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Victory 77 Post Apocalypse


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Hi All - Glamdring wants to know how Great Britain was defeated. Well here is my take on the 31 turns.


It all started one foggy morning when the leaders of Great Britain and Ireland signed a pact to defeat the old enemy - France.


Forces were placed on mass, and the the decision was taken to ask Iceland to join us in this quest. When that decision was made that was when the fate of Great Britain was sealed.


You see Iceland was a mole, a plant, a spy for the great USA / Canada alliance.


Iceland was given land in GB, his job in the plan to invade France was to supply bombers and intel, the British and Irish governments sent vast amounts of money to Iceland who was to increase his inteligence network to field us with the intel needed to invade France.


D-Day aproached and Ireland was to make the initial landing, bombers from Iceland were to bomb the landing zones first. Iceland did not saying that they were too well defended to make a difference. The Irish forces were left to die on the beaches.


If the british were to follow they would have also died so they were sent back to port.


Time for a re-think. France was to be the target so Portugal was recruited so we could land in Spain and attack from the south but now our suspicions were arroused about Icelands true intentions.


Months passed by and evidence came to light that our positions were being offered to the Canadians. A forged report later and we had the evidence to support this.


These false reports were handed to Iceland while the British forces were re-deployed to various corners of the British Ilse. Stockpiles of re-inforcements where re-distributed, AIC networks re-designed. But not enough time was available before Canada attacked.


Canada made slow progress and was not considered a serious threat. When the US landed in Plymouth then thats when it got tough. The US Marines made inroads destroying AIC but the Britsh forces them back to the sea but by now the logistical nightmare had set in, no fuel, no supplies even with the help of the Portugese and Irish navy dropping supplies off there was not enough and while the USA were on the brink of defeat the Canadians had taken over most of Scotland.


A final push against the Americans failed and the Icelandic traitors finally broke the TA with us. It was over, forces depleated, supplies gone and fresh forces attacking.


The royal family was ordered to flee along with the british government.


All in all it was our own trust in Iceland that defeated us. It was a classic case of never bring into your alliance a player you have not known or played with before. Myself and the Irish PM have played before and both know we can trust each other, its the first time I have played with the Portugeese player and I know now I can trust him. The Icelandic player, never trust again. Bust as I say, it was fun and that how it should be. Well played.

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Hi All - Glamdring wants to know how Great Britain was defeated. Well here is my take on the 31 turns.


It all started one foggy morning when the leaders of Great Britain and Ireland signed a pact to defeat the old enemy - France.


Forces were placed on mass, and the the decision was taken to ask Iceland to join us in this quest. When that decision was made that was when the fate of Great Britain was sealed.


You see Iceland was a mole, a plant, a spy for the great USA / Canada alliance.


Iceland was given land in GB, his job in the plan to invade France was to supply bombers and intel, the British and Irish governments sent vast amounts of money to Iceland who was to increase his inteligence network to field us with the intel needed to invade France.


D-Day aproached and Ireland was to make the initial landing, bombers from Iceland were to bomb the landing zones first. Iceland did not saying that they were too well defended to make a difference. The Irish forces were left to die on the beaches.


If the british were to follow they would have also died so they were sent back to port.


Time for a re-think. France was to be the target so Portugal was recruited so we could land in Spain and attack from the south but now our suspicions were arroused about Icelands true intentions.


Months passed by and evidence came to light that our positions were being offered to the Canadians. A forged report later and we had the evidence to support this.


These false reports were handed to Iceland while the British forces were re-deployed to various corners of the British Ilse. Stockpiles of re-inforcements where re-distributed, AIC networks re-designed. But not enough time was available before Canada attacked.


Canada made slow progress and was not considered a serious threat. When the US landed in Plymouth then thats when it got tough. The US Marines made inroads destroying AIC but the Britsh forces them back to the sea but by now the logistical nightmare had set in, no fuel, no supplies even with the help of the Portugese and Irish navy dropping supplies off there was not enough and while the USA were on the brink of defeat the Canadians had taken over most of Scotland.


