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Calling Empire 1295 BAD Baneful Adamantis Empire


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Please state your intentions as you are entering a warzone. You can only be friend or foe here.


You can contact me through PM here.


Do you speak for Worldlab Meyne or Star burrowers?


Actually for both.


But the War zone is at Star Burrows and there BAD entered.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Flock has destroyed a BAD survey craft. Once again, my fleets are set to attack anything do to a current war! I will not let anyone I am not allied with into my terirtory, to insure they are not providing intel to my enemies.


A second BAD survey craft has been sighted. You have been warned.

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  • 2 months later...
Yet, another empire shows up in Flock warzone


Who is this?


MEG Megachiroptera Empire # 2964 'Bloody Fangs On A Sable Field'

Hemorrhage [X-Ray]

1 BB O Positive (Battleship - 5,000,000 tons)


Looks friendly to me. I often use BB's as advance scouts. Lower your shields as a sign of good will.

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If you look thru old posts, you will see the Flock has been under attack for about a year.


The Flock hereby Claims Waerburg and Beall Star Systems as border stars.


As a show of good faith, please head back the way you came, IE thru Beall. The Flock has previously had battles with fleets in both systems.

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If you look thru old posts, you will see the Flock has been under attack for about a year.


The Flock hereby Claims Waerburg and Beall Star Systems as border stars.


As a show of good faith, please head back the way you came, IE thru Beall.  The Flock has previously had battles with fleets in both systems.


The responsibilities of leadership are often a heavy burden. I have reviewed all your public announcements, the O Positive’s fleet logs, as well as Megachiropterean historical records. And……..(sighs heavily)……………..


I regret to inform you, that you have been the target of a great deception – conducted by none other than your own Naval Command. Let us begin with an excerpt form Vice Admiral Megaderma Lyra’s log:


“………upon completing Warp Transition to the Waerburg System, we immediately began receiving transponder codes identifying 2 vessels of the FLOCK Empire – a Borderguard class Strike Cruiser and a Hawk III class Monitor; however, ship displays indicated a third unidentified ship. I made a conscious decision to disobey standing orders for contact with unknown vessels of war – the correct decision in this instance. Upon closer inspection, it was determined that the third vessel was an unmarked freighter transferring 1000’s of containers emblazoned with the logo of Starbars® upon them to the Hawk III. I could scarcely believe my eyes as the Hawk’s port side came into view – in a rainbow of neon colors, appeared the words PARTY BARGE…………….”


Your war with House Faringian actually ended more than a year ago, shortly after the failed invasion of your homeworld which you reported. I can only speculate that the Hawk III’s officers were submitting false reports in order to spend the treasury on Kurassier’s golden elixir.


“How could I possibly know the war ended so long ago?” While on an extended holiday, I visited a previously undiscovered planet that looked ripe for colonization. To my great surprise, this planet was already densely populated with sentient beings. These citizens claimed to be the remnants of the House Faringian Empire that had crumbled long ago. They explained that the entire Royal Family and Armed Forces vanished in a single night, leaving them defenseless and without leadership. These citizens FLOCKed to my banner begging to be annexed into the Megachiroptera Empire – How could I refuse those in need? I proudly raised our flag and made a solemn promise to protect their territories and reverse the decline of this world.


Thus, in keeping my promise to protect those adopted into our Empire, I must decline to acknowledge your claim to territories that have belonged to our citizens for generations. Since this is no longer a “War Zone”, you have our permission to recall the Flock forces in this area of space for the disciplinary action they deserve for deceiving their Monarch.


Again, I regret having to inform you of the deceit of your own Naval Command – but, it is one of the duties of leadership.



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Since Waerburg, has NO planets you can not possibly be claiming this is our enemies HW, if you are saying the Beall is the HW(though our survey data does not support there being a HW in Beall), and you have already taken the HW, then, I suggest Waerburg be the border, as you stated, you warped in and saw the Flock ships, and one of the ships as you stated is called Borderguard.


Our ships have been seraching for the Red light and Crabs HW, it is not a peaceful mission, they deserve any break they can get, and are honored by the Empire.

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As further Proof of our claims to the Beall system, we present this battle report. This is the oldest battle report for the beall system, and shows when we arrived, of course since Waerburg leads to this system we were in that system before this date. Our most Recent battle with the crabs was april 26th, 2006, in a different system. So once again, this area IS a warzone, but if you wish to establsh a border, we are open to that as far as moving immediatly out of Waerburg, our ships are waiting for fuel resupply, after warping back to Waerburg from Beall.




----- BEALL [ K (Orange) 8 VI ] [single Star] - Warp Point 4397 -----

The Flock #540 Total tonnage: 755,900 Base Fire Control: 1 [18,000 bridge]

Realm of Atlantis #2282 Total tonnage: 8,000 Base Fire Control: 1 [0 bridge]

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

The Flock # 540 [White Wings On Blue]

Crabby [ROE: V] *Standard Line* (Fleet Tonnage: 755,900)

Ranger Der'pigeon

--------------------[Deploy Location 12] 1 CCA Finch 2 (Command Cruiser - 755,900 tons [each])------------------------------

Fire Control: Minimal .. Maneuverability: Nimble .. Sensors: Blind .. Shields: Feeble .. Structural Integrity: Sturdy

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

Realm of Atlantis # 2282 [A Sunken City Populated By Sentient Crabs]

174th Recon Group [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 8,000)

--------------------[Deploy Location 7] 8 LTA Goldfish (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons [each])-----------------------------------

Fire Control: Minimal .. Maneuverability: Clumsy .. Sensors: Blind .. Shields: None .. Structural Integrity: Poor

The Flock Page 5 of 79 Saturday, November 19, 2005 540

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 12 ------------------------------------------------------------

CCA Finch 2 (Command Cruiser - 755,900 tons) [integrity: 799,300] [shields: 90,000] (Green, Timid)

Maneuverability: 8.149, Sensors: 0.002

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 7 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [1st] LTA Goldfish (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 200] (Green, Timid)

800 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive

Maneuverability: 0.300

**DESTROYED** [2nd] LTA Goldfish (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 200] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [3rd] LTA Goldfish (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 200] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [4th] LTA Goldfish (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 200] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [5th] LTA Goldfish (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 200] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [6th] LTA Goldfish (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 200] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [7th] LTA Goldfish (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 200] (Green, Timid)

**DESTROYED** [8th] LTA Goldfish (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 200] (Green, Timid)

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