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Apple Mac SuperNova Players


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Hi :angry2:


Im wondering if there any other players who use primarily Macs at home etc for there Super Nova playing.


Im a dedicated Mac user, however I have been using a virtual PC to run the Supernova turn editor.


This turn however I submitted my order using a Simple INumbers spreadhseet which I type in the orders on one side and it converts it into the code needed to paste into a txt document to send in.

It works well along side my production spreadsheet which I can just copy and paste from also.


Im wanting to develop this further however I have reached my current technical know how with spreadhseets, Im not entirely sure how to implement controls and possible pop up options to help prompt the different order types to prevent errors.


I was wondering if there are any other Mac users who want to collaborate to come up with a

Production and Order editor suite for the Mac? Either building on what Ive started with Inumbers or going a whole different way? Maybe you have already come up with something different?


Currently what Ive produced is very specific to my own empires however with a little work it could easily become generic and transferable.


If this is a project that might interest you get in touch, it would be great to work with you and provide something so that all Mac users can enjoy Supernova without having to resort to buying windows :}




P.S. I am away from home rest of week so will email anyone back at weekend :woohoo:

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Yes, quite recently I use a Mac as well.


I converted a large part of my tools already to the Mac. SNFindPath works with Wine :angry2:, though the

Turn Entry program does not :woohoo:


For now I stick to a Win XP Image run in Fusion in unity Mode (mix of Mac and Win Windows).


But I have little time to contribute :(

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Yes, quite recently I use a Mac as well.


I converted a large part of my tools already to the Mac. SNFindPath works with Wine :angry2:, though the

Turn Entry program does not :woohoo:


For now I stick to a Win XP Image run in Fusion in unity Mode (mix of Mac and Win Windows).


But I have little time to contribute :(

:ranting: MY EYES......MY EYES....... :(

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Yes, quite recently I use a Mac as well.


I converted a large part of my tools already to the Mac. SNFindPath works with Wine :angry2:, though the

Turn Entry program does not :woohoo:


For now I stick to a Win XP Image run in Fusion in unity Mode (mix of Mac and Win Windows).


But I have little time to contribute :(


Have anyone tried running the SN Turn entryprogramm using Parrallels ?

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I can tell you that it all works under VirtualBox http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtualbox on Linux, and since there is a free version of VirtualBox for Mac OS X I highly suspect that is another option for you. Of course I would be much happier if the turn entry software ran natively under Linux, perhaps as a Java application.

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I can tell you that it all works under VirtualBox http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtualbox on Linux, and since there is a free version of VirtualBox for Mac OS X I highly suspect that is another option for you. Of course I would be much happier if the turn entry software ran natively under Linux, perhaps as a Java application.


Biggest Problem for this is the reading of the mdb. There is no general purpose driver for it on either Linux nor MacOS. Just a bunch of tools is available.

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I can tell you that it all works under VirtualBox http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtualbox on Linux, and since there is a free version of VirtualBox for Mac OS X I highly suspect that is another option for you. Of course I would be much happier if the turn entry software ran natively under Linux, perhaps as a Java application.


Biggest Problem for this is the reading of the mdb. There is no general purpose driver for it on either Linux nor MacOS. Just a bunch of tools is available.


You could import the .mdb's into Openoffice and then export them as something else.

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There is an alpha mdb driver for Linux open office but it is read only and I've never tried it. So you might be able to read the mdb but you couldn't create and orders mdb. Not that one is strictly necessary since only the CSV file is uploaded.



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There is an alpha mdb driver for Linux open office but it is read only and I've never tried it. So you might be able to read the mdb but you couldn't create and orders mdb. Not that one is strictly necessary since only the CSV file is uploaded.




hey, thats interesting news, thanks.


I will play with that a bit.

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No worries Cestvel, I might still have a play around to come up with my own editor, If I make anything half decent Ill let you know :}


I hadnt heard of the virtual Box so thanks Paradigm, its actually quite cool. I have been using Virtual PC from Connectrix, its like parallel and Fusion but no support or development anymore since Microsoft took them over.

I can run both a Linux and Windows Machine... Im going to work on dropping the windows machine though :}


What is 'wine'? I don't currently use the SNfindpath, heard lots of good things but didn't want another PC only program running so havent given it a try. If I can run it natively on my Mac that would be really cool :}





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