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Hey Pete I have a ?


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you dissscussssssed how ESssP worksss asss a benefit/component for improving exploration findsss.


Do any of the mental powersss assssssissst with ssscientific breakthroughsss?


Thanksss, ;)


CTO, Sssarasss

I've avoided saying, and since everybody knows I love to avoid giving too many details, I"ll irritatingly maintain my silence on this one <_<

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Not to sound mean, but the documentation for SN:ROTE implies a lot and says very little. Plus, there are assorted components of the game which are not fully implemented or under going modifications. I'm not trying to start another round of "What's wrong with SN:ROTE". Pete's doing what he can, as fast as he can, in the order that is the most efficient for him. My point is simply that there is a large gap between what is and what might be.


That being said, I like the mystery. :P


-SK :D

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I haven't said anything...no really...I'm all quiet here in my corner... :P



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