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Turnsheet format questions


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Hi peeps -

wonder if any of you can advise on the following questions ... apologies if they're utterly noobish but they've been bugging me ...



When we see our research reports and it says |-->| , does each of the symbols between the |s represent 5% progress?


If so, is the example above 10% or 15% complete? i.e. is the > a 5%?


Do fractions of research points count? Say for example that I have a project for which 2 stations are working - I get (as I understand it) 1.4 pts of research. Now I increase that to 3 stations for the next turn and do 1.7. Does that equal 3 pts or is it rounded down / up each turn to 2 or 4?


Just to confirm the supposition in the example above, I'm guessing its s * (n^0.5) for the pts produced where s is the species modifier from the startup and n is the number of stations? Not counting bonuses from stations or people which I guess are flat adds?


If a person boosts a project, do they give a flat number of research points or is their boosting boosted by the species bonus for research and the number of stations?


Is there any public understanding of the progression for costs on later generation projects, i.e. 12, 27, 36 etc?


How much of a bonus do we get for each RM bonus pt we buy at species start? Gut feel is 10% from what little I've seen, but I'm guessing it'll be clearer once I know exactly what |-->| means.


Is it possible with species engineering to buy modifiers like these or better colonisation bonuses later on (albeit with advanced research)?


If you use your first research slot to 'spend' SRPs on a project, does that slot only use SRPs, or does it generate it's usual 1 pt itself as well? (Just trying to figure out how many SRPs I've spent).


Do pts generated by other slots count before SRPs are spent? i.e. I have a 30 pt project, I spend 25 slots on it for 5 pts, and I have slot 1 SRPs being spent as well. Do I spend:

a) 30 SRPs

:jawdrop: 25 SRPs

c) 25.1 SRPs


Are fractions of saved SRPs recorded?


Is there such a thing as an improved or advanced cargo bay (i.e. more resilient?)


When you SCRP a ship, do the contents get offloaded first? i.e. cargo?


How about fuel?


Can you generate fuel from raw materials?


Is there any sort of randomness in SURV missions or if a ship fails in a SURV will it always fail assuming nothing changes (like characters arriving etc)?


When the program works out to see if a SURV mission succeeds, does it base the sensor calculation on the sensors present:

a) on the same ship

:cheers: in the same fleet

c) in the same location


Do characters apply their survey bonus to:

a) the ship they're on

:cheers: ships in the same fleet

c) ships in the same location


Is there any point in more advanced science labs etc on ships, i.e. are discoveries on planets subject to the same sort of find difficulty as SURV missions?


If I carry out an EXPL order around a colony world and I find something, but I have no cargo bays, do the finds drop into the pop group on the planet or are they lost?


Um. Think that's it for now - thanks in advance for your answers!



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Hi peeps -

wonder if any of you can advise on the following questions ... apologies if they're utterly noobish but they've been bugging me ...



Hm a lot of questions, most answered on the boards already, but I will try to answer as much as possible.


When we see our research reports and it says |-->| , does each of the symbols between the |s represent 5% progress?


If so, is the example above 10% or 15% complete? i.e. is the > a 5%?


Do fractions of research points count? Say for example that I have a project for which 2 stations are working - I get (as I understand it) 1.4 pts of research. Now I increase that to 3 stations for the next turn and do 1.7. Does that equal 3 pts or is it rounded down / up each turn to 2 or 4?


Just to confirm the supposition in the example above, I'm guessing its s * (n^0.5) for the pts produced where s is the species modifier from the startup and n is the number of stations? Not counting bonuses from stations or people which I guess are flat adds?


You will only see increases in -- which represents 10%. Max you will see is 18 dashes because with 20 dashes the project is complete. So -- means >5%


As far as we know fractions count. And the above formula is what most agree upon.


If a person boosts a project, do they give a flat number of research points or is their boosting boosted by the species bonus for research and the number of stations?


Scientist boosts seem to be percentual, 6 breakthroughs will complete a project when you do a bit of research. Some think, that better scientists give better boosts. I myself think, that they only get a better chance and the boosts are the same for all (proportional to the research item cost).



Is there any public understanding of the progression for costs on later generation projects, i.e. 12, 27, 36 etc?


3,12,27,48 thats it. There is at least one exception: Advanced Fuel at an approx. cost of 18 RC instead of 27.



How much of a bonus do we get for each RM bonus pt we buy at species start? Gut feel is 10% from what little I've seen, but I'm guessing it'll be clearer once I know exactly what |-->| means.


Maximum bonus to get is 50%. Int plusses are thought to be 10% the rest as 5%. (max is confirmed though)



Is it possible with species engineering to buy modifiers like these or better colonisation bonuses later on (albeit with advanced research)?





If you use your first research slot to 'spend' SRPs on a project, does that slot only use SRPs, or does it generate it's usual 1 pt itself as well? (Just trying to figure out how many SRPs I've spent).


It generates his 1 point as well.



Do pts generated by other slots count before SRPs are spent? i.e. I have a 30 pt project, I spend 25 slots on it for 5 pts, and I have slot 1 SRPs being spent as well. Do I spend:

a) 30 SRPs

:jawdrop: 25 SRPs

c) 25.1 SRPs


Not checked, but I iirc its :cheers:


Are fractions of saved SRPs recorded?


No idea. But it makes to difference. You buy as much of an slot 1 item as possible.



Is there such a thing as an improved or advanced cargo bay (i.e. more resilient?)