A final push against the Americans failed and the Icelandic traitors finally broke the TA with us. It was over, forces depleated, supplies gone and fresh forces attacking.


The royal family was ordered to flee along with the british government.


All in all it was our own trust in Iceland that defeated us. It was a classic case of never bring into your alliance a player you have not known or played with before. Myself and the Irish PM have played before and both know we can trust each other, its the first time I have played with the Portugeese player and I know now I can trust him. The Icelandic player, never trust again. Bust as I say, it was fun and that how it should be. Well played.


Well spoken, inaccurate, but well spoken indeed.

Although the war is not over yet I’ll give you the prelude to this British Defeat.


It all started on a sunny day when the Canadian PM approached me and asked if I was interested in a permanent peace agreement. Since it was my intention to invade Europe I had no problem with a Canadian TA. That was step 1.


After careful considerations we decided that a full scale attack was needed if one wants to take and hold a foothold on foreign soil after an amphibious attack. The target was chosen, not GB/Ireland, strategic plans were drawn up and industrial reorganizations were set into effect to accommodate these plans. The great wait began. This was step 2.


To keep a feeling with the world we continued to send out ‘diplomats’ and kept an up to date overview of the ongoing wars and alliances. The failed attack on France was noticed. This made us wonder a bit because we were planning an attack on a far larger scale. We wanted to know what went wrong. So we increased our efforts to obtain accurate information. Contact was made with all parties involved, except France. Iceland and GB reacted. We immediately felt a chill running in these communications and we acted accordingly. It seemed that bad planning and lack of proper communications were the downfall in this particular alliance, and the alliance partners were bitter towards each other. We took advantage of these feelings and made Iceland an offer he couldn’t refuse. (No horse’s head was involved…;-)). Step 3.


Now we had to abandon our original strategic masterplan and devise a new one. Acting as a mole, Iceland provided us with up to date information. But after a few turnsheets we discovered some discrepancy’s in the British turnsheets and we had to assume our scheme was discovered. This forced us the act ahead of schedule. Originally both I and Canada would attack at the same time, forcing GB to choose between us and thus dividing his troops. This was not practical anymore due to the timeframe. Therefore we decided to put 3/4 turns between the landings and land in the mountains first. The countryside would make it difficult for GB to provide immediate support and would give Canada time to reinforce. The delay in turns would also take the bulk of the British forces north and that would give the USA more time to disrupt the main industrial zone of GB. It was never our intention to hold the south, we just needed to disrupt the production long enough to give Canada the time to build up. Step 4.


But nothing is as fluid as a battle. When it became clear that it would be possible to keep the foothold in the south as well, I stepped up my logistics and reinforced my troops on site. Just in time, because GB almost destroyed my main body. Which would have been sad, but part of the original plan. With 2 large armies roaming his country he was lost. And when Iceland finally broke his TA and DW the British spine was broken. Step 5 and the end.


The fight was most interesting since it proved once again that proper planning and good communications will always give you that extra bit of punch. I would like to salute Spartacus and thank him for the experience. Perhaps that we can work together in the future.





President of the usA.

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Not that inacurate and a British perspective but as we all know History is written by the Victors. :robot:

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Guest IrishPM
Not that inacurate and a British perspective but as we all know History is written by the Victors. :P


Yes. Iceland mentioned working with US and Canada very early. In fact, well before we decided on France as a target. I asked if there would ever be a point when his loyalties may be divided and he insisted he would never turn on a TA. A bald faced lie obviously. Even if this was a change in plans later, keeping ports on an Island nation you plan to break a TA with certainly does not fit in with an honestly intended "never turning on a TA" statement.


Also a hard sell is the territory Iceland asked to be ceded to him. He was to provide air support, yet he took two port cities. Port cities are very odd choices for air fields given their propensity to be snuffed by coastal bombardment. They are ideal for backstabbing an Island nation though. No, the traitorous turn by Iceland was a part of the plan from the beginning. Like Sparticus, I do not hold that particularly against anyone. A game is a game and betrayal is a part of it. Let's be honest to the world, however.

