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OC - drawing trough AIC


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Some turns ago I did notice the following:


When you offload some specific cargo into a port city, that cargo isn't available through AIC until the next turn. I tried to draw air replacements through the AIC network, but this didn't work. No replacements were drawn becouse the order couldn't find the necessairy AIR points. Same happened when I tried to build ground replacements in another city then the port city where the ARM points were dropped off. Something like that happened also when there were CP's involved.


Production however seem to be drawing properly through AIC. Your factories seem to find the needed hvy, lgt, pet and coal, also offloaded at the beginning of the turn like above.


I didn't try it yet, but I assume that if those CP, ARM and AIR points are transported through special rail, this orders can be processed in the same turn? Is there some (game-mechanic?) rule I missed in the Victory! rulebook?

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It is the END-of-TURN sequence you probably missed. In this step, all production is done and AIC-collect.


If you offload cargo from a fleet, you can use it in this city, and cities connected to the port through AIC.

If your port is the AIC1 city, there is no problem, everywhere in the AIC, the offloaded cargo can be used. Otherwise you will need a MCR-order to transport the cargo...


Hope this helps.



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I'll add one note to the discussion as well (you guys have the rest covered :o )


Be aware that AR/IR are not collected in the AIC Network collection phase of the End Turn Sequence. You can draw them with a DRG if the AIC links are correct for it but they will not move otherwise so in some cases you will have to use an MCR order to move them to somewhere useful to you.



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  • 2 weeks later...

In a somewhat related topic; is it possible for cities which are low on FOOD, to start replenishing their '5x population level' reserve? I see one or two, that are steadily increasing, even though they're level 2 and have no ADL level.

( I just noticed this, and don't feel like going through all my turn reports from the past year and a half to calculate each and every one. )

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Krysia's Krusader,


All cities will try to keep FOOD reserves for 5 turns/pop.


When AIC-collection occures, first all goods will go from AIC3 cities to AIC2 cities. Nessesary FOOD for AIC3 cities is not transferred (As are AR, IR and SHIP, these are never collected).


The same proces is repeated for AIC2 cities.


So, yes it is possible for AIC2 cities to build-up a FOOD reserve, where ADL-provinces are connected.


Hope this helps,



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So, yes it is possible for AIC2 cities to build-up a FOOD reserve, where ADL-provinces are connected.

And this can cause food shortages in the AIC-1 city even though you think your AIC-3 city with a food production of 3000 is producing more than enough FOOD.

(Happened to me some time ago, as the AIC2 city was also low on FOOD and was replenishing the FOOD reserve with the excess FOOD of the AIC-3 city)

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Once AIC 3 or AIC 2 cities start eating into their reserve that usually means there is insufficient local food production and/or food production feeding through that city to the AIC 1 (depends on the season of course). Changing the food production and/or changing the way food is routed to the AIC 1 is the only way to permanently change things - you can rail food in but without production/routing changes the city would only eat away at whatever you railed in making it an ongoing logistics problem.




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Okay. Whenever I feel that I know everything, something else crops up...



So Norbert (and Russ), ley me paraphrase what you're saying:


Once the AIC 2 recieves the excess FOOD stock from the AIC 3, it will then only forward to the AIC 1 what it has in excess of it's current '5x pop level'.

Since pop growth occurs immediately after resource production, you also have to figure extra for the possible growth that will be retained at both AIC 3's and AIC 2's along the feeding chain.


Rerouting a major AIC is quite order intensive, if I can solve problems another way.

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