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Game #106


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Baltic States has declared war on Northern Russia 
Spain has declared war on France          
Spain has declared war on Tunisia         
Portugal has declared war on France          
Morocco has declared war on Egypt           
Morocco has declared war on Trans-Jordan    
Saudi Arabia has declared war on Trans-Jordan    
Sweden has declared war on Denmark         
Norway has declared war on Northern Russia 
Finland has declared war on Northern Russia 
Syria has declared war on Egypt           
Syria has conquered xTelaviv from Trans-Jordan  

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Not much action in here, but the game has reached turn 37 and I would like to give a status seen from our alliance (Poland, Baltic, Finland, Norway and Sweden).

Our alliance will not have a chance of winning this game.

It seems that 3 alliances made a deal from the start of the game, maybe even before it started, that they would not attack each other.

We had an idea about that early, but could not be sure.

Now we know and the right answer to this would be for our alliance to drop out of the game and let these 3 alliances play for another 36 turns without enemies. Not sure how much fun that would be.

We still find the game interesting, so we have chosen to play on for now, but at some point the 3 alliances might have to play the rest of the game without enemies.

Rumania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and Hungary have been at war with Poland almost from the start of the game and have already taken up to 5 cities in Poland after 36 turns.

US, Canada, GB and Iceland attacked Norway with a surprise attack around 10 turns ago and did some damage, but they were not able to follow up on the attack, so they have gained basically nothing. Well that is not entirely correct. They have taken Ireland during the first 36 turns.

Now Spain, Portugal, Algeria and maybe Morocco have joined the fun. That will probably help the 2 other alliances. 12 against 5 should give them an advantage.

Let us see how things develop from here.


Leader of Sweden

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I can assure you that none of the agreements between our alliance and the others you mention were in place at the start of the game, we just managed to survive long enough to eliminate the others. You were unlucky with how things evolved in this game, but it was never a pre-defined plan. Lots of countries perished before we started attacking your group.

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Baaaaaah! As the de facto leader of the 🐑 hordes we must chime in as well. I agree with Hamish even though I don’t know what nation he is playing. 😁

we did sign onto some  alliances early on but that had little bearing on our choice to attack Norway. 🐑 spies determined early on that Norway decided to leave his nation nearly defenseless as they prosecuted their war in Denmark. Not wanting to turn away from incredible grazing lands in Norway the 🐑 attacked and did MAJOR damage which Norway still hasn’t recovered from and most likely won’t it was so extensive. The 🐑 still hold beachheads after 10 turns and it’s looking like we will keep them for a few more TP’s perhaps longer… much much longer. 😉

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  • 9 months later...

Turn 57 now and still no action in here.

But then again, why should there be?

This outcome of this game has been known for at least the last 20 turns.

Our alliance do not have the power to fight the Spain/Portugal alliance and the Rumanian alliance, which both are bigger than us, and we will surely keep losing cities/provinces to the end of the game. The UK alliance is mostly sailing around and doing air attacks, so they are not really a problem for us.

The Rumanian alliance seems to be satisfied with a second place in this game.

The UK alliance seems to be satisfied with surviving and to capture Ireland as their only gain in 72 turns (they were kicked out of Norway many turns ago).

Unless the Rumanian alliance and the UK alliance are controlled by some of the same people as the Spain/Portugal alliance (the privacy option makes me think this is a possibility), then I must admire the diplomatic skills of the Spain/Portugal alliance. They have convinced the Rumanian alliance and the UK alliance to support them to the end.

I have nothing against alliances working together, but when it is for the hole game and some alliances do not even try to win, I do not think it is good for Victory. Then it might as well be allowed to be up to 39 players in a TA alliance. They can then fight the last player together to secure the win.

Well everyone can play as they want to, but I do not understand it, when people do not play to win.


Leader of Sweden


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19 hours ago, Tordenskiold said:

Turn 57 now and still no action in here.

But then again, why should there be?

This outcome of this game has been known for at least the last 20 turns.

Our alliance do not have the power to fight the Spain/Portugal alliance and the Rumanian alliance, which both are bigger than us, and we will surely keep losing cities/provinces to the end of the game. The UK alliance is mostly sailing around and doing air attacks, so they are not really a problem for us.

The Rumanian alliance seems to be satisfied with a second place in this game.

The UK alliance seems to be satisfied with surviving and to capture Ireland as their only gain in 72 turns (they were kicked out of Norway many turns ago).

Unless the Rumanian alliance and the UK alliance are controlled by some of the same people as the Spain/Portugal alliance (the privacy option makes me think this is a possibility), then I must admire the diplomatic skills of the Spain/Portugal alliance. They have convinced the Rumanian alliance and the UK alliance to support them to the end.

I have nothing against alliances working together, but when it is for the hole game and some alliances do not even try to win, I do not think it is good for Victory. Then it might as well be allowed to be up to 39 players in a TA alliance. They can then fight the last player together to secure the win.

Well everyone can play as they want to, but I do not understand it, when people do not play to win.


Leader of Sweden


My main goal in victory has been and always will be to have fun trying to win. Winning is a goal but not the primary one. I can understand the frustration though if winning is the primary goal. Alliances are a very large part of the game and since the player base is relatively small keeping your word on agreements is critical as your reputation will follow you into the next game where your enemy in your prior game is now suddenly a possible ally. We exchanged emails with your group proposing an agreement to join forces against the Portugal/Spain group but we had already made prior agreements. I must admit it was tempting but as stated earlier conflicted with the desire to adhere to agreements made earlier. As one of the UK alliance members I salute your alliance’s determined resistance to our landings. It’s a very tough thing in Victory to conduct amphibious assault against a determined active player but the games not over yet :)  keep fighting the good fight and hope to see you again in future games. 

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I still do not understand the agreement between the UK group and the Spain group.

Looks like the agreement was, that the Spain group could take France, Lowlands, Germany and Denmark, while the UK group could take Ireland and get a promise, that the Spain group would not sail across the Atlantic to attack US/Canada/Iceland (with German Tech). Who got the best deal?


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