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Jump capable Base Stations

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Although I haven't tried to jump them, the Hive have revolutionary Base Stations that show up as being jump capable on my Fleet Report.


This may be due to the fact that other ships are in the fleet and all were spit out at the same time from shipyards, but it is a bit confusing.



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Shouldn't this and your other "non tech support" be posted else where? :) Maybe Pete or Russ can move it.

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Wouldn't you consider having base stations that show up as being jump capable (especially if they can warp) a tech support issue? How is a hydroelectric plant output irregularity a non-tech support issue?



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My initial thought was for issues relating specifically to the entry program or empire database but this seems to be working well for all problem threads.


Use the Rules & Mechanics forum for "How-to" topics and this forum for any and all bug reports. Follow the same procedures you've been using and start a new topic for each specific problem/bug. This will give us a good place to concentrate on such things.


I'll edit my forum welcome post to make it more clear.


Thanks guys,

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