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GS Session 2


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061704-2-01: Yes

061704-2-02: Yes

061704-2-03: Yes

061704-2-04: Yes

061704-2-05: Yes


Senator Logion

Benthis Collective



I believe proxies are allowed. Assuming they are, we accept the honor of representing the Boo in the Galactic Senate.

In that case, we too shall issue a general proxy to Senator Logion. It is quite expensive to send delegates to these interesteller meetings.


Before I return to my other duties I shall cast a vote on the pending motions:

061704-2-01: Yes

061704-2-02: Yes

061704-2-03: Yes

061704-2-04: Yes

061704-2-05: Yes


Be advised, then, good Sentients, that the Kazarim are now represented by the Benthis Collective in this Senate.


Senator and PResident Priam

Kazarian Remnant of Nova Austrasia


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I may only be a no good Warmonger but can someone explain to me exactly what the "protections and benefits of the Galatic Senate" means. When I turn up at your HW what are you going to do? Nobody can hear you scream in space. :lol:

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General Purpose: To prevent unnecessary death and destruction and inadvertant hostilities regarding borders by creating a Galactic Border Registry and establishing a system of mutual recognition of sovereign territory and common spacefaring courtesies.


Whereas many Sentient races and governments are now reclaiming there place among the stars;


Whereas spacefaring powers necessarily come in contact in deep space while exploring and scouting for new territories;


Whereas contact is necessary if there is to be a Renaissance in Galactic Civilization;


Whereas some races seek not commerece and friendship, but war and plunder;


Where as a common first contact protocal and recognized method of establishing borders is necessary to facilitate peaceful commerce and good-neighborliness;


We, the Galactic Senate, hereby establish the following system of common border establishment and recognition as well as first contact protocals:


1) All Sentients are absolutely sovereign within their homesystems and in all systems up to two conventional jumps out from those Home Systems, provided these are through two-way warp points; and every member of the Galactic Senate agrees to mutually recognize the sovereign territory of every other member.

2) In cases where two governments share a border less than two jumps out from their homeworld the two neigbors shall agree to a negotiated border.

3) Members mutually agree to publically proclaim which systems shall constitute their outer borders and to identify to the Galactic Community the rules each race shall employ in granting entry to others. This should alert conventional travelers that they are entering sovereign territory without disclosing all of a members system names, thereby indangering the sovereignty of that member's government. In sovereign systems behind the border members may have their defense forces set to what ever state of readiness they deem appropriate, but system beacons and or picket fleets set to "Romeo" shall operate in the border Systems to inform those spacefarers who do not frequent these frequencies that they are approaching sovereign territory.

4) Members are encouraged to recognize the sovereignty of non-members according to these same rules to the extent practicable under the circumstances.

5) All systems outside of a Galactically recognized border shall be considered free space and the freedom to travel, explore, and colonize in these open, neutral territories shall be respected.

6) All Members shall set their fleets on non-hostile orders while traveling in neutral space, unless they are officially at war. Members may never generally attack other spacefarers in neutral territory, but instead may attack only declared enemies and their allies.

7) The Secretary of the Senate shall appoint a worthy member to be the keeper of border information. This information should be made public to all so that unnecessary hostilities shall be avoided.

8) Should a colony in neutral space become so large and prosperous that a government wishes to annex it as sovereign territory, then the member (or non-member) shall petition this body for recognition thereof. Recognition shall be granted on a simple majorty vote of all members. If recognition is granted, then that region shall be deemed sovereign territorty subject to the rules governing border systems.

9) No member shall jump through any known one-way jump point or any Warp Point of rating "F" or above without first soliciting notice and comment to insure that this one-way or potentially one-way warp point does not lead to the sovereign territory of another government.


Senator Logion (4579)

By Proxy of the Boo Consulate (1006)

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Ok, finished updating the vote stuff.


DOUBLE CHECK YOUR VOTES :python: I checked em twice but I'm..err...only plant-like?


Any volunteers for the new secretary position? :drunk:


Send me PMs for format ideas.


I PMd Russ about pinning the new "Galactic Senate" thread to become a sticky to hold the Charter, Membership list and Bylaw stuff.


The voting process stuff should probably stay in one thread for that session like we've been doing.


I think we should keep our business on these boards. Its easier to maintain and gives the Senate more visibility. I think it would be against the spirit of the Senate to not entertain the comments of non-members. As long as we can keep things somewhat organized, I see no reason to create a Yahoo group. Besides, every SNROTE Yahoo group Ive seen eventually dies :lol:


-- Temp Secretary-Senator Eternus

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GS BILL 061704-2-06: Nay


I am in agreement with the principles in this proposal but I am against the specifics. Here are my concerns:


1) All Sentients are absolutely sovereign within their homesystems and in all systems up to two conventional jumps out from those Home Systems, provided these are through two-way warp points; and every member of the Galactic Senate agrees to mutually recognize the sovereign territory of every other member.


