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Fuel Transfers


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Much thanks to you both!


Can't xfer any other cargo in deep space, though. Need to OC/LC with a pop-group.


WHAT???? you mean I can't transfer beer kegs in space???? ;)

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WHAT???? you mean I can't transfer beer kegs in space???? :oops:

We think there's a case to be made to classify all brewed products as 'fuel'. Have to get Pete to change the code to reflect that, though. ;)

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WHAT???? you mean I can't transfer beer kegs in space???? :drunk:



Thought that's what light drones were for. Skip the warhead, replace with keg(s) (multiple small kegs for small races, one large keg for large races), strap on a pulse engine and a white flag, then launch an armada of them to your threatening neighbor.


Result should be VERY good relations, at least until the hangover wears off.....





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Well, you guys should be thrilled by one of my latest system finds (I'm not kidding):





If you can make it there, my good friend Johnny will treat you to one being the fine chap that he is. There's plenty to go around... :P


I'm SS-ing it this turn, so hopefully there are lots of planets for Starbars.



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