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Explore in Convoys?

Octus Imperium

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According to the convoy route rules supplement, exploration orders are not legal. Is this still the case? The advantage as I see it for a multiple AP exploration ship over a colony is only 4 orders to set up an exploration convoy route:


CNVR Able1alpha

EXPL, 999

OC, 999, 99999, ALL

CNVR Able1alpha


Then assign a fleet with CONV


This would allow a fleet of X AP do X explore and ofloads, no matter how many X AP the fleet has. (Same convoy route could be assigned a 2 AP fleet early on, then a 4 AP, then 16 AP, you get my drift.) This would save writing 2X AP standing orders for the explore, offload sequence. Saving orders and (in my opinion) keeping the printouts cleaner.


Assume 8 AP fleet, can use 4 orders to set up convoy route then 1 order to assign fleet. Using standing orders, use up 16 orders to do the same thing and no flexibility for different fleets moving into the convoy route.


Also, this assumes a convoy route will be completely run more than once a turn....


Thanks for your insights. And if I can't use EXPL in a convoy route, this entire email was way too long.


Octus Imperium :rolleyes:

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You are correct in your assumption that the EXPL order is NOT allowed in a convoy route. I have tried it. The only way to automate your exploration orders is to attach XEXPL orders to individual fleets which gobbles up tons of turn orders.


I am more curious as to how the formula for EXPL success is calculated. It has been stated somewhere else that ALL your EXPL / XEXPL orders are added together to determine what the chances are for a successful hit on each EXPL / XEXPL order. There was no clarification on whether only those EXPL / XEXPL orders that are ACTUALLY EXECUTED are considered for this calculation or is it ALL orders whether they are executed or not.

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I am more curious as to how the formula for EXPL success is calculated. It has been stated somewhere else that ALL your EXPL / XEXPL orders are added together to determine what the chances are for a successful hit on each EXPL / XEXPL order. There was no clarification on whether only those EXPL / XEXPL orders that are ACTUALLY EXECUTED are considered for this calculation or is it ALL orders whether they are executed or not.

Am I to assume that if this additionis correct, the potential for each individual explore order is greater than it would be in isolation? Or is it LESS likely to hit.




< :cheers: Bummed out about no explores in convoys>

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It has been stated before by the Great Oracle that all explore orders are used in success calculations, not just those that may have been executed. So if you have an extra 40-50 orders all on standby they will be effecting your overall % chance of success..




:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Cool, thanks for clarifying that. I had created some empty fleets in anticipation of higher AP ships. With turns that don't have 40 or 80 orders I had been adding XEXPL orders to those fleets. I obviously made a mistake here. Of course that is not my first one or my last.

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