I have read elsewhere that most Empires are at least five to seven systems before they start to run tino each other. I am not sure if only two jumps is enough space. I would prefer four.


2) In cases where two governments share a border less than two jumps out from their homeworld the two neigbors shall agree to a negotiated border.


This issue is related to item 1) but I agree with the principle.


3) Members mutually agree to publically proclaim which systems shall constitute their outer borders and to identify to the Galactic Community the rules each race shall employ in granting entry to others.


While I am willing to share the border information with other members of the GS I would not want to disclose this information publically. Maybe System Beacons would be a better approach?


6) All Members shall set their fleets on non-hostile orders while traveling in neutral space, unless they are officially at war. Members may never generally attack other spacefarers in neutral territory, but instead may attack only declared enemies and their allies.


Enemies declared by the Senate, each Empire, who?


8) Should a colony in neutral space become so large and prosperous that a government wishes to annex it as sovereign territory, then the member (or non-member) shall petition this body for recognition thereof. Recognition shall be granted on a simple majorty vote of all members. If recognition is granted, then that region shall be deemed sovereign territorty subject to the rules governing border systems.


I would recommend that the Empire wishing to annex the space be able to do so and only if more than 3/4s of the Empires disagree will the claim be denied. This will prevent a power group from within the Senate from controlling the others.



9) No member shall jump through any known one-way jump point or any Warp Point of rating "F" or above without first soliciting notice and comment to insure that this one-way or potentially one-way warp point does not lead to the sovereign territory of another government.


I would propose that the Warp Point rating be at least a H. I think F is too low but others of more experience than I may have a different opinion.


Senator Ali-t

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The Benthis Collective Posted on Jun 22 2004, 08:15 AM

We, the Galactic Senate, hereby establish the following system of common border establishment and recognition as well as first contact protocals:


1) All Sentients are absolutely sovereign within their homesystems and in all systems up to two conventional jumps out from those Home Systems, provided these are through two-way warp points; and every member of the Galactic Senate agrees to mutually recognize the sovereign territory of every other member.

We too wish for slightly more space as the esteemed Senator Ali-t-akua has stated for himself. However, we also see the problem with claiming too much space as it would hinder intergalactic trade. Could we perhaps compromise the two distances at 3 systems out?


2) In cases where two governments share a border less than two jumps out from their homeworld the two neigbors shall agree to a negotiated border.

If changed to compromise distance of three jumps, we agree.


3) Members mutually agree to publically proclaim which systems shall constitute their outer borders and to identify to the Galactic Community the rules each race shall employ in granting entry to others. This should alert conventional travelers that they are entering sovereign territory without disclosing all of a members system names, thereby indangering the sovereignty of that member's government. In sovereign systems behind the border members may have their defense forces set to what ever state of readiness they deem appropriate, but system beacons and or picket fleets set to "Romeo" shall operate in the border Systems to inform those spacefarers who do not frequent these frequencies that they are approaching sovereign territory.

We do not think a public proclamation is the key to peaceful coexistence here, but rather the latter part of point 3. Perhaps the senate could stipulate that fleets outside of sovereign space (as definded in point 1) will be set on R or Q orders. This way, if Senate members properly prove to a Senate officer (yet to be elected, yes?) that a hostile act took place within sovereign space, orders other than R or Q would be permitted. AND any meetings outside sovereign space would not be hostile.


8) Should a colony in neutral space become so large and prosperous that a government wishes to annex it as sovereign territory, then the member (or non-member) shall petition this body for recognition thereof. Recognition shall be granted on a simple majorty vote of all members. If recognition is granted, then that region shall be deemed sovereign territorty subject to the rules governing border systems.

To avoid a debate on all colonies currently in existence, and the divulgence of such critical information to the public at large, can the Senate perhaps put a size on a colony, making its system sovereign space? Perhaps every colony of over 100 total population entitles that empire to claim that system as sovereign. In a case where more than one empire has claim, a negotiated settlement (through Senate arbiters), will settle the issue of sovereignty.


9) No member shall jump through any known one-way jump point or any Warp Point of rating "F" or above without first soliciting notice and comment to insure that this one-way or potentially one-way warp point does not lead to the sovereign territory of another government

We are against this point in general. If point 3 stipulates engagement orders in nonsovereign space, then the risk of going through one-way WPs or WPs above "F" is no greater than any other WP jump. We accept the risk of a potentially hostile picket ship if we jump into another empire's sovereign territory, although we hope other empires would only revert to hostilities in critical areas, not all sovereign territory, to reduce the possibility of intergalactic "friction".

