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Suggestion for a Galactic Exchange Medium

Ur Lord Tedric

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The Colony Posted on Jun 29 2004, 01:36 PM
We wonder if these distinguished empires have accurately factored their exchange medium...Now compared to a 10cm autocannon it inflicts the same damage and takes approx. the same to build (resource/tonnage is =) but many players do not have a defense against it.


This would of course be factored in the desire of the player to trade for them but this makes the entire equation and formula pointless.


Not pointless, Senator...it is simply a baseline. Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater. Proponents of the G$ system have pointed out that supply and demand still have their place.


In your example, I would expect the demand for ESAP weaponry to be higher than that for 10cm autocannon, garnering a nice profit for yourself in the purchase/trade. It is no more complicated than that...nor we think pointless.

I think we should keep in mind that we are aiming at a macroeconomic/intersterrer trade model. We want a standarized medium of exchange to serve as a sort of basic vocabulary, a currency, so that it might facilitate the type of market where supply and demand will in fact naturally emerge.


President Logion

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I just don't see how this cookie-cutter aproach to trade for setting prices will establish anything consistent. Its like trying to make a Football card pricelist based upon nothing more than the amount of ink that went into produceing it.


A truer method would be to record known trades and exchanges and report on what the going rate is for an item. Without Megacredits or tradegoods that can be transported for profit, this cookie-cutter approach ignores the barter system limitations.


-Pig Skin

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Pig Skin Posted on Jun 30 2004, 11:26 AM

I just don't see how this cookie-cutter aproach to trade for setting prices will establish anything consistent. Its like trying to make a Football card pricelist based upon nothing more than the amount of ink that went into produceing it.

Hmmm...you couldn't even make your pricelist without the fact that there IS a currency system based on the dollar. I believe THIS is the point of having the G$ system in the first place. I haven't heard anyone state they are setting prices, especially fixed ones that you allude to as "cookie-cutter", but once the system is in place, sellers/buyers/traders can at least have something with which to base an increase/decrease in price upon.

Pig Skin Posted on Jun 30 2004, 11:26 AM

A truer method would be to record known trades and exchanges and report on what the going rate is for an item.

Ok for a system with millions of consumers, but with the microcosm our empires exist in, this isn't a practical method...especially when we can't even get a majority to join the GS, much less report everything they buy and sell. I don't know anyone who's willing to show their hand to the extent of letting everyone know they just traded for Mk VI Disruptor Cannons...that's just throwing national security away. I don't think you really have confidence that system would work either.


Pig Skin Posted on Jun 30 2004, 11:26 AM

Without Megacredits or tradegoods that can be transported for profit, this cookie-cutter approach ignores the barter system limitations.


We are curious as to just how this system limits bartering. Having an established baseline of economic worth/product value that particular buyers/sellers/traders can modify based on supply and demand facilitates exchange between empires. The buyers/sellers/traders can factor in their production cost (as stated by several principals), transit time for products, infrastructure markup, etc to strike a deal with prospective clients. The system, as presented, seems quite flexible and open to specific modifications negotiated into a trade agreement.

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I just don't see how this cookie-cutter aproach to trade for setting prices will establish anything consistent. Its like trying to make a Football card pricelist based upon nothing more than the amount of ink that went into produceing it.


A truer method would be to record known trades and exchanges and report on what the going rate is for an item. Without Megacredits or tradegoods that can be transported for profit, this cookie-cutter approach ignores the barter system limitations.


-Pig Skin

My point is that the G$ would become a megacredit of sorts. Instead of a Market that lists every tradeable item in terms of how much of EVERY other item in the game, we can say this item trades for xG$s. Its cash and that's as good as money:-) Seriously, that is exactly what money does. Money is just an abstraction of trade, a commecial note representing the relative value of exchanged goods and services so we don't have to carry gold bars or a truck load of goats every time we go out to eat. Obviously money also decreases the real cost of commerce be eliminating the need to actually transport everything thereby reducing the opportunity cost associated with breaking isolation. Think large dear Senitents. The only difference between the G$ and money is it would lack the guarantee of a Bank, which in our terms, would be a centralized store of all known commodities. As our economy and galactic civilization grows we shall evolve to the point that a Galactic Central Bank might prove useful and be feasible. We are not their yet. But just think how much fun the pirates would have becoming bank robbers;-)


President Logion

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We could of course...bypass G$=Megacredits.....and actually establish a REAL Galactic Stock Market at some point.


