Spongistan than to the British Ils and we are naturally aquatic in nature.


We're sorry, the Berlin Pools are still closed for decontamination after last year's pilgrimage. However, we hear that Lourdes is lovely this time of year!

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Guest Spongebob

Arrrrghhhhhhh!!!!! Just had word from the border and it seems yet again our passports are "NOT IN ORDER" - What the hel does that mean? Someone bring me the head of Alfredo Garcia.

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The German bureaucracy is the most formidable part of the German war machine.

Two of its most powerfull weapons are efficiency, surprise and an almost total dedication to the pope.


No serious, it must be their fingerprints: all alike.

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Guest Spongebob

The only finger print I keep seeing is the middle finger from those German guards. Most Frustrating. Ah well this just means more time to recruit and train. Running out of weapons now... bring out the pea shooters

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The only finger print I keep seeing is the middle finger from those German guards. Most Frustrating. Ah well this just means more time to recruit and train. Running out of weapons now... bring out the pea shooters


That particular gesture is American in origin, although I'm certain it's fairly universal now. You want to piss a German off? Tap your forehead with your finger as you drive past them. Boy, talk about your road rage! :taz::explode:

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New Map:





- The situaion could be simplified if I could limit myself to Eastern, Western, African/Middle East, Balkan and Sandwich alliances. and a few neutrals.




- Germany is dying the death of a thousand cuts. Latest member of the goon squad: Baltic states with a stack of 12 armored and 1 mech in Suwalki. German orders: we need more fighters. Well, a couple more MECH, Ju-88's and Pzkw IIIF's might do well too, Better make that a lot of them.

- German border guards at the border with Denmark have gone on strike.

- The Balkan war is totally undecide but Central Russia did DW Rumania. No actions were taken against Rumania by CR however. Remember to first DW and then bomb the enemy.

- What will the Middle East do after the demise of the UAE and Syria? It seems that Iraq is still an active force.

- Where will the USA land now Portugal and Spain have finally declared war? Leaving (as i believe) Denmark the only country at peace.

- Wenn ist das Nunstruck git und Slotermeyer? Ja! ... Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!

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The war between Bulgaria and Rumania will be won by Russia? :)



Not if Bulgaria has anything to say about it. I'm not dead just yet. Hey I have a suggestion, why don't you surrender and save both of us some time.


You have nothing to say about it. Already you needed Yugoslavia to invade Rumania as distraction and Greek forces to kick Rumania out of Maritsa and still you fail to kick even a few statics out of the plains... you´re a dying nation.

In a few turns time, CR can be at the gates of Bucharest with 30 divisions while you and Rumania still whack at each other with less than a dozen divisions each.

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