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Turn one thoughts


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Hi all,


Got my setup and am thinking about my first turn. I'd like to get some advice and/or opinions...


Resource Yields:


I have a couple of 400+ yields, a couple 200+, some in the 100's and finally some in the sub 100 category. Since this is turn 1 and I have a stockpile of 7,250,000 CM's, my thoughts were to build many mines. That way, I could start building stockpiles, and use the RR's produced by the SM's to make the big 3 (Iron, Timber, Crystals). Opinions? Is it better to start right into mining all resources on turn 1, or should I only concentrate on the big 3? Will I get better miner's later as the tech's develop? Or are the only improvements found in IC's and SM's?


I've heard that iron, timber and crystals are the big 3. I understand that petrochemicals, gaseous elements and industrial chemicals are important as well (though to a lesser degree). Are there any other resources that are high on the lists and that I should start stockpiling for use later? What in your opinion, is high on the list, and what are rarely used?


I've heard that for geothermal and hydrographic yields under 100, it's pointless to convert power plants. Is the formula ((yield/50)+1)*1000 as shown in the FAQ? I seem to have seen a different formula and wondered which was right.


Is there cutoff point in Yield where it's less efficient to build mines and go with SM's?




Right now, I have 11 Pathfinders with 5 more in the shipyards. The design seems pretty solid and I believe that for now, that will be enough explorers (at least until I get better engines, jump drives, sensors, etc). What's the prevailing thought? Keep the initial ships, or scrap as soon as I get improved tech? Should I continue to have the 5 in the queue built, or scrap them before they are launched?


I've allocated my initial 11 Pathfinders to explore my home system and existing warp points. I've used the 2 AP's to move to the worlds (or warp points), then do a GEO or WARP. On turn 2, I'd planned on doing CSV and PMAP in-system, and SS's of the WARPed ships. That would mean that until turn 3 (at earliest), there is no reason to build colony beacons or additional ships that could colonize. Same with cargo ships (if there are no colonies, why build now when I can develop better tech in the interim). Can anyone give me a reason to begin construction of cargo ships or colony ships at this time? It seems wiser to wait for a turn or two to benefit from the santa SRP's and get better engines, sensors, etc...


Legendary Characters:


Should I assign my legendary characters to fleets that WARP this turn? I do have an explorer and a detective. Is it good to send them out now, or wait to see where my exploration ships end up? I mean, couldn't one of those that WARP get destroyed on the farside? Then I'd lose my LC. However, if I wait to see the results of the WARPs, I'll have wasted a turn surveying on the other side. Opinions? Send em now or wait to see if the initial scouts survive?


Upgrading Existing Ships:


Can I take, for example, the Pathfinders already in my fleet and upgrade them with new systems as they become available? Or do I need to copy the initial design, then modify as I see fit and submit another NUD for the new ship? Basically, can I upgrade MkI stuff to MkII stuff without having to redesign?


Initial Groundbase/army units:


I noticed that I have a groundbase and a few army units. At this early stage in the game, wouldn't it be more efficient to scrap them for their resources, use them to advance the empire, then re-build them in say, a year, using higher tech? Reading other posts, it seems very unlikely that I'll encounter another player for at least that timeframe and I don't believe that NPC's have the ability to invade. Thoughts?


Reproduction rates:


I did elect to choose the highest repro rate when designing my race, but it seems as though my growth rate isn't too great. What's considered an average rate of growth? What's poor and what's good? Just want to get a general ballpark idea, you don't need to be specific.


Thanks for all your thoughts/opinions.



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"Pathfinders with 5 more in the shipyards."


Build them and use them. Don't scrap them. When you get better tech, build better ships.


"I've allocated my initial 11 Pathfinders to explore my home system"


Don't ORB unless PMAP uncovers civilization.


"Should I assign my legendary characters to fleets that WARP this turn?"


No. Never risk an Explorer through an unknown jump. Destruction is unlikely, but one-way jumps are a frequent occurrence.


"Upgrading Existing Ships:"


No. I still use my Pathfinders on turn 52. Boldly jumping through warp points where I don't want to risk better ships. 'Warp fodder.'


"Initial Groundbase/army units:"


Ground units are automatically upgraded to new tech.


All of the above is IMHO. Others will have other opinions.

