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There is a troubling error that occurs on the PopGrp.xls sheet if you have your tooled production set up to produce the same item more than once. It only copies the first entry into the Industry sheet and will cause you to miscalculate your production. The program has been fixed but I will need to resend the fixed copy for every empire you have set up.


I did not write down all the email addresses of those who requested the program. If I sent you the program and you need the update then send me an email.


I apoligize for this. I only use one BI order for each item. When I want a different quantity I use EB to change it. Therefore, I did not account for this possibility but should have.


To state the obvious here, this is a work in progress until I can get all the possibilities worked out.

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Ed has busted his ASS on these programs and they are AMAZING.


I foresee converting all of my database information using Ed's spreadsheets.


One huge round of applause for Ed and his hours of hard work!







As for Voice of Synergy....


Even so, it's good to have him back in the game.


Norm - are you implying that the original founder of the PA is back in action?


:cheers: (That would explain the weird PA-icon thingy)


We live in interesting times, indeed....


I can only hope that after his having actually MEETING Ed in person, that he wouldn't actually think there was a PA trojan horse involved. I'm sure he was just kidding around. :alien2:

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My theory is that Voice of Synergy is actually Darrin Anderson a.k.a. Vince.


Anyway, I have discovered a way that you can save your files and rename or move them anywhere you like. Also, I have decided to start using the free web space that I get from Cox.net. Therefore, I will post the most updated files with a revision date tag so that anyone can just download them at their leisure. Expect this in a couple days since I have to create the website etc.

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  • 1 month later...
My theory is that Voice of Synergy is actually Darrin Anderson a.k.a. Vince.

Ed - hate to shoot holes in your theory, but.......................


I'm not too much into the role playing that the forums offer; Vince is simply my name - I'm not Darrin Anderson nor the Voice of Synergy.

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Darrin Anderson introduced himself as Vince at GenCon before being recognized by Brad Lund. Then I found out there was bad blood between Darrin and the PA from way before I joined. The Voice Of Synergy was using the PA's symbol as their Avatar while bashing the PA.


You (Vince) announced that you were attending the GenCon convention. Hardly a stretch of imagination.


Sorry, my mistake?

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No problem, just didn't want to be confused with someone else - given the info you had, I can certainly see where you would be led to that assumption. Unfortunately, everything didn't fall into place for me to make GenCon.


:robot: Now, to track down that nefarious Anderson for impersonation :thumbsup:

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