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Rolling Thunder Forums

Supernova IRC Channel


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Hey I just made one.


IRC is otherwise known as Internet Relay Chat is used for a variety of purposes, but my favorite is instant communication in Massive Multiplayer games.


Anyways, the server is irc.gamesurge.net, channel: #rollingthundersupernova

You can download mIRC, a IRC chat program, at www.mirc.org.


Or you can use your browser if you have java 2.0 or better by going to http://www.gamesurge.net/chat/rollingthundersupernova


I'm getting it registered with gamesurge. It'll allow for instant discussion as well as for players getting to know each other better. It beats the forums because its instant, but the forums are of course better because all threads and discussions are saved and can be referred back to for later.


I just want to be able to talk about the game at all times of day or night. =)

Anyways, come check it out.

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