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Megachiroptera Empire # 2964 - Please Contact


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Our Pathfinder has noted your Clot Buster ship at WP # 109810. A visual scan of your hull markings indicate 'Bloody Fangs On A Sable Field'. We wish to establish communications ASAP.

See, now THERE is a heart-warming moniker...it just oozes the welcome-to-the-neighborhood feeling. :P


Well it is a biting comment. :ranting:

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Wasn't Megachiroptera one of Godzilla's enemies?

Wow...no idea, but kudos to Prospective if true. It is a very strange name...evokes thoughts of a dinosaur for me. :blink:


Its the scientific name for large bats.

Ok, now did you KNOW that, or just google it? If you KNEW that, we've got to get your wiring checked, Ali! :)

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Wasn't Megachiroptera one of Godzilla's enemies?

Wow...no idea, but kudos to Prospective if true. It is a very strange name...evokes thoughts of a dinosaur for me. :)


Its the scientific name for large bats.

Ok, now did you KNOW that, or just google it? If you KNEW that, we've got to get your wiring checked, Ali! :blink:



Googled it. I thought it was a family of large moths. Google is a great place to verify your hunches. Of course mine was a off a little. :blink:

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<grumble grumble> Bloody Space Vampires ...  :ranting:


Now I have a use for all of my surplus Timber and Precious Metals [silver]. :blink:


-SK  :blink:


And another use for Advanced Food Concentrates (Garlic) too. :)

Yeah, but garlic doesn't have the same feel to it...driving the stake throught their heart gives you that sense of job satisfaction, y'know? Oh, sorry! I thought we were talking about the PA. :P Yeah, garlic will be ok for the vampires.

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