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GS Investigation One


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Pursuant to GS BILL 072604-4-01, an investigation committee shall be assigned to investigate an alleged incident of piracy.


However, it is imperative that we have the identity and Empire ID numbers of the two empire's involved before we proceed.


I am only bringing this procedure up as an initial member of the investigation committee as designated via Bylaw pursuant to a request by "MadMartinB"


The panel shall consist of:


1) Admiral Helianthos Eternus IV of the Everlasting Spawn, 1728

2) Clan Eldress Sha'thar of The Gosht Kohr, 2296

3) Honored One Daz of the Zendo Mar Hierarchy, 500


In the event a Senator chooses to abstain from service, and refuses to appoint a replacement, we will go down the enrollment list until we can sit a full panel.


Please be advised: this will be the first of three investigation committees that are under review via GS BILL 072704-5-01. We shall try our best! and only ask that the parties seeking the protections of the Galactic Senate, respect the process and be patient with our deliberations.

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You have got to be friggin kidding me, right? LOL


The only positive thing I can think of for this whole exercise is that no trees died in the course of this "investigation". At least its all online.


Martin complaining about "piracy" or whatever, for someone HE ATTACKED?


C'mon, I see better farces on WGN at 2 AM on Thursday nights.


What a joke.

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If you have as little respect for your own government as you have for ours, it's no wonder you believe in "war".

I do believe in war. Its a fine method for enabling dictators, terrorists, pirates and other scum to immediately assume room temperature, thus making the world a much better place for the rest of us.


Kill for Peace,

The Octagon

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If you have as little respect for your own government as you have for ours, it's no wonder you believe in "war".

I do believe in war. Its a fine method for enabling dictators, terrorists, pirates and other scum to immediately assume room temperature, thus making the world a much better place for the rest of us.


Kill for Peace,

The Octagon

On some planets room temperature is very cold indeed! :lol:


Senator Perota

Boo Consulate, 1006

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I hear you loud and clear.




We might as well test the process. The game design doesn't really allow an appropriate investigation of these kinds of things unless we see PDFs. MMB has to prove his case. Until then, the accused Senator is innocent.


Technically, the kid gets his day in court.


Is this nothing more than an attempt to test the GS? Probably not....and what the hell...it needs a good testing.


Believe me, at first it took a considerable amount of patience to tolerate the types of games these guys are playing. They are grown men. They can choose to carry themselves however they wish to in this world and I have the option to ignore them ;)


However, I cannot ignore the Charter if I'm to roleplay this GS thing semi-seriously.


We've invested a decent amount of time and effort into the GS and I'd hate to see it go to waste simply because none of the Senators don't want to placate MMB's ego or satiate Gary's tremendous 'concern' for GS process. (What guys - the GSL so underground now that you need new targets? :lol: Whatever. At least you've stopped creating propoganda against yourselves:


http://rollingthundergames.ipbhost.com/ind...p?showtopic=745 )


As I've said before, the GS is a total experiment - it could work great down the line - or completely flop - I don't really care which way it goes...BUT...I don't want it to exist solely for the purposes of being a target, either.


We either make this Senate thing work, or we don't.


Don't let the mindgames get in the way of having fun, I say! :cheers:


Now - if the Senate refuses to act.....I guess MMB and Gary will have something to whine about for the next few years.....which would almost be worth ignoring them.


The decision is not mine to make: its the Galactic Senate's.

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(What guys - the GSL so underground now that you need new targets?  :lol: Whatever.  At least you've stopped creating propoganda against yourselves:


http://rollingthundergames.ipbhost.com/ind...p?showtopic=745 )

It is not very nice, nor is it very supportive, to make fun of a product that has helped so many rise from crippling feelings of low selfworth. Phoenix Arisen will make a man out of anybody.



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Without the rule of law, we are nothing more than barbarians. Now if you only aspire to be a barbarian, then so be it. However, some of us choose to rise above such and aspire to be something more. To deny a barbarian access to the law, (even when it is the law that he flaunts) would make us barbarians ourselves.

In addition, the quote in Shakespeare's play 'First, let's kill all the lawyers' was espoused by someone who wanted anarchy and thus barbarism.


That having been said, the whole purpose of the system to investigate 'incidents' and 'claims' is to raise empires to a greater standard of conduct than barbarians. Thus when drafting this bylaw, it was important to note that an incident could be brought to the attention of the Senate by ANYONE (senator or not) involved in an incident with a Galactic Senate member. I thought this was very important, otherwise there would be nothing to prevent a rogue senator from running roughshod (assuming he can) over a non-senator.


Now as to the current claim, I know some of you Senators are more personally involved in this, but I for one have no ties to MadMartinB. I've seen the posts that both have listed on the Forum, but so what. Anybody can say want they want on the forums, because last I checked there was not a 'truth revealer' built into the posting code. So, I say let's just do the investigation and have the committee report to us and see what happens.


And yes, I'm sure that if the Senate rules against the non-Senator, all of the Senate haters will say, 'you only support your own, it doesn't work', yadayadayada

Three beers, errr, cheers to the committe and let me know if you need any catering, errrr, help. :cheers::cheers::cheers:;)

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It is not very nice, nor is it very supportive, to make fun of a product that has helped so many rise from crippling feelings of low selfworth. Phoenix Arisen will make a man out of anybody.


Hmmm You are a most interesting voice, Voice.


Perhaps we were misled by your (since removed) personal profile photo of the PA emblem?


Right Honorable Senator Kurassier, you have spoken most wisely.


I second that! ;)

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It is not very nice, nor is it very supportive, to make fun of a product that has helped so many rise from crippling feelings of low selfworth. Phoenix Arisen will make a man out of anybody.


Hmmm You are a most interesting voice, Voice.


Perhaps we were misled by your (since removed) personal profile photo of the PA emblem?


Right Honorable Senator Kurassier, you have spoken most wisely.


I second that! ;)

Sombody is playing games here, darn it!


Vox :cheers:

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What is more honest? To say you are a pirate, and can not be trusted. Or to say you can be trusted, and act like a pirate?


That having been said, the whole purpose of the system to investigate 'incidents' and 'claims' is to raise empires to a greater standard of conduct than barbarians. Thus when drafting this bylaw, it was important to note that an incident could be brought to the attention of the Senate by ANYONE (senator or not) involved in an incident with a Galactic Senate member. I thought this was very important, otherwise there would be nothing to prevent a rogue senator from running roughshod (assuming he can) over a non-senator.
emphasis added


First time I've quoted myself, but this is EXACTLY why the investigation bylaw was proposed. I believe you have the cart before the horse, it is the intent of the Galactic Senate to investigate this. As for the comments of the individual Senators, they have the right to speak their minds, but it is not the full voice of the Senate. I prefer NOT to jump to conclusions on either side, but to see the matter fully investigated. :cheers:

I have absolutely NO problem with you commenting on or even criticising the Galactic Senate, but before you condemn us as a whole, you should wait and see if the process works. :cheers:;)

As for my personal opinion, either AKO or MadMartinB could be the attacker, BASED SOLELY on what I've seen so far. I'll wait to hear what the committee has to say.

Alcorn the Honored One

Sabeli Ecok

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As for my personal opinion, either AKO or MadMartinB could be the attacker, BASED SOLELY on what I've seen so far. I'll wait to hear what the committee has to say.

Alcorn the Honored One

Sabeli Ecok

Aren't these two separate incidents?


What are the rules of procedure and evidence that will govern these inquiries?


Honored One, Senator Perota

Boo Consulate


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