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Winning Victory!


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I'm posting a note on this because it has been biting folks in the rear and I want to raise awareness on the situation.


At the end of the game, your individual score is averaged with your TA's to determine your average score for victory purposes. Note that this includes inactive TAs as well. The '95 rules addenda gave you the ability to break TA agreements for this reason. An inactive TA at the end of the game will invariably drag your score down. It isn't easy to break a TA (5% base chance) so it usually takes time and there is the morale hit to consider as well. If at all possible though you should get rid of inactive TAs before the game ends - except in very rare cases it will only hurt you if you don't.


Another point to keep in mind is that if you are part of alliance then every member of the alliance has to have the same exact TA relationships (no extra TA for one member, no missing TA for another, etc.) if you want to finish the game together. Your individual score is averaged with the TA's you have at the end of the game (inactives one as well as noted above). If you want to have the same average score, you have to have the same TA's.




A three nation alliance - France, Lowlands, Spain.


France must have Lowlands and Spain as TA's

Lowlands must have France and Spain as TA's

Spain must have France and Lowlands as TA's


No extra TA's for anybody including inactive ones! Do that and your alliance will finish as a group with an average score based on you and your TA's individual scores.


If, however, Spain had an extra TA (say Portugal) then problems arise.


That extra TA will factor in to change the average score of Spain - it will not be the same as France and Lowlands now. If Portugal is an inactive TA with a low score - it will drag the average for Spain down and Spain will end up with a lower score than France and Lowlands. He may have helped their average but with Portugal dragging him down he'll finish behind them. If Portugal has a high individual score, on the other hand, he'll raise the average for Spain and Spain will finish ahead of France and Lowlands.


So...if you are looking for an alliance win make sure all your TA's are on the same page with no extra TA's anywhere. If somebody has one, you'll need to get rid of it before the game ends to finish together. Breaking a TA usually takes time - don't wait until there are only a few turns left before checking your TA situation. Get it squared away as early as possible.


Hope this helps,



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  • 5 years later...


I'm posting a note on this because it has been biting folks in the rear and I want to raise awareness on the situation.


At the end of the game, your individual score is averaged with your TA's to determine your average score for victory purposes. Note that this includes inactive TAs as well. The '95 rules addenda gave you the ability to break TA agreements for this reason. An inactive TA at the end of the game will invariably drag your score down. It isn't easy to break a TA (5% base chance) so it usually takes time and there is the morale hit to consider as well. If at all possible though you should get rid of inactive TAs before the game ends - except in very rare cases it will only hurt you if you don't.


Another point to keep in mind is that if you are part of alliance then every member of the alliance has to have the same exact TA relationships (no extra TA for one member, no missing TA for another, etc.) if you want to finish the game together. Your individual score is averaged with the TA's you have at the end of the game (inactives one as well as noted above). If you want to have the same average score, you have to have the same TA's.




A three nation alliance - France, Lowlands, Spain.


France must have Lowlands and Spain as TA's

Lowlands must have France and Spain as TA's

Spain must have France and Lowlands as TA's


No extra TA's for anybody including inactive ones! Do that and your alliance will finish as a group with an average score based on you and your TA's individual scores.


If, however, Spain had an extra TA (say Portugal) then problems arise.


That extra TA will factor in to change the average score of Spain - it will not be the same as France and Lowlands now. If Portugal is an inactive TA with a low score - it will drag the average for Spain down and Spain will end up with a lower score than France and Lowlands. He may have helped their average but with Portugal dragging him down he'll finish behind them. If Portugal has a high individual score, on the other hand, he'll raise the average for Spain and Spain will finish ahead of France and Lowlands.


So...if you are looking for an alliance win make sure all your TA's are on the same page with no extra TA's anywhere. If somebody has one, you'll need to get rid of it before the game ends to finish together. Breaking a TA usually takes time - don't wait until there are only a few turns left before checking your TA situation. Get it squared away as early as possible.


Hope this helps,




I wish I read this some years earlier, Russ. In Vic 81, I was Great Britain. Originally, I was TA'd with Norway, Sweden, and Finland ('The Confederacy'), but all three of them dropped. Added to that was being at war with 8 or 9 nations. I was at war with Ireland and Iceland--both of them invaded me--but I fought them off and eventually allied with them...TA'ing with Ireland when a new player took over. I think I did manage to break my TA's with Norway and Sweden, but my morale was in the toilet for half of the game; I'm surprised nobody tried to Force Peace on me!

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  • 4 months later...

Just read this as directed by Earthling but it has raised another question, I have seen some players win as indaviduals, how is this worked out / calculated, do they have no TAs at all??? Also is the scoring just based on morale or are other factors taken into account? if so what?

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Just read this as directed by Earthling but it has raised another question, I have seen some players win as indaviduals, how is this worked out / calculated, do they have no TAs at all??? Also is the scoring just based on morale or are other factors taken into account? if so what?

The following Victory Conditions are Mandatory:

1) Direct responsibility for the greatest amount of enemy shipping sunk or damaged (in terms of Ship Construction Points, not including losses suffered as a result of minefields).

2) Direct responsibility for the greatest amount of enemy aircraft shot down (in terms of Aircraft Construction Points destroyed in air combat or by anti-aircraft fire).

3) Direct responsibility for the greatest number of casualties inflicted on enemy divisions (based on total effective loss in Armament Points destroyed by ground, air or naval action).

4) Have the highest average National Morale throughout the course of the game.

5) Have the highest average National Treasury throughout the course of the game.


The following are optional and you choose 7 out of 10:

1) Finish the game with the largest navy (measured by total number of ship construction pts represented by existing ships). The current % effectiveness of each ship will, of course, be factored into this calculation.

2) Finish the game with the largest army (counted by armament pts of existing units, with % effectiveness being factored into the calculation).

3) Finish the game with the largest air force (counted by aircraft construction pts of existing air groups, with % effectiveness being factored into the calculation).

4) Finish the game with the largest National Treasury.

5) Finish the game with the highest National Morale.

6) Control the greatest # of provinces & cities at the end of the game.

7) Retain control of the greatest % of original provinces & cities at the end of the game.

8) Increase the # of provinces & cities under your control by the greatest percentage, using your original provinces & cities as the benchmark.

9) Finish the game with the highest total of IMDL levels.

10) Finish the game with the highest total of ADL levels.


Thus, giving every nation 12 Victory Conditions that each nation is awarded points against. If you have TA(s), your score is averaged with your TA(s) score(s).

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