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EXPL Results


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OK, my intrepid (if not overly competent) explorers have finally found something on an alien planet. The question now is, what can I do with it? They found a couple of pop guns not in a line I've been researching, can I ANZ them? Does doing so give me any benefit? Do they have to be in a pop group to do the ANZ, or can I do it on the ship?


Also, I got the result:


"an Alien Library: A storehouse of information, the contents of alien libraries--once translated--can occasionally yield great or terrible secrets"


Is this fluff? Or can I actually gain some benefit from this result. And if so, how?

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You need to bring the item to a pop group with a science installation. Then you can ANZ it.


This way you know what it does and which the prereqs are, nothing more.


All else is fluff.


You can also find technology points with EXPL and Warp Point surveys.


And there might be some rare finds, that open up new paths of research.

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They can be ANZ'd in a pop group, as long as it also contains one of the science facilities. Check the " SN Installation Supplement", which you can download in the rules section, or look at your "Installations Report" if you're not sure what qualifies as one.


A lot of the stuff is fluff, but it depends on how you look at things in the game. There's supposed to be a galactic saga, that you can piece together with different clues.


If you want to know more detail; send me an e-mail. I'll put you in touch with an expert on space and/or planetary exploration.

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"an Alien Library: A storehouse of information, the contents of alien libraries--once translated--can occasionally yield great or terrible secrets"


Is this fluff?  Or can I actually gain some benefit from this result.  And if so, how?


The "Alien Library" is not quite "just" fluff, but only by about a half step or so. If you do an ORB at the world, the library will show up on a list of discoveries there.


Reputedly, the accumulated archeological structures found on a world will increase your chances of successive finds. Just keep in mind that evenually, any such bonus will be overwhelmed as you "empty out" the planet of burried artifacts.


Also, by my analysis, the type of structure found has some statistical impact on the sort of find you might locate there. Ruined power facilities have a higher chance of giving Advanced Processed Radioactives, a crashed ship may be more likely than usual to have working engines discovered, etc.


Further, some character types assigned to the EXPL fleet may give you additional bonuses with certain types of structures. (This is largely conjecture.)


Also, some found structures can have continuing impact on future events at the world. The most notable example I can mention is that various temples and cathedrals found on a planet via EXPL will give a religious leader stationed there a chance of gaining favor points with the relevant diety. (Just how useful that may be is a matter of conjecture and debate.)




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I would agree that the Site has some effect on the things found. For example:-


a deserted Imperial Zoo: Many of the original inhabitants must have escaped from this place, but others were not so

fortunate. With a bit of luck, records can be found describing the creatures once contained here


I have found tech hits for

Mk II Fusion Engine

Mk III Pursuit Missile


And mutiples of:-

Black Market Goods(s)

Improved Black Market Goods(s)

Advanced Black Market Goods(s)

Improved Pharmaceuticals(s)

Advanced Pharmaceuticals(s)


So...zoos seem to be stockpiles of drugs and other illegal items, fast ships and missiles. I'm going to have to start mandatory drug testing of all the animals :pirate2:

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I would agree that the Site has some effect on the things found. For example:-


a deserted Imperial Zoo: Many of the original inhabitants must have escaped from this place, but others were not so

fortunate. With a bit of luck, records can be found describing the creatures once contained here


I have found tech hits for

Mk II Fusion Engine

Mk III Pursuit Missile


And mutiples of:-

Black Market Goods(s)

Improved Black Market Goods(s)

Advanced Black Market Goods(s)

Improved Pharmaceuticals(s)

Advanced Pharmaceuticals(s)


So...zoos seem to be stockpiles of drugs and other illegal items, fast ships and missiles. I'm going to have to start mandatory drug testing of all the animals  :pirate2:


Another is the various types of power plants found, like a wrecked fusion power plant, or smashed Orbital Solar Power station. Those always seem to produce a lot of radioactives, processed radioactvies (all types), and various piles of fuel. Oh, and occasionally some "Energy", which you can store as cargo in your ships (I always imagine Energon Cubes from the transformer cartoons).

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