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I would love to hear from Iceland on the subject, what his view on events were, on why he did not provide the support that he said was top be provided. These are my final comments on this game, on with the future and good luck to all.

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I would love to hear from Iceland on the subject, what his view on events were, on why he did not provide the support that he said was top be provided. These are my final comments on this game, on with the future and good luck to all.


Hi Spart

Iceland will be devoid of an answer for you.

Here is what I have to say for the record.


I think we are being hard on CD and Canada.

They would have asked Iceland to defect.

Iceland agreed.

The lack of integrity is on Iceland not CD or Canada.

If you recall only a turn or two back CD was sprouting for me to defect albeit covertly.

Listen to this:


Lisbon is far away, it may be so for the remainder of this war..."

What if I had taken the bait and sweetened the pot a little.

He would have had me on his side and another integrity baron ally would have deserted.

You just have to read between the lines.

Here's another:

"Why call Iceland a Traitor? He has infiltrated an aggressive organization "

They called it infiltration!

No. Downright out and out planned deceit.

Treason in fact.

Who is this integrity baron Icelandic player?

Do we know him?

If you know who he is email me so I don't ever get involved with him.


All The Powers To Be Paul

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I have never layed the blame at the door of the United States or Canada, they played a good honorable game to the outside world, I have no evidence to show the actions of Iceland was pre-planned. It was iceland that chose to play the dishonourable way he did, he had the choice and no evidence can provided to link this to the actions of the USA or Canada. If it was pre-planned or not the only one we have evidence about is Iceland and as such is a dishonorable leader of a weak nation. As you see i try to keep in character, no grudges here :D It could be said all is fair in love and war and Iceland did what he thought he had to do. If indeed Iceland was converted then in some ways that is even worse as he double crossed his TA's. If it was planned then it was a cunning plan not one I feel I could be comfortable with I think. As for his identity, well his email is at Yahoo so there is no way to avoid him in the future.


Lesson learned :P The moral of the story brings a story of a scorpion hitching a ride on a turtle back, it stings it when swimming across a river and they both drown, why the turtle asks, because its in my nature says the scorpion.

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Lesson learned :D The moral of the story brings a story of a scorpion hitching a ride on a turtle back, it stings it when swimming across a river and they both drown, why the turtle asks, because its in my nature says the scorpion.


Hi Spartacus,


Although it is a nice moral story, it's doesn't quite fit this incident. I mean, Iceland didn't drown now did he? ;-)


No I was thinking more along the line of Matthew : "What did these people do wrong? Should we expect others to follow rules we do not follow? Should we follow a higher standard around some people than we do around others?" :unsure:

I mean, you did try to fool us first...


Nevertheless, it wasn't a nice thing to do. Can't say I'm sorry, but it wasn't nice... :P


No hard feelings? :D





President of the usA

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Lesson learned :D The moral of the story brings a story of a scorpion hitching a ride on a turtle back, it stings it when swimming across a river and they both drown, why the turtle asks, because its in my nature says the scorpion.


Hi Spartacus,


Although it is a nice moral story, it's doesn't quite fit this incident. I mean, Iceland didn't drown now did he? ;-)


No I was thinking more along the line of Matthew : "What did these people do wrong? Should we expect others to follow rules we do not follow? Should we follow a higher standard around some people than we do around others?" :unsure:

I mean, you did try to fool us first...


Nevertheless, it wasn't a nice thing to do. Can't say I'm sorry, but it wasn't nice... :P


No hard feelings? :D





President of the usA


Nice come back CD.

Looks like it's all over now.

Iceland is out in the cold. If get my pun.

Must have a look see who he is.

Haven't done that yet.

I'm wondering if I've come across him before.

Then I have never seen you two Canadyanks either in all the time I've played the game.

Strange that.

Just as a matter of interest did you know there is more ice in Greenland than Iceland.

Also there is more Green in Iceland than Greenland.

Go figure.



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