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OT: Colorado Players


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Well it sounds like we are shooting for meeting around or a little after New Years.


Eternus from the board chatter it seems like you and MMB know each other and don't really get along. I was hoping this meeting would be friendly but I also don't want any anomosity between the two of you to stop all us from meeting.


MMB is your group still up for having us join you, even if Eternus shows up? If so where shall we meet?

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I have no problems with being in the same room with MMB in the slightest.


What you perceive as animosity is nothing but game banter.


I choose civility in real life >>> game crap any day of the week. Anybody who takes the time to know me personally, knows this.


I would also be surprised if MMB would refuse to show up somewhere simply because I was there. But who knows. I don't perceive Martin as a guy who would pass up the meeting (for a variety of reasons.)

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