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Rolling Thunder Forums

Board Update & Virus Event


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Hello All,


Well, as some of you no doubt found out recently our forums here were infected by a virus and it was setting off everybody's virus detection software left and right :pirate2:


The solution was to upgrade the board software to the latest version and have our hosting company clean things up to get rid of the virus. The board should still pretty much function the same way but let me know if you run into problems, etc. Hopefully the new version will have some nice new bells and whistles once we get a chance to look around a bit. Most importantly it should be more secure in the future.


With regards to the virus we had here. Make sure that your virus software is up to date and run a complete scan of your system as soon as you can just to be on the safe side. It's probably a good idea to clear out your Temporary Internet Files as well (for you Windows guys for sure - not sure about Macs and other). If you are using IE as a browser - use the Tools menu, Internet Options and you'll see a spot where you can delete the Temporary Internet Files. The virus involved a file in Temporary Internet files (adv497[1].htm) so make sure that sucker is gone and that you are getting the current stuff (not something from a cache) when you come here.


If you are using something else and need some technical advice you might start a thread here on the forums and see if anybody else here can help out - this community is pretty good about pitching in together to help and there are a lot of guys out there who are very good on technical issues.




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