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😂 brrrrrrrr it’s still very cold. Luckily wool is a great insulator even when wet!! 

Btw the Spanish airbase in xParis... if you can call it that now underwent some major  renovations. 🐑 bombs took care of the ripout portion of the project. Heavy Transport planes on the way with new drywall along with a whole lot of ‘installation techs’. 😈

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8 hours ago, Marklen X said:

Europe's time has come. We are coming for your wives, your children, your homes, your churches, your fields and your cities. There is no place to hide. As Michael has found out. 


Your first mistake was starting in Italy 🤪

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1 hour ago, Marklen X said:

We shall see Predator. I think you will not be so sanguine in a few turns. Not sure where else we would have started, you or your allies own most of it. Have to kill the king to be the king. Cleo, based on how you defended Africa, not real worried. 

I know the flood of ju-88’s are coming😁

I have a plan for that...

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