Not to my knowledge. Research armor and put some plating around the Cargo Bays ;)


When you SCRP a ship, do the contents get offloaded first? i.e. cargo?


How about fuel?


You have to offload stuff yourself or it is gone.



Can you generate fuel from raw materials?


I think so, but the way with the Facilities is more effective as is SKIMing.


Is there any sort of randomness in SURV missions or if a ship fails in a SURV will it always fail assuming nothing changes (like characters arriving etc)?


I never got a crack on retries. Only when better Characters arrived or installations were build.



When the program works out to see if a SURV mission succeeds, does it base the sensor calculation on the sensors present:

a) on the same ship

:cheers: in the same fleet

c) in the same location


Fleet :cheers:


Do characters apply their survey bonus to:

a) the ship they're on

B) ships in the same fleet

c) ships in the same location


Chars are located at fleets, so B)


Is there any point in more advanced science labs etc on ships, i.e. are discoveries on planets subject to the same sort of find difficulty as SURV missions?


If I carry out an EXPL order around a colony world and I find something, but I have no cargo bays, do the finds drop into the pop group on the planet or are they lost?


Labs are not for SURVs but will help in EXPL as Pete stated (search the forum).


If your fleet has too few Cargo Bays free, the exceeding finds are lost. Colony below or not.


Um. Think that's it for now - thanks in advance for your answers!




I hope these answers helped.

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Hi peeps -

wonder if any of you can advise on the following questions ... apologies if they're utterly noobish but they've been bugging me ...



When we see our research reports and it says |-->| , does each of the symbols between the |s represent 5% progress?


If so, is the example above 10% or 15% complete? i.e. is the > a 5%?



Since there are ** NO PROGRESS ** and |>| responses I think you have a 15.

Roundhouse Pete cannot be cornered, but does say the "ticks" do not mean much.





Do fractions of research points count? Say for example that I have a project for which 2 stations are working - I get (as I understand it) 1.4 pts of research. Now I increase that to 3 stations for the next turn and do 1.7. Does that equal 3 pts or is it rounded down / up each turn to 2 or 4?


Again, with Pete as a source it is a many decimilled thing. If you have 47.99999999 points out of 48 it is no more than a nearly completed item.


Just to confirm the supposition in the example above, I'm guessing its s * (n^0.5) for the pts produced where s is the species modifier from the startup and n is the number of stations? Not counting bonuses from stations or people which I guess are flat adds?


I fully agree with you, if you have a 20% bonus 4 RC gets awfully close to 2.4 points




If a person boosts a project, do they give a flat number of research points or is their boosting boosted by the species bonus for research and the number of stations?


Not sure what a boost means, but if you mean adding more RC see the 2.4 answer (9=1.6)

is that what you meant?


Is there any public understanding of the progression for costs on later generation projects, i.e. 12, 27, 36 etc?


Not totally public, but some of us think 3 12 18 27 36 & 48 are the major players in this area. Some think there are higher numbers, but we just are not sure.



How much of a bonus do we get for each RM bonus pt we buy at species start? Gut feel is 10% from what little I've seen, but I'm guessing it'll be clearer once I know exactly what |-->| means.


Pretty sure Long life gets 5% and consensus is if you get all the pluses its 50% (4rc= 3.00 points)




Is it possible with species engineering to buy modifiers like these or better colonisation bonuses later on (albeit with advanced research)?


Check out Species engineering 125 points for 1st gen


If you use your first research slot to 'spend' SRPs on a project, does that slot only use SRPs, or does it generate it's usual 1 pt itself as well? (Just trying to figure out how many SRPs I've spent).


I think you are correct, but I'm not in a position to answer for Pete. If you slot 1 on a 12 point item it will probably cost you 11 points even if your modified points are 1.1 or 1.5. Full poits are burned.



Do pts generated by other slots count before SRPs are spent? i.e. I have a 30 pt project, I spend 25 slots on it for 5 pts, and I have slot 1 SRPs being spent as well. Do I spend:

a) 30 SRPs

:jawdrop: 25 SRPs

c) 25.1 SRPs


I would guess 25, but never wanted to waste the other slots to find out.


Are fractions of saved SRPs recorded?


I do not think so, if you need 1.1 points to finish you spend 2.


Is there such a thing as an improved or advanced cargo bay (i.e. more resilient?)


I have not seen these



When you SCRP a ship, do the contents get offloaded first? i.e. cargo?


How about fuel?


Only if you use an OC order first


Can you generate fuel from raw materials?


BI gas elements then BI fuel with them




Is there any sort of randomness in SURV missions or if a ship fails in a SURV will it always fail assuming nothing changes (like characters arriving etc)?


An exploration bonus is suppse to increase your chances.


When the program works out to see if a SURV mission succeeds, does it base the sensor calculation on the sensors present:

a) on the same ship

:cheers: in the same fleet

c) in the same location


I believe b is right


Do characters apply their survey bonus to:

a) the ship they're on

:cheers: ships in the same fleet

c) ships in the same location


They are assigned to a fleet so I always believed it was the same fleet


Is there any point in more advanced science labs etc on ships, i.e. are discoveries on planets subject to the same sort of find difficulty as SURV missions?


I understand increased tech and quantity (2 survey landers are better than one) increase your finds.


If I carry out an EXPL order around a colony world and I find something, but I have no cargo bays, do the finds drop into the pop group on the planet or are they lost?


Lost in space, no cargo bays no treasure..


Um. Think that's it for now - thanks in advance for your answers!



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