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Game 71


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Game 71 (special game - started TP 25) is currently on TP 66 and will end as scheduled at the end of TP 73 unless extended by the Game 71 community. A previous vote to make Game 71 completely open-ended failed but that was some time back and circumstances may have changed.


I've received a request to put to a vote an extension for Game 71 - the extension request was for 24 turns (making it the same length as a normal game and ending it at the end of TP 97).


There is no technical problem with doing this on my end although technology advances do end as normal (you'd play the last 24 turns with the highest-end tech available for each tech type) but the vote must be unanimous by the current players of Game 71 to make such a change or the game ends as scheduled. Any nation that does not register a 'yes' vote is considered a 'no'. Please register your votes privately with me via email (Russ@rollingthunder.com or Victory@rollingthunder.com) before the end of TP 67 - at that time I'll make a tally and email any players I haven't received a vote for just to be safe and we'll see what happens.


Take care & good gaming!



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The extension vote results contain at least one 'no' vote so Game 71 will not be extended and will end at the end of TP 73 as normal.


The possibility of setting up another special game, with an extended end point agree to in the beginning, is always a possibility if folks want to try to put such a game together in the future. Talk it over amongst yourselves and here on the board and if we can get enough interest (30+ nations) then we'll see about getting another special game going :beer:


Best of luck to all in the final campaigns!



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