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Type A ECM Package


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I'm looking for a few more pieces of interesting tech which includes the Type A ECM Package but it's description (see below) doesn't give much information. How much of a bite does it take off enemy fire? Is it worth the effort to explore further up the tech tree?




-----ANZ (Analyze Item)-----


ANZ: Type A ECM Package

Type A ECM Package: ECM is a defensive system used to counter enemy energy discharge weapons systems. (1,000 tons) 5,000 Electronics


Classification: ECM Structural Integrity: 1000

Prerequisite Technologies: 2nd Generation Computer Systems

Electronics Countermeasures Effectiveness: Poor

Counters: Energy Discharge Weaponry



Any hints will be much appreciated. :thumbsup:

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I'm looking for a few more pieces of interesting tech which includes the Type A ECM Package but it's description (see below) doesn't give much information.  How much of a bite does it take off enemy fire?  Is it worth the effort to explore further up the tech tree?




-----ANZ (Analyze Item)-----


ANZ: Type A ECM Package

Type A ECM Package: ECM is a defensive system used to counter enemy energy discharge weapons systems. (1,000 tons) 5,000 Electronics


Classification: ECM Structural Integrity: 1000

Prerequisite Technologies: 2nd Generation Computer Systems

Electronics Countermeasures Effectiveness: Poor

Counters: Energy Discharge Weaponry



Any hints will be much appreciated.  :thumbsup:


To work out the defensive value of the system to your ship, you take the value of protection it provides and divide that by the total mass of the ship. Add that to 1 and that gives the divisor for all Energy Discharge weapon attacks.


I believe this system is worth 5000.


So, if you had a 10000 ton ship including one of these, you would take 66.6% damage from an Energy Discharge weapon eg Lightning Arc Generators.


As you go up the tech tree, you will get more protection for the same mass. Whether or not it is worth it depends on what weapons your enemies favour.


Lord Deependra.

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Thanks for the information Lord Deependra.  This will help me to decide the direction I will spend my free SRP's.  :thumbsup:


And Cestvel, could you possibly be anymore coy in your answer?  :blink:


Ah that would take the fun out of it :jawdrop:


But ok, you will get at least a new drone and a new fighter available for research.

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Thanks for the information Lord Deependra.  This will help me to decide the direction I will spend my free SRP's.   :thumbsup:


And Cestvel, could you possibly be anymore coy in your answer?   :jawdrop:


Ah that would take the fun out of it :huh:


But ok, you will get at least a new drone and a new fighter available for research.


Very, very cool. Thanks for the insight! :blink:

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