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GS Session 4


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The Fourth Session of the Galactic Senate is hereby open.


Deadline to second new Bylaws for consideration: 11:59pm MST July 26, 2004


Deadline to vote for new Bylaws: 11:59pm MST July 29, 2004







DEADLINE FOR VOTE: July 29, 2004 at 11:59pm MST

Seconded by Eternus IV




Once any incident between two or more empires, where at least one of the empires involved is a member of the Galactic Senate, is brought to the attention of the Galactic Senate by an empire involved in the incident, an Investigation Committee (hereinafter 'Committee') of three Senators shall be appointed to investigate the incident.


The Committee shall investigate the incident in question and review all material/documentation/etc. provided to determine if any action should be taken by the Galactic Senate. The Committee members are authorized to initiate their own investigation and requests for information.


All Galactic Senators shall comply with any and all reasonable requests of the Committee. The Committee shall submit a recommendation to the full Galactic Senate, which shall be voted upon by the Galactic Senate if the Committee is recommending that action be taken.


All votes of the Galactic Senate require two-thirds approval of all Galactic Senators, with an Abstain vote counting as a non-vote.


The recommendation of the Committee needs to be the unanimous opinion of the Committee before being submitted to the full Senate. Should the Committee make a finding that no action need be taken, or that the Galactic Senator(s) involved are blameless then that report should be made to the Senate and no vote will be required.


-Selection of the three Committee members: The first Investigation Committee shall consist of the first three empires that joined the Galactic Senate. Thereafter, each Committee member shall appoint another Galactic Senator for the next Investigation Committee. This shall be done at the close of their report to the Galactic Senate, or upon the beginning of a new investigation, whichever comes first.


No Galactic Senator shall serve on a second committee until all Galactic Senators have served or are serving on a committee. The same shall apply to each subsequent 'round' of appointments.


No senator shall be allow to serve on a committee in which that Senator's empire is involved, should this occur, that Senator shall be removed and the remaining two Senators on the Committee shall appoint his replacement.





Vote Record


YEA: 54, 3857, 2996, 4526, 2296

NAY: 1728, 4851, 82


SUBJECT TO DEFAULT ABSTAIN VOTE: 1351, 500, 1290, 3062, 2516, 760, 1006, 4579, 2372, 4933, 2084, 3343, 1773, 2159





Order of business to be discussed in addition to Bylaws:


1) The acceptance of Trade Standards per Ur-Lord Tedric and other proposals to establish a Galactic Currency or Stock Market


2) The election of a Promulgator for the new bylaw regarding system registration


3) The continued dialogue of the concept of a Galactic Senate defense network


4) Enforcement provisions - Citizen La-Lai mentioned the lack of consequence for following Senate guidelines. The only sanction now is removal from the Senate for failure to vote past three weeks. Do we need other sanctions at this early phase of existence for failure to report systems etc? I'm curious on what you all think.

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Good Sentients, per the request of the General Secretariate, I will now summerize the legal effects of GS2-06 and GS3-02.


GS2-06, as amended:

**All Senate Members mutually agree to recognize the sovereignty of their fellow members for all systems three conventional jumps out from their respective homesystems.

**Members may publicize those systems which are found outside of thir exclusive sovereignty zones and may dedicate these as Neutral Zone Systems. Neutral Zone Systems are free to all spacefaring sentients to use and exploit as they see fit.

**Members are absolutely sovereign within their Exclusive Sovereignty Zones.

**Members are encouraged but not required to afford non-members the same privileges and immunities accorded fellow members when it comes to matters of territoriality.

**A regime was set up for making a claim of sovereignty to a planet, moon, or system for both members and non-members of the GS.



**Creates the Office of Pomulgator of Neutral Zone Systems whose duties include the collection and systematic collation of all systems dedicated as Neutral Zone Systems by either GS member or a non-member.

**The law allows members and non-members alike to provide the Promulgator with a list of neutral zone systems. This prevents the association of any particular government to any particular part of the neutral zone.

**The law makes the Promulgator the proper party for bringing a sovereign claim outside of one's three system guarantee. If a government wishes to claim a celestial body or system it shall provide the Promulgator with all supporting documentation (whatever the claimant has as evidence and argument). The Promulgator will then make the claim to the GS on the claimant's behalf. This system exists to protect the identity of the claimant.

**The law defines as crimes against the Galatic Senate any of the following: Breach of fiduciary trust or confidentiality by the Promulgator, fraud in making a claim of sovereignty, and fraud in dedicating neutral zone systems.

**The duty to catch errors and cause the Promulgator to fix misspellings is on the dedicator/claimant.


Senator Logion, 4579

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  • 2 weeks later...

