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Eyre High Command reports large number of Valkor ships in nearby star system. Transport ship Vercingetorix is on colission course.




High Command dispatch. Abort convoy route "Lima". Abort. Enemy fleet identified. Abort...



Due to nebula activity the laser pulse radio systems had been acting on the fritz. Transport Captain Winged Dove continued to bemoan his fate of escorting combat ships to the front. He was a firm believer that he was capable of fighting large scale battles, in fact he practiced nightly on the hologram, but the blasted Mindsphere incident continued to plague him. How could he have known that the enemy was waving a white flag.


The ship jumped into the Whittney system. A regular jump he had done dozens of times. He contemplated going to his rack but decided another round of hologram battle simulation would be exciting. All of a sudden the ships alarms systems started gonging.


"What??" This isn't a hologram...muttered Winged Dove. His battle hologram training kicked in and he hit the red alert button. All of a sudden the ship came to life as it plowed through the warp point. Pilots, woken from a deep sleep (expectring nothing) ran to their older attack fighters (why did he have to be taking attack fighters to an ally??). The system continued to warn "this is not a drill, this is not a drill".


Within 10 minutes (arghhhh the benchmark requirement is 5 minutes) all gunboats (few of them) and attack fighters were ready for launch. Systems were powered. The computer grid was up and running. The ship emerged from Hyperspace. Winged Dove only hoped that it was a computer glitch but no...there arrayed before him was an immense fleet. The computer calculated over 23M tons of enemy ships arrayed in depth with screens to the front.


Attack fighters and gunboats launched in mass. the Force Fields activated as incoming fire started pouring in. Winged Dove made his first mistake by ordering that the screens be targeted first. He realized his mistake but at that time combat was in full force. Enemy CIDS light the sky. Then it came together. Winged Dove saw the enemys command ship "the Pride of Locklyn" and he snapped. Innate battle skills came together and the Vercingetorix started acting like a war ship. By the end of the five hour battle the vercingetorix attack fighters were still chasing fleeing ships. The CCA Alexander III had been borded by marines and the Locklyn had exploded in a ball of red anger.



VSK Valkor Star Kingdom # 232 'A Three-Pointed Golden Crown Fixed Above A Shield Of Vertical Blue And White Stripes, All

Set Upon A Field Of Black'

[Romeo] Fleet 525

3 CA Hoplite (Heavy Cruiser - 511,900 tons)

1 FS LEWIS III (Fleet Scout - 15,100 tons)

1 CCA Alexander II (Command Cruiser - 803,000 tons)

68 CO Sabre (Corvette - 9,700 tons)

1 SCA PHALANX II (Strike Cruiser - 658,000 tons)

10 CO Peltast (Corvette - 1,000 tons)

3 BC Thermopylae (Battle Cruiser - 1,000,000 tons)

2 BC MARATHON (Battle Cruiser - 1,161,600 tons)

1 BC Agis B (Battle Cruiser - 1,223,600 tons)

17 CO Minuteman C (Corvette - 1,000 tons)

89 AUXL CHITON B (Light Auxiliary - 1,000 tons)

204 LTA PELTAST C (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons)

145 AUXL CHITON (Light Auxiliary - 1,000 tons)

1 WC LEUCTRA (War Cruiser - 1,345,700 tons)

1 WC ZAMA (War Cruiser - 1,345,700 tons)

1 WC TARENTUM (War Cruiser - 1,469,700 tons)

4 LTA PELTAST D (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons)

114 AUXL CHITON C (Light Auxiliary - 1,000 tons)

336 LTA PELTAST E (Light Tanker - 1,000 tons)

1 BB LEGEND OF LOCKLYN (Battleship - 4,861,300 tons)

1 BB CANNAE (Battleship - 3,748,500 tons)



----- WHITTNEY [ M (Red) 2 V ] [single Star] - Warp Point 85709 -----

The Eyre # 2335 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 13,170,000.....Base Fire Control: 29 [384,000,000 bridge]

Valkor Star Kingdom # 232 (+11 [Leaders * Lifeform])

Total tonnage: 23,908,100.....Base Fire Control: 1 [41,473,000 bridge]

Fleet 525 Valkor Star Kingdom #232 Grand Admiral Sir William Halsey

Fleet 525 Valkor Star Kingdom #232 Ranger




Side 1

[7] 1 Vercingetorix class BDN

Side 2

[1] 145 CHITON class AUXL..................................................145 Destroyed

[1] 89 CHITON B class AUXL..................................................89 Destroyed

[1] 114 CHITON C class AUXL..................................................114 Destroyed

[1] 3 Hoplite class CA..................................................3 Destroyed

[1] 17 Minuteman C class CO..................................................17 Destroyed

[1] 10 Peltast class CO..................................................10 Destroyed

[1] 204 PELTAST C class LTA..................................................204 Destroyed

[1] 336 PELTAST E class LTA..................................................336 Destroyed

[1] 1 PHALANX II class SCA..................................................1 Destroyed

[1] 68 Sabre class CO..................................................68 Destroyed

[3] 1 CANNAE class BB..................................................1 Destroyed

[3] 1 LEGEND OF LOCKLYN class BB..................................................1 Destroyed

[3] 1 LEUCTRA class WC..................................................1 Destroyed

[3] 2 Marathon class BC..................................................1 Destroyed. 1 Captured

[3] 4 PELTAST D class LTA..................................................4 Destroyed

[3] 1 TARENTUM class WC..................................................1 Destroyed

[3] 3 Thermopylae class BC..................................................3 Destroyed

[3] 1 ZAMA class WC..................................................1 Destroyed

[5] 1 Alexander II class CCA..................................................1 Captured

[9] 1 Agis B class BC..................................................1 Destroyed

[11] 1 LEWIS III class FS..................................................1 Destroyed

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