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Right Honorable Senators Ali-t and Galadraconis have made well thought and inciteful suggestions, some of which I would like to substantually incorporate as friendly amendments. I have also consulted with the Collectives own scientists who have confirmed to my satisfaction that the scientific basis for announcing one's intended jumps is lacking. The Boo Consulate is perhaps morally sound in suggesting these rules, but it is not on solid ground.


After redrafting this proposal it is clear that it is no longer a bill to establish borders but is now inverted and aims instead to eatablish Galactically recognized neutral zones where commerce and resource exploitation shall be free to all spacefarers. instead of a border registry which is controversial this bill seeks to register neutral space. It is hoped that the Right Honorable members of this Senate will be more willing to say what isn't theres than what is.


I have spoken with Senator Perota and it has agreed to withdraw that section of the proposal and to accept the following amended version of this border proposal:



General Purpose: To prevent unnecessary death and destruction and inadvertant hostilities regarding borders by creating a Neutral Zone Registry and establishing a system of mutual recognition of sovereign territory and common spacefaring courtesies.


Whereas many Sentient races and governments are now reclaiming there place among the stars;

Whereas spacefaring powers necessarily come in contact in deep space while exploring and scouting for new territories;

Whereas contact is necessary if there is to be a Renaissance in Galactic Civilization;

Whereas some races seek not commerece and friendship, but war and plunder;

Where as a common first contact protocal and recognized method of establishing borders is necessary to facilitate peaceful commerce and good-neighborliness;

We, the Galactic Senate, hereby establish the following system of common border establishment and recognition as well as first contact protocals:


1) All Sentients are absolutely sovereign within their homesystems and in all systems up to three conventional jumps out from those Home Systems, provided these are through two-way warp points; and every member of the Galactic Senate agrees to mutually recognize the sovereign territory of every other member.

2) In cases where two governments share a border less than three jumps out from their homeworld the two neigbors shall agree to a negotiated border. They are encouraged to pick a reasonabe half-way point and declare it either a co-dominion or neutral space.

3) Members mutually agree to publically proclaim which systems lie outside their sovereign borders and to identify to the Galactic Community the rules each race shall employ in granting other races entry into their sovereign territories. This should alert conventional travelers that they are entering sovereign territory whenever they deviate from Galactically recognized neutral zones while avoiding the problem of disclosing all of a members system names, thereby indangering the sovereignty of that member's government. In sovereign systems behind the border members may have their defense forces set to what ever state of readiness they deem appropriate.

4) Members are encouraged to recognize the sovereignty of non-members according to these same rules to the extent practicable under the circumstances. All Races are invited to submit to this Senate the lists of those systems they consider neutral. Should diputes arise this Senate shall arbitrate the sovereign claims.

5) All systems outside of a sovereign border shall be considered free space and constitute a Neutral Zone and the freedom to travel, explore, and colonize in these open, neutral territories shall be respected.

6) All Members shall set their fleets on non-hostile orders while traveling in neutral zones, unless they are officially at war. Members may never generally attack other spacefarers in neutral territory, but instead may attack only declared enemies and their allies. This declaration should be overt and preferably made in this open forum as well as in a PAP order.

7) The Secretary of the Senate shall appoint a worthy member to be the keeper of Neutral Zone information. This information should be made public to all so that unnecessary hostilities shall be avoided.

8) Should a colony in a neutral zone become so large and prosperous that its population exceeds 1000 and a government wishes to annex the Planet it is on as sovereign territory, then that member (or non-member) shall petition this body for recognition thereof. Recognition shall be granted unless two thirds of the voting members veto this application. If recognition is granted, then that planet may be defended as the soveriegn sees fit.


Senator Logion (4579)

By Proxy of the Boo Consulate (1006)

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Based on the kind consideration and willingness to compromise on this issue shown by the Benthis Collective and Boo Consulate I hereby officially change my vote on the GS BILL 061704-2-06 to Yes. Please record this change on the next update.


This willingness bodes well for our Senate



Mahalo B)

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I do not know if this is the proper place(thread) I should be sending this request; but here goes.


The Zeuxis Federation[3062] wishes to join the Galactic Senate


I hereby wish to enjoy the protections and benefits of the Galactic Senate and promise to honor the Bylaws ratified by the Galactic Senate. I remain a sovereign empire, but will honor any duties imposed upon me by the Senate for as long as I choose to remain a member. I also promise to inspire non-members to the high ideals for which the Galactic Senate stands.”


Clan Elder: Josef Cade

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Membership Additions made!


I second the GS BILL 061704-2-06 as amended.


Votes should be updated.


Welcome aboard new Senators! B) Double check and make sure your empire numbers are included on all the vote records for this session (see very first post of this thread)


I count 20 of us now.


Zeuxis - your post is just fine. You could have put this in any "active" GS thread and this one is the most active.

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