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New PM Format

chairman lar

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Am I the only one confused by the new PM/Profile set-up?? :cheers:

Yes, my contacts are also now on my block list!

But that may be due to the cause, that there is no longer a contact list !?

I'm glad it's not just me; cause or effect, the problem remains and the confusion is getting worse. :taz:


For the un-initiated - The 'new' format moved all my contacts to the PM Block list and listed them as 'blocked'. An attempt to change their status put 'Crunchy Frog' in a 'Banned' mode [which I can't change], but flipped the rest of the list to 'Message Allow'. There's also something called a 'Friends' list that [apparently] can only be added to from the 'Member's List', requiring approval. :(:unsure:


I haven't even begun to explore the rest of the 'features'; being afraid of where else it may take me until I can figure out the first 3 things I tried that didn't work out! :thumbsup:;)


Even the Emoticons ..., well, look for yourself. :unsure::blink:

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Am I the only one confused by the new PM/Profile set-up?? :unsure:

Yes, my contacts are also now on my block list!

But that may be due to the cause, that there is no longer a contact list !?

I'm glad it's not just me; cause or effect, the problem remains and the confusion is getting worse. :taz:


For the un-initiated - The 'new' format moved all my contacts to the PM Block list and listed them as 'blocked'. An attempt to change their status put 'Crunchy Frog' in a 'Banned' mode [which I can't change], but flipped the rest of the list to 'Message Allow'. There's also something called a 'Friends' list that [apparently] can only be added to from the 'Member's List', requiring approval. :blink::unsure:


I haven't even begun to explore the rest of the 'features'; being afraid of where else it may take me until I can figure out the first 3 things I tried that didn't work out! :wacko::unsure:


Even the Emoticons ..., well, look for yourself. :(:thumbsup:


From a Newbie's perspective, after 3 failed attempts to get registered ;) I'm finaly able to to get my accouont activated and start posting replys :unsure:


Talk at ya later :cheers:

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From a Newbie's perspective, after 3 failed attempts to get registered :cheers: I'm finaly able to to get my accouont activated and start posting replys :unsure:

Talk at ya later :unsure:

Greetings to our new friend [and lab rat] from the mid-west! ;)


Since he was new to everything, I used him to test some of the functions of this new format. He now has a comment posted on his profile page, a PM sent to his file, been added to the 'Friends List', and provided me with an opprotunity explore this maze without destroying anymore data. Not bad for his first day! :thumbsup:


So, Wyvern ol'boy, don't hesitate to call if I can be of any assistance. :taz:


Of course, if I don't answer I'm probably lost somewhere exploring more of these new possibilities and need someone to come looking for me. There's still a lot of buttons I'm afraid to push.:blink:



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