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The Templars continue to press their attack on us. Our scouting fleets probed several systems and also were met with hostilities. All in all an interesting turn.


Our pathfinder ran into a picket ship (here is an example of tech difference)


----- -----

EEOC - Northern Group # 1751 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 12,000.....Base Fire Control: 1 [1,000 bridge]

The Templars # 724 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 10,000.....Base Fire Control: 6 [64,000 bridge]

103rd Recon Group EEOC - Northern Group #1751 Ranger David

------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

The Templars # 724 [Golden Lion Rampant On A Field Of Black]

464th Sentry [ROE: Y] *Standard Line* (Fleet Tonnage: 10,000)

[Deploy Location 1] 1 CO Alarm (Corvette - 10,000 tons [each])

------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

EEOC - Northern Group # 1751 [8 Tentacles Encircling A World]

103rd Recon Group [ROE: Q] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 12,000)

[Deploy Location 7] 1 FS Pathfinder (Fleet Scout - 12,000 tons [each])

<156 Fuel>

** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 7 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [1st] FS Pathfinder (Fleet Scout - 12,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 13,200] (Green, Timid)

1 10cm Autocannon, 1 Fuel Shuttle, 1,200 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Computer System, 1 Mk I Jump Survey Sensor

1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive, 10 Mk I Short Range Sensor, 1,200 Standard Hull Plate

1 Survey Lander, 1 Type A Defense Screen, 1 Type A Science Lab

Projectile: 110

Maneuverability: 0.03, Missile Defense: 0.40 %, Screens: 29.50 %, Sensors: 17.30 %

** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 1 ------------------------------------------------------------

CO Alarm (Corvette - 10,000 tons) [integrity: 119,700 / 119,700] [shields: 3,090 / 3,200] (Green, Timid)

4 40cm Autocannon, 5 6cm Gatling CIDS, 2,000 Cordellium Composite, 3 Light Graser, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive

15 Mk II Fusion Engine, 2 Mk II Short Range Sensor, 2 Mk III Force Shield, 4 Mk IV Computer System

Coherent Beam: 34,320, Projectile: 14,080

Maneuverability: 3.00, Missile Defense: 32.30 %, Sensors: 9.10 %

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Then one of our exploration ships made a simultaneous move! The unkown commander immediately sent a report home.


Alien Fleet Sighting : xxxxxxx - 3a [in-system move by empire # 724]

TEM The Templars # 724 'Golden Lion Rampant On A Field Of Black'

Herald of Clarity [Yankee]

1 CA Herald (Heavy Cruiser - 440,000 tons)



He moved quickly to a warp point to flee running into another picket ship: (I may be outgunned)




----- xxxxxxx [ R (Orange-Red) 2 V ] [single Star] - Warp -----

EEOC - Northern Group # 1751 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 249,000.....Base Fire Control: 1 [0 bridge]

The Templars # 724 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 10,000.....Base Fire Control: 6 [64,000 bridge]

Fleet 1001 EEOC - Northern Group #1751 Ranger Julius Ceasar

------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

The Templars # 724 [Golden Lion Rampant On A Field Of Black]

1009th Sentry [ROE: Y] *Standard Line* (Fleet Tonnage: 10,000)

[Deploy Location 1] 1 CO Alarm (Corvette - 10,000 tons [each])

------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

EEOC - Northern Group # 1751 [8 Tentacles Encircling A World]

Fleet 1001 [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 249,000)

[Deploy Location 7] 1 FEX Explorer (Fleet Explorer - 249,000 tons [each])

<74,851 Fuel>

** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 7 ------------------------------------------------------------

**MEDIUM DAMAGE** FEX Explorer (Fleet Explorer - 249,000 tons) [integrity: 65,715 / 139,500] (Green, Timid)

100,000 Fuel Tankage, 1 Fusion Transwarp Drive, 30 Light Blast Cannon, 500 Mk II Fusion Engine

10 Mk II Jump Survey Sensor, 9,000 Standard Hull Plate

Particle Beam: 66,000

Maneuverability: 4.02, Missile Defense: 33.50 %

** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 1 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [1st] CO Alarm (Corvette - 10,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 119,700] [shields: 0 / 3,200] (Green, Timid)

4 40cm Autocannon, 5 6cm Gatling CIDS, 2,000 Cordellium Composite, 3 Light Graser, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive

15 Mk II Fusion Engine, 2 Mk II Short Range Sensor, 2 Mk III Force Shield, 4 Mk IV Computer System

Coherent Beam: 34,320, Projectile: 14,080

Maneuverability: 3.00, Missile Defense: 32.30 %, Sensors: 9.10 %

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The commander had made a grave mistake going to that warp point...it doubled back (OK it's a recon ship) so he moved to the next one (AND BOOM):


----- xxxxx[ R (Orange-Red) 2 V ] [single Star] - Warp Point -----

EEOC - Northern Group # 1751 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 249,000.....Base Fire Control: 1 [0 bridge]

The Templars # 724 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 10,000.....Base Fire Control: 6 [64,000 bridge]

Fleet 1001 EEOC - Northern Group #1751 Ranger Julius Ceasar

------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

The Templars # 724 [Golden Lion Rampant On A Field Of Black]

1010th Sentry [ROE: Y] *Standard Line* (Fleet Tonnage: 10,000)

[Deploy Location 1] 1 CO Alarm (Corvette - 10,000 tons [each])

------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

EEOC - Northern Group # 1751 [8 Tentacles Encircling A World]

Fleet 1001 [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 249,000)

[Deploy Location 7] 1 FEX Explorer (Fleet Explorer - 249,000 tons [each])

<74,851 Fuel>

** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 7 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [1st] FEX Explorer (Fleet Explorer - 249,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 139,500] (Green, Timid)

100,000 Fuel Tankage, 1 Fusion Transwarp Drive, 30 Light Blast Cannon, 500 Mk II Fusion Engine

10 Mk II Jump Survey Sensor, 9,000 Standard Hull Plate

Particle Beam: 66,000

Maneuverability: 1.89, Missile Defense: 19.10 %

** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 1 ------------------------------------------------------------

**LIGHT DAMAGE** CO Alarm (Corvette - 10,000 tons) [integrity: 86,840 / 119,700] [shields: 0 / 3,200] (Green, Timid)

4 40cm Autocannon, 5 6cm Gatling CIDS, 2,000 Cordellium Composite, 3 Light Graser, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive

15 Mk II Fusion Engine, 2 Mk II Short Range Sensor, 2 Mk III Force Shield, 4 Mk IV Computer System

Coherent Beam: 34,320, Projectile: 14,080

Maneuverability: 3.00, Missile Defense: 32.30 %, Sensors: 9.10 %

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