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Mk I strategy

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While contemplating the cosmos and thinking about research priorities, had a thought you good folks (and bad folks, too) might want to weigh in on.


Given the 'surprises' in the tech tree, wouldn't it be a good idea to reserach EVERY Mk I and 1st Gen technology to be certain something hidden doesn't remain so? The 1st Gen question is probably obvious, but if a race never intended to build torpedos (as an example) and didn't research Mk I short range torps, would they perhaps miss out a branch of the tree they may be interested in? Perhaps something related to torpedo technology (drones, perhaps) would never become visible to the race?


Based on such speculation, I am considering researching every Mk I tech even if I don't think I want to move down that branch.


Other thoughts?


Ocyus Imperium :blink:

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I'm guessing that everyone has thought that at one time or another. You have to weigh the benefits versus the time. You essentially remain a 1st generation empire for longer. To paraphrase another post: Lots of MK 1 weapons are still no match for MK 2 weapons except in extremely inefficient quantities.

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Something I heard yesterday while watching one of my favorite TV shows.

that dealt with this in a way.. one alien was commenting to one of the crew

of the Enterprise that she would fight on that ship. Then Lt Reed reminds

her that she was the one that said thier weapons where 'primitive' and she

replies its not the weapon but the soldier who wields it.


I still belive that a ship armed with Mk 1 weapns is very effective IF the crew

fighting the ship is very competent and being led by a Leader of great skill.


In SN that may mean a MK 1 Warship manned by an elite crew and led by a Grand Admiral or better. If the race also has any racial mods they would trash your run of the mill

mk 2 or might even give a Mk3 ship a run for its dilithium

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Of course since you don't really have any control on how quickly your leaders are promoted then you would probably not have an advantage here since both empires would have fairly equal leaders.

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...and its hard to know IF you have an experienced ship since there is no explanation of Experience and Morale in the rules nor any indicator of the levels of these on the turn sheet even though you can do orders (LFE) to increase it and build various installations to help with it...



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Then Lt Reed reminds her that she was the one that said thier weapons where 'primitive' and she replies its not the weapon but the soldier who wields it.


In SN that may mean a MK 1 Warship manned by an elite crew and led by a Grand Admiral or better. If the race also has any racial mods they would trash your run of the mill

mk 2 or might even give a Mk3 ship a run for its dilithium

Napoleon once said that morale was three times more important than numbers.

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Napoleon once said that morale was three times more important than numbers.

Didn't he also say that God favors the larger army?

I believe you are referring to "God is on the side of the bigger battalions". But that is tactical, not strategic, and also, it didn't fit with the point I was trying to make, so I discarded that quote. :blink:

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Didn't Napoleon lose the war.... twice?


-Pig Skin

Yeah, but only after he dogstomped through Europe first.


He was beaten by the Russian Winter - and who hasn't been? He was beaten near Waterloo but he wasn't exactly at his fighting trim then either. All in all, for a guy taking on all of Europe, he didn't do too bad, even for a Corsican. :blink:

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He was beaten by the Russian Winter - and who hasn't been?

The Mongols.

And the Swedes. Specifically the Swedish tribe called the Rus who started a little trading post along the Moskva River. We call that place Moscow now, and the Rus interbred with the local Slavs to make Russians.

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We can think of many who have not been defeated by the Russian winter. Only fools with cannons get stuck. Now Afghanistan (as a conqueror bent on keeping it) is a different story.


Russia (conquering portions of it)


Prussians (defeated Russians during WWI)



Huns (parts of it)

Poles (tooks portions during the hey day of the Polish empire)




Oh and one of our System Lords conquered Stalin (I mean the USSR) :)

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