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Amphibious Assults


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If I do an order OMG DA I get a merge option, then merge they do.

If I do an Air assault into a target and the first assault is successful subsequent attacks in the same turn on the same target automatically merge.

Even if you do MGF into a friendly target and you have a merge option and there is room for the moving force then they merge.

Why is it when I do an amphibious assault on a target and it is successful the second OMN AA the force does not merge with the previously successful force?

In fact the navy does not even move.

This leaves you with the dilemma of writing an extra order that moves the naval force into the adjacent sea zone and then DAF into the previously taken target.

Has anyone else come across this inequity and is there a way around it?


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Has anyone else come across this inequity and is there a way around it?





Or actually: :):cheers::ph34r::cheers::angry:



Been there, done that, just another one of those not so logical things that we would like to see solved but don't hold your breath....

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