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Disagreement is what makes a horse race. I feel you should scrap the 5 pathfinders in build and most if not all of your other pathfinders.Save 2 or 3 for warp fodder if you want. Build 2 ap ships as soon as possible with cargo space. If you do not and you get an explore find with your pathfinders you will be very upset when the turn results tell you-- unable to store found items, so all were LOST!!


Kahless :alien:

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i wouldn't send pathfinders out of system immediately because they are good for pmaps, geos, and csv's. i reorganized my fleet this way....


-----NEWF (New Fleet)-----

NEWF: 101, 106, 106th Recon Group

Fleet # 106 is established at Kalen-6 as ordered



-----NEWF (New Fleet)-----

NEWF: 101, 107, 107th Recon Group

Fleet # 107 is established at Kalen-6 as ordered



-----NEWF (New Fleet)-----

NEWF: 101, 108, 108th Recon Group

Fleet # 108 is established at Kalen-6 as ordered



-----NEWF (New Fleet)-----

NEWF: 101, 109, 109th Recon Group

Fleet # 109 is established at Kalen-6 as ordered



-----NEWF (New Fleet)-----

NEWF: 101, 110, 110th Recon Group

Fleet # 110 is established at Kalen-6 as ordered



-----NEWF (New Fleet)-----

NEWF: 101, 111, 111st Recon Group

Fleet # 111 is established at Kalen-6 as ordered



-----NEWF (New Fleet)-----

NEWF: 101, 112, 112th Recon Group

Fleet # 112 is established at Kalen-6 as ordered



-----RN (Reorganize Naval)-----

RN: 101, 106, Pathfinder, 1

Ship(s) transferred as ordered



-----RN (Reorganize Naval)-----

RN: 101, 107, Pathfinder, 1

Ship(s) transferred as ordered



-----RN (Reorganize Naval)-----

RN: 101, 108, Pathfinder, 1

Ship(s) transferred as ordered



-----RN (Reorganize Naval)-----

RN: 101, 109, Pathfinder, 1

Ship(s) transferred as ordered



-----RN (Reorganize Naval)-----

RN: 101, 110, Pathfinder, 1

Ship(s) transferred as ordered



-----RN (Reorganize Naval)-----

RN: 101, 111, Pathfinder, 1

Ship(s) transferred as ordered



-----RN (Reorganize Naval)-----

RN: 101, 112, Pathfinder, 1

Ship(s) transferred as ordered





this'll will maximize your exploration capabilities. i had 9 worlds in my beginning system so i needed them to be spread as thin as possible.


don't send your explorers to unvisited systems. use them to explore your homeworld for now... maybe (somebody should make sure this is right cuz i have no idea ... my turn said my h-world was ripe for discovery... :alien: ) WHATEVER YOU DO DON"T DO AN EXPL ORDER ON A PLANET THAT YOU DO NOT INHABIT WITH PATHFINDERS ( OR ANY SHIP WITHOUT CARGO SPACE FOR THAT MATTER) IN ORBIT. ANY ITEMS FOUND WILL BE DESTROYED.


i agree with macbeth that pathfinders do make good warp fodder. make sure you build an improved version with cargospace tho. i wouldn't make the upgraded ships the first i send into an unknown warp tho...


hmmm. construct your mines harvesters etc with this equation. 5*( yield - 22) or was it 5*(yield - 23)? somehting like that. i know for sure its 22 or 23. if you'll get a negative number from the equation just build one.


order the construction of a massive number of raw materials and ship parts (things you won't upgrade for a while). i'm talking millions. it'll take a while but eventually you'll have a nice stockpile of resources for fast building.


put in the con order for all the buildings you want as well. if you don't have the pop to do it this turn it'll be saved till next turn.

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Hydro and Geo power yield is (20*yield)+1000


This formula seems not 100% ok, because on a world with 162 yield and one Hydro Plant, I get

only 4239 instead of 4240 Power.


On another planet, it works 239 yield with 21 Hydros gets me 121380.


So what causes Pete's Computer to make rounding errors?



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Growth rates range from a low of 120 or so to a high of around 950-1000.


Average is about 450 give or take and depending on how much you colonize.


As for some of your other thought I too have opinions that may vary from the above.


