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War of the Worlds


War of the Worlds  

22 members have voted

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Hello all,

I am thinking of organising an in-game War of the Worlds between armies.

The idea is that all participants drop an army of, let's say 5, divisions of choice on a single planet.

All armies give the GATK order at the same time, and the last remaining army is declared intergalactic Champion of the War of the Worlds.


It is just an idea now, but I would like to know whether there is any interest in this.

Kind regards, AKO

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Hello Cestvel,

Thanks for the comment, and I agree.


I would like to start on a planet in a system where I know that at least about 10-15 empires know how to get there. I can also publish all system names in a 2-3 system radius, including paths, so that would increase the number of possible participants as well.


We can start small, and maybe it can be expanded to more participants in WotW II a year later.

I would not start the battle untill at least 15 turns have passed from now to allow for logistics. It also allows participants to research that key technology to give the team more power!

Kind regards, AKO

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It's a good idea! Perhaps someday it could happen. More than one civilization has substituted this kind of ritualized combat for more widespread bloodshed.


If and when it happens, and if we are still about at that time, count the Gosht Kohr in!



Clan Eldress

The Hunting Sisters if the Gosht Kohr

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It's a good idea! Perhaps someday it could happen. More than one civilization has substituted this kind of ritualized combat for more widespread bloodshed.


If and when it happens, and if we are still about at that time, count the Gosht Kohr in!



Clan Eldress

The Hunting Sisters if the Gosht Kohr


The Greater Republic of Quetzacoatl are in agreement with the Hunting Sisters of the Gosht Kohr.


-SK :ph34r:

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