THAT would be cool.

Agreed. A commodities exchange would be well worth the effort. We need more generalized link-ups and established trade routes, but Barter World is not inconcievable. I just think this commodities echange would work even better with a megacredit/G$ system for keeping track of relative flx in supply and demand. That is what I see evolving from adoption of a common exchange medium. Then there are secondary markets,whole new avenues for in-game economic creativity and wealth creation. Derivatives markets, insurance, markets in e-bills of ladden and eventually a galactic central bank with loans and interests rates, the whole deal.


President Logion

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Why does anyone want to trade? Why don't you just take whatever you want? It works for me. :D



Oh Turok!


Whilst I am apalled by your piratical attitude, it doesn't mean we haven't tried to allow for it.


In the course of your acquisition you may end up with things you have no use for - perhaps you'll find a 'fence' who will take them off your hands in return for things you do need.


At the very least, this will give you an easy method of keeping score!!! :P


Chief Trader to Ur-Lord Tedric, Scourge of the Pirates

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Lord Tedric - Sir


Ending up with things I have no use for! - impossible sir. I simply persuade one of my neighbours he is in desperate need of the commodity and allow him to buy it at a very good price. (Good for me that is) :python:

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Only Shipyards produce finished goods and require power

-SK  :D





We're still not sure that's true......


Will reconfirm in a couple of turns......


Chief Planner to Ur-Lord Tedric

Perhaps I should have phrased that as "According to the official documentation only Shipyards produce finished goods and require power." :python:

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Why does anyone want to trade? Why don't you just take whatever you want? It works for me. :D



Oh Turok!


Whilst I am apalled by your piratical attitude, it doesn't mean we haven't tried to allow for it.


In the course of your acquisition you may end up with things you have no use for - perhaps you'll find a 'fence' who will take them off your hands in return for things you do need.


At the very least, this will give you an easy method of keeping score!!! :P


Chief Trader to Ur-Lord Tedric, Scourge of the Pirates



Russia's a country now because the Vikings needed a place to fense their plunder.

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Ok --- The Standardization of Commerce bill passed in the Senate!


Feel free to present new Bylaws after hammering out a fairly finalized version of the standardization. I know that several of us are pretty anxious to see what comes out of this discussion. The standard should be easy to change -- so I'm sure there will be lots of trial and error.

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Ok --- The Standardization of Commerce bill passed in the Senate!


Feel free to present new Bylaws after hammering out a fairly finalized version of the standardization.  I know that several of us are pretty anxious to see what comes out of this discussion.  The standard should be easy to change -- so I'm sure there will be lots of trial and error.

Good Sentient Being known as Ur-Lord Tedric, would you be kind enough to organize a small and managable committee to hammer out a proposed piece of legislation that we might then present to the Senate for approval? Our government is at your service in assisting this committee in anyway we can.


I would urge the incluse of other prominent economists. The goal is, of course, a workable and simple system that will facilitate commerce and not stiffle it with cumbersome mathmatics.


Senator Logion

Benthis Collective 4579 :robot:

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Good Sentient Being known as Ur-Lord Tedric, would you be kind enough to organize a small and managable committee to hammer out a proposed piece of legislation that we might then present to the Senate for approval? Our government is at your service in assisting this committee in anyway we can.


I would urge the incluse of other prominent economists. The goal is, of course, a workable and simple system that will facilitate commerce and not stiffle it with cumbersome mathmatics.


Senator Logion

Benthis Collective 4579 :D

Greetings Senator Logion and Honoured Justinian,


We thank you for your kind words, but do not believe it is our place to suggest legislation to a body we are not a member of....... :unsure:


The short treatise as outlined is very simple and completely logical, but we know does not meet with universal acclaim as to it's ultimate accuracy. It does, however, allow a simple measure of economic output measurement and a methodology for easily looking at a start point for trade evaluation.....


We shall ask the good Oracle to append a copy of it here and also, perhaps, to place it in the file download area. You and yours are entirely free to use it as you will and we will happily encourage our Chief Trader to answer any further questions or defend the model if necessary.


Lord High Seneschal to Ur-Lord Tedric

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