Use the pathfinders as much as you can because you have them right now. When you have better stuff then park them at a WP on XSENS orders and use them as early warning systems. I have original pathfinders 12 out from my homeworld and still going. They work for what they were designed, which is to do basic WP surveys. Go ahead and send them through all starting WP's ASAP. They will be able to make the return scan without a problem since it is freebie. Then they can stat on the planets or continue outward as the situation dictates.


Scrapping pathfinders wastes time and orders for little return.


If you have an explorer they need to be on a fleet doing warp surveys. It is a rare thing indeed to have a fleet destroyed just by warping and you aren't likely to have any neighbors for many moons to come. The danger is extremely low and you will need them out there anyway. It is no big deal to transfer them to a different fleet later when you have replacements on the way.


Never explore with a pathfinder unless you are stranded in a system. If you are stranded you might find your way out with EXPL orders getting a hit on a star map. This hasn't happened to any of mine, but I know of folks who have been so lucky. :alien:


You will need/want more shipyard slips anyway so get them now and get all of your pathfinders out doing something while you build stuff for better ships.


Remember, you have to have all of your components built the turn before you want to assemble them into a ship. So, if you build stuff on your first turn you won't be able to build a ship with them until turn 2. A good produciton build right off is lots of cargo and colony berthing units, even if you are not a colonizer you will need them to get past tough warp points.



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You mean average is 450 pop units per turn? Is that a fixed number, or does it increase as the base amount of population on your homeworld increases?


Hmmm.. good point about the cargo holds and colony berths. How about colony beacons too? Seems as though they'll be needed as well. Same for hull plate... or then again I'm sure that will improve as tech increases, but holds, berths and beacons are unlikely to have a Mk II version, right?


Good point about the ORB order. Why waste one unless a NPC is detected...


I may build a few slips as well.

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I would tell you to scrap half of your pathfinders.


Build the following ship type:

1 Mk I Nuclear Engine

25000 Cargo Bays

3 Fighter Bays

3 Drone Rack

25000 Fuel Tankage

1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive

5 Type A Science Lab

5 Survey Lander

5 Light Magnetic Grapnels

1 Mk I Computer System


Assign an explorer to the ship.

Load one colony beacon on your fleet

Do not load fuel, fighters, or drones. They need to be empty.



Also, build a colony beacon.

Drop one colony beacon on every world in your system

Give the ship the following orders next turn after you drop the colony beacon.



OC 101 (Colony)


OC 101 (Colony)


Send the other ships and do CSV's first. If you can't colonize it who cares what the geo says.


Don't forget to reset your SRP's to a better setting.



No one wants you take this advice because of the neat tech finds and special items you will find.




Richard Johns


Currently at war with the Pheonix Arisen Alliance

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Actually if you really want an explorer ship, look at the earlier ship design I gave. Drone racks and Fighter bays are good for that odd moment when you find one of those but having 3 is overkill, one of each is better. Add computers, light mag grapples etc accordingly and you'll see results. Also be aware that there is nowadays a limit to what you can find techwise...



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Actually if you really want an explorer ship, look at the earlier ship design I gave. Drone racks and Fighter bays are good for that odd moment when you find one of those but having 3 is overkill, one of each is better. Add computers, light mag grapples etc accordingly and you'll see results. Also be aware that there is nowadays a limit to what you can find techwise...



Hmmm, that might explain all those synthetic material finds then :)

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What is the purpose of having fighter bay's, drone racks and empty fuel tankage? Is it because if I find something in my EXPL (such as an alien fighter, drone or fuel stockpile), I can load it aboard ship?


Shouldn't I have a JD on it as well? That way I can send it to other systems to EXPL.


Also, will adding a computer, light mag grapples, and other such exploration type stuff increase the liklihood of finding stuff?


Can I do an EXPL of my HW too? I assume yes, but would I need cargoholds, fighter bays, drone racks, etc?



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What is the purpose of having fighter bay's, drone racks and empty fuel tankage? Is it because if I find something in my EXPL (such as an alien fighter, drone or fuel stockpile), I can load it aboard ship?


Shouldn't I have a JD on it as well? That way I can send it to other systems to EXPL.


Also, will adding a computer, light mag grapples, and other such exploration type stuff increase the liklihood of finding stuff?


Can I do an EXPL of my HW too? I assume yes, but would I need cargoholds, fighter bays, drone racks, etc?




yes, yes, yes and yes (yes) :)



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