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Greetings and welcome to Lerran Republic space.


You have impinged upon a formerly inactive quadrant of the Lerran Republic. The vessel that spotted your Survey Cruiser had returned to enter into negotiations with a neutral that had been overlooked during our explorations.


If you wish peaceful coexistence then please identify which system you used to gain access to the system of contact. I have already explored 3 of the 5 systems which border it. If your system of entry was one of the two systems I have not entered then I will not attempt to enter that system and we can establish that as our initial border.


Chairman Luri Keen

Lerran Republic

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Well met.


The explorer is trying to convince these primitive inhabitants for 2 turns to join our rulership, but they seems to be a stubborn bunch.


We come from the COENGILSUS System and were to go on our travels. We had no clue, that this is occupied space.


That explorer is quite far from his home, but near space of an ally of mine. Though I have no claims in the neighbourhood my ally may have.

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Greetings Cestval.


I pm'ed you. We still need to talk as Coengilsus is closer to my core systems not farther away. I have encountered no one, previous to your vessel, in that area of space so am not sure how close your ally is to either system. I've explored all systems leading from and to the Coengilsus system.


I look forward to further discussion.


Chairman Luri Keen

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