Which Senate Member wishes to run for the Office of Promulgator?


Does anyone object to setting nominations by the end of the week and then having a special vote session due the following week to establish a Promulgator?


Raise your hand if you want to Promulgate. :cheers:




Any comments on trade standards?


A neighbor and I are in a position where we could actually use trade standards <_<



I vote "YES" on GS BILL 072604-4-01

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GS BILL 072604-4-01: Yes


I would also propose the following as a separate motion:




After three incidents have been investigated by Senate Committees, those committees review in this forum what they thought worked and did not work so as to improve the procedure for investigating allegations against members of the Senate.


My thoughts regarding other orders of business:


1) The acceptance of Trade Standards per Ur-Lord Tedric and other proposals to establish a Galactic Currency or Stock Market – I like the concept that Ur-Lord has put together. I would view this only as a starting point for negotiaton. I vote to accept Ur-Lord Tedric’s proposal.


2) The election of a Promulgator for the new bylaw regarding system registration – Not interested in doing so. I would nominate The Boo Consulate if they would accept. They have long been supplying information regarding their movement into new systems.


3) The continued dialogue of the concept of a Galactic Senate defense network - This is premature. We barely have contact with other empires at this point. Our ability to provide more than moral support is somewhat constrained by this lack of contact.


4) Enforcement provisions - Citizen La-Lai mentioned the lack of consequence for following Senate guidelines. The only sanction now is removal from the Senate for failure to vote past three weeks. Do we need other sanctions at this early phase of existence for failure to report systems etc? I'm curious on what you all think. – I think current sanctions are adequate although removal from the Senate should at least require a majority vote of the Senate. (I


Let me add another item for discussion


A. Empires who quit the Senate. Should they be allowed to return? If so, how soon?

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GS BILL 072604-4-01: NO


I don't like the wording that the Senate investigation committee has the "right" to request relevant information regarding any incident. While I like participating in discussions about policy and courtesy I don't subscribe to any requirements of releasing information to anyone for any reason. I will choose who to share with and for what reason. I doubt that anyone involved in an incident and secretly believes that their actions are wrong will willingly give this information away and possibly incur the "wrath" of the senate. Another unenforceable law in my opinion.


I realize that I sound like a nay-sayer of sorts regarding my recent votes. I would like to assure my fellow senators that I do not vote this way because I intend to break any rules. I just don't want the senate idea to become silly. It is a good idea.

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All Galactic Senators shall comply with any and all reasonable requests of the Committee.


PhaseDragon, I understand your concern, however, my interpretaion of the above would include that providing 'sensitive' or 'confidential' information would be an unreasonable request.

Certainly a removal of confidential information would be reasonable. For example, a battle report is requested, you could certainly deleted the number of weapons, etc. that you may have as you don't want it disclosed.


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I am changing my vote to NO for GS BILL 072604-4-01




We can't get the truth out of people unless we see the PDFs. We can TRY - but I can already foresee where people will be worms about it. We can't legislate honesty :cheers: (And if we could, we all have the wrong jobs :lol: )


I think the Senate can review grievances but I am beginning to envision a procedure more as Hannibal alludes to:


-- someone files a grievance to the Senate

-- A Senator must raise a Bylaw proposing action

-- We all vote on what to do


Nice, clean and simple. We review each case and we judge each empire's credibility with our vote. If someone wants to present strong evidence (ie the PDF file) then its up to them to do so -- otherwise they are left to the whims of the Senate to judge their character.


Which reminds me - I'm going to re-propose the whole 'have-to-turn-your-privacy-off'-in-order-to-vote bill. We don't want any hanging chads once we establish a process.

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DEADLINE FOR VOTE: July 29, 2004 at 11:59 MST

Seconded by Eternus IV





Empire #4526 Yes...

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We vote NO on GS BILL 072604-4-01 in its current form.


Citizen La-Lai mentioned the lack of consequence for following Senate guidelines.


The Galactic Senate is wise to consider the limitations on their power to enforce idealistic bylaws.


We suggest the Galactic Senate limit the scope of the Piracy Act in light of recent events.


We also suggest the Galactic Senate reconstruct the Member Territory Act to make it clear that an empire may claim systems beyond their sovereign zones without the additional participation of a Promulgator.


We are still reviewing the Trade Standards.


We decline any potential nomination to act as Promulgator.


We will not vote for blanket defensive treaties between the Galactic Senate at this time.


We think that each infraction of the spirit of the Charter should be investigated separately and that the Galactic Senate administer justice to fit the circumstances if the need arises.


We think that players should be allowed to join and quit the Galactic Senate as they see fit unless they are banned.

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