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LC/OC ALL reporting issue

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Currently a LC ALL will record each and every item in the target colony and then use a zero value for items beyond the cargo capacity of a fleet.


The ramification of this is that on a LC ALL order, the report on your turn shows each item even if not loaded. Then when you move to OC ALL, you see the items again. For low AP cargo fleets its not a big deal. But if you have say a 10 AP fleet on in-system hauling route, you see this spam on each action point so it will be 10x. The better the engines the more the spam. 12x. 16x. Eek!


It gets even worse when you have a combined colony that has both mining and is an XEXPL drop-off. The early alphabetical items will get loaded and moved relatively quickly. But if you have say an iron mining operation, everything after "i" has to wait for the iron to be moved, which could take a while depending on your fleet size versus the mining output. All those MK ? items keep showing up again and again and again.


Over the past two turns, just one of my convoy routes has generated 3-4 pages of this spam each turn. And from what I am forecasting its only going to get worse.

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Hmm...it does add a lot of spam if you have LC or OC orders filled with items that aren't there (on the pop group or fleet, as appropriate). I could delete the "zero" text messages from the report, but then you wouldn't get any feedback on your turn in case you thought something was there, but it wasn't. I can go either way on this - it's easy to delete that line if you guys would rather not have it.

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I get pages and pages of convoy route results and I hardly look at them most of the time, however they are there and I do look at them occasionally. I would prefer to have them left as detailed as they are. The only thing that I might ask is that they be reported in a seperate section or even a hard page just prior to the convoy routes running so I can turn right to it and more easily select to not print that section when I print out my turns. I have noticed for some time that high AP fleets on convoy routes do indeed increase your report length, but that is just part of the gaem and not something I feel it is worth quibling over. JMHO :alien::alien::cheers::D

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A page break would be nice before every major section actually.


Perhaps you can find some way to condense the listing of convoy route zero quantities. Something like "The following did not load: Iron, Petroleum, Twinkies, . . ."

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A page break would be nice before every major section actually.


Perhaps you can find some way to condense the listing of convoy route zero quantities. Something like "The following did not load: Iron, Petroleum, Twinkies, . . ."

I could tabulate the ones that didn't load and make a new reporting method for those. Some items don't load, then some do, some more might not, and so on - so it would need to be tracked throughout the LC/OC and then reported. I can examine that possibility, but there's plenty of desire for space combat report upgrades, so I expect to work on that first :alien:


Can't do a page break - your results are all stored in one gigantic text list, and the reporting engine in MS Access treats all of the results part as one report. I could put in a bunch of blank lines if that would help, to separate the Convoy Route section from the preceding orders?

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