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Amphibias Assault


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If I issue an Amphibias Assault Order and the Order is concelled due to territory control issues (not at war with the controller) or cancelled due to coastal guns or bad odds, has the Army Force executed a Primary Mission Order? Can I issue a DAF order on the same turn and have the force disembarked to a nearby province that I control?



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An interesting question...


The navalforce will have performed a primary mission, as it has sailed to the target location...

I would not know the status of the army force.


Perhaps Russ could answer this question...

I am interested in the answer...



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If the target location of an OMN, AA mission is not valid (not enemy) then the mission would cancel and neither force would be flagged for a primary mission (the naval force would not move).


If the odds are bad on the beach - it's bad news for the marines. An OMN, AA mission will not abort due to odds. The marines will storm the beach and will either win the day or die trying. They do receive a healthy boost to offensive morale for the attack but if the odds are not good...


If the mission executes, runs into coastal batteries and ends up aborting due to losses/damage sustained during the battle with the batteries then...it is definitely a primary mission for the naval force and I believe for the army force as well but I'm not 100% on that later point. I'd have to see that tried to be certain of whether or not the code would allow a DAF following an OMN,AA that aborted the landing due to a bad encounter with coastal batteries. I don't believe so but...



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I gave it a try on this past turn. The Amphibias Assault was a success (no coastal guns to impede the landing) and the marines landed safely. So, obviously, there was no opportunity to do the DAF because the army was not on a fleet. But, I found it interesting that the order did not reject due to the primary mission already being executed. If the opportunity arises again, I will post the results if the guns stop the